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Everything posted by CharlieSp

  1. Who are you? We, as 21st Air Infantry aim to deliver a semi-hardcore experience for ArmA 2: Combined Operations players. It means we are serious about our gaming, but we aren't extremists, and we do know how to take a joke. We have a structured organization in place which consists of Infantry, Air Force, a Fire Support Group and a wide variety of armoured vehicles, be they wheeled or tracked. We run scheduled operations and trainings that teach people the finer details of the game, but also providing people that sense of security in a friendly, team-building and team-working environment. We have a mod-list on our Team Speak 3 server that we use actively. What sort of weapons do you use? As we are a United States military based clan (Although we have members that live all around the world), it is standard for us to use NATO weaponry such as the M4A1, MP5A5 and M16A4, aswell as a number of others such as the SMAW Launcher, M203 Underslung Grenade Launcher and the Mk 12. What vehicles do you use? As for the vehicles, it is expected from an Air Infantry unit to utilize aerial vehicles for transport to and from the objectives and for resupplies/vehicle drops, Infantry Fighting Vehicles and Armoured Personnel Carrier's for when a direct aerial insertion is not possible. We also use Heavy Armour to provide immediate support against hostile armour, and Close Air Support Rotor Wing/Fixed Wing that will be called in should the situation require it. The vehicles in use are: CH-47 Chinook UH-60 Blackhawk UH-1Y Huey A-10 F-16 F/A-18 MV-22 Osprey AH-1Z Cobra AH-64 Apache Humvee M1A2 Stryker M109 Paladin M270 MLRS You mentioned before about training, what sort of training do you teach? There are many different types. When you first join you will be put through Basic Training, this will teach you about basic formations, weapon firing modes, stances, speeds and essential items you will need (This is mainly a chance to make sure your mods are all functioning, we normally take you on a small operation and teach you as we play because many people find sitting watching someone teach you is boring, so we thought we'd spice it up a bit :P ), after that you can move onto your Specialization Training for the role you picked, for example if I were to apply and I chose to play as an Anti-Tank in the Infantry then I would be taught all about rockets and their launchers. You only have to complete one Specialization Training, so we're not forcing you to take up multiple Specializations it's just a lot of people enjoy the challenge and responsibility of being able to use multiple pieces of equipment. The only Specialization we do not allow you to undertake unless your primary role is that is the Pilot Training, this is because you will hardly ever need to fly an aircraft and if you do a crash course can be given for the extreme basics, but Pilot Training is a lot more advanced than that. Hop on our TeamSpeak 3 server at: or apply to join here! Good day! ...
  2. CharlieSp

    Disable formation

    If you double click on the unit's you've placed you should see the Special field (underneath the Unit field), click on that it should say In Formation, None, and In Cargo. Set it to None :P
  3. Hmm, followed exactly what I said before (changing the : to a ; on line 7 of course :P ) but it still doesnt work, the addaction pops up but when i click it nothing happens?
  4. So after looking around the forums and the wiki I've got myself completely confused how to lay out a public variable. I under stand you start with a global variable and then do publicVariable = "nameoftheglobal"; but when implementing that into my script to unlock/lock a vehicle it doesnt work? unlockTransport.sqf obj1 = 1; unit1 = 2; publicVariable "obj1"; publicVariable "unit1"; { if((typeOf unit1) == "US_Soldier_TL_EP1") then { obj1 setvehiclelock "unlocked"; obj1 removeaction unlock; lock = obj1 addaction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +"Lock", "lockTransport.sqf"]; exit; }; lockTransport.sqf obj1 = 0; unit1 = 1; publicVariable "obj1"; publicVariable "unit1"; { if((typeOf unit1) == "US_Soldier_GL_EP1") then { obj1 setvehiclelock "locked"; obj1 removeaction lock; unlock = obj1 addaction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +"Unlock", "unlockTransport.sqf"]; exit; }; Thats my code for it, I'm also have trouble hiding the option if the unit isnt US_Soldier_GL_EP1?
  5. Thank you, sorry if I didn't make myself clear before, basically I'm making a training map for my clan and I want only instructors (US_Soldier_GL_EP1) to be able to unlock/lock the vehicles on the map so we have control over when a trainee can enter a vehicle, for that lock command would I just get rid of the public variables at the top of my script and replace obj1 setvehiclelock "locked" with obj1 lock true? and then obviously switch that around for the unlock ---------- Post added at 23:20 ---------- Previous post was at 23:15 ---------- so basically it would look like: obj1 = 0; unit1 = 1; { if((typeOf unit1) == "US_Soldier_GL_EP1") then { obj1 lock true: obj1 removeaction lock; unlock = obj1 addaction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +"Unlock", "unlockTransport.sqf"]; exit; }; And obj1 lock false in the unlock script?
  6. http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/lightAttachObject check out the bottom of that page requires a small amount of external scripting but nothing too major
  7. Are you inputting the script through the editor or by a .sqf file? if you're doing it by a .sqf file make sure you put an underscore (_) before the actual command (For example: _this addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_65x39_case_mag"]; ) and make sure you're calling the script correctly into the ammobox ( _dummy = this execvm "scripthere.sqf"; ). However if you're doing it directly in the editor make sure there ISNT an underscore in front of it, also i'd double check the classname, just in case
  8. If the player you want it to work with isnt in a group you could always just group that player to the trigger :P
  9. Ok so I tested the script with a mate and quickly realised local variables just arent gonna work for this script, so my question: How do i structure a public variable correctly with this following script? lockTransport.sqf _obj = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; if((typeOf _unit) == "US_Soldier_TL_EP1") then { _obj setvehiclelock "locked"; _obj removeaction lock; unlock = _obj addaction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +"Unlock", "unlockTransport.sqf"]; exit; }; unlockTransport.sqf _obj = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; if((typeOf _unit) == "US_Soldier_TL_EP1") then { _obj setvehiclelock "unlocked"; _obj removeaction unlock; lock = _obj addaction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +"Lock", "lockTransport.sqf"]; exit; }; I tried the following code but it doesnt work: obj2 = _this select 0; unit2 = _this select 1; publicVariable "obj2"; publicVariable "unit2"; [-2, { if((typeOf unit2) == "US_Soldier_TL_EP1") then { obj2 setvehiclelock "unlocked"; obj2 removeaction unlock; lock = obj2 addaction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +"Lock", "lockTransport.sqf"]; exit; } }] call CBA_fnc_globalExecute;
  10. UPDATED POST BELOW THIS ONE Hey, just started learning the more file based scripting for Arma 2 and I'm completely stuck on how to limit a vehicle lock/unlock script to a certain type of unit, who'll be the Instructor's for my clan training mission. Heres the basic crap I put together: In the vehicle's init: unlock = this addAction["<t color="#F6FF00"">" +"Unlock","unlockTransport.sqf];veh = [this] execVM "vehicle.sqf" Unlocking the vehicles (They start out as LOCKED in the editor :P) _obj = _this select 0; _obj setvehiclelock "unlocked"; _obj removeaction unlock; lock = _obj addaction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +"Lock", "lockTransport.sqf"]; exit; And then locking the vehicles _obj = _this select 0; _obj setvehiclelock "locked"; _obj removeaction lock; unlock = _obj addaction ["<t color=""#F6FF00"">" +"Unlock", "unlockTransport.sqf"]; exit; the units are Russian officers/RU_Soldier_Officer (Named i1, i2 and i3)
  11. Make a basic respawn script? In the editor hit F6 or select Markers, then put down any marker (This will be where your unit respawns) and in the Name field put either: respawn_west (BLUFOR), respawn_east (OPFOR), respawn_guerrilla (Independent) or respawn_civilian depending on what faction your host's unit is. Then open a new Notepad, Notepad++ or ArmaEdit file (For ArmaEdit select Description file (.ext) ) and type in the following code: respawn = "BASE"; // Just telling the game where to respawn you. The marker counts as BASE respawndelay = 10; // Amount of time before you respawn (With ArmaEdit you dont need to worry about the next bit, just make sure it's saved as Description.ext and then save it wherever you want) Notepad Hit save as, name it Description.ext and save it to wherever you need it. You CANNOT create a text document (.txt) as it'll save the file as Description.ext.txt
  12. Squad Name: 200th Mechanized Infantry Timezone/Location: GMT+0, United Kingdom Squad Gamemode Preference: Mostly Coop, PvP (TvT) aswell though Contact Email: PM me :P Website Address: http://www.200mechinfantry.enjin.com Short Description: 200th Mechanized Infantry is an Arma 2: CO small realism unit based on the Russian military and Air Force (We decided to not just follow the regular "Oh let's be US Forces" group of people), we employ the tactics, rank structure and call-signs of the Russian military and Air Force, using mods hand picked after hours of testing we plan to make your gaming experience a semi-hardcore one, meaning we're not Nazi's on rules but we still make the environment a professional one (Basically we love having fun whilst playing :P).
  13. There's also a module in ACE that does this :P