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Everything posted by rob223344

  1. I was thinking as well phronk you could put a If (player == _this select 0) exitWith {}; in the first line of your Fuzz function that would also work because that will come in handy for your todos that exclude other peopl from hearing side, group and vehicle when they aren't in the channel. because you can use currentChannel to detect whether the transmitter's on side/vehicle/group channel and change the remote exec to use their side, crew (vehicle player) or group instead of 0 or -1*clientowner as the "target" of the remote exec in those specific cases. in that way the script just detects that the player is the param that was sent over the remoteexec and doesn't run the code but allows you to use a group, side or crew (vehicle player) as targets.
  2. Phronk, first of all this is great, good work. Reading the Biki for remoteexecute: the function will be executed only on client with the given owner ID. When 0, the function will be executed on each client including the one where remoteExec was called from. When 2, it will be executed only by server. When negative, it will be executed everywhere except for machines with the given client ID. Use -2 to target everyone except the server. Area is bold should be the solution I think in your case your remoteExecs should change as so: [player]remoteExec["Fuzz",0]; would become: [player]remoteExec["Fuzz",(-1 * (clientOwner))];
  3. rob223344

    Delete marker script.

    Yes WoodStock I believe it will if you're only running the script on the guy's computer that you want to see it (which it looks like you are) if it gets run on the server, I'm not so sure
  4. rob223344

    ASR AI 3

    Cool robalo that gives me some comfort. I will check whether the skill settings are migrated when using setgroupowner as I would expect they would be. You have saved me a lot of time testing with your reply so I do appreciate it.
  5. rob223344

    Script AI to drop folded tripod

    I should have mentioned the description in the function webpage is wrong it is to unpack and setup a static weapon. I have used it and it works hence my suggestion.
  6. rob223344

    Script AI to drop folded tripod

    Random suggestion out of left field, but have you looked at using this function or had a look at the code in the function viewer for ideas? https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/BIS_fnc_unpackStaticWeapon It sounds very similar to what you're trying to do.
  7. rob223344

    Delete marker script.

    First can you confirm you want only you to see the marker not everyone on the server, in which case you may need to use https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createMarkerLocal rather than createMarker Also if you're trying to use deleteVehicle to get rid of the marker you need to use deletemarker or https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/deleteMarkerLocal depending on the createmarker command used. Edit: ah JShock beat me!
  8. ah yeah that'll be it totally forgot he's using a trigger
  9. 1. try: if ( (side _x == independent) || (side _x == east) ) then........... I'm wondering the lack of extra brackets around the condition is stuffing it up
  10. rob223344

    ASR AI 3

    Hi Robalo, I had a rather minor question, I have been testing an easy way to migrate editor placed AI to headless client using the setGroupOwner command that is being pushed on Dev version at the moment. It seems to work well for this purpose, while setowner didn't transfer over the waypoints setGroupOwner does and they function as they would normally after moved to HC, however I am yet to check whether ASR AI works in that case, but while I was searching I noticed that you referred to a problem where, when a zeus disconnected after spawning in units, it'd migrate them to server ownership and that that can cause some mixed results with applying ASR stuff but you were looking into it at the time (a year ago?). The potential problem as I see it is since the units aren't spawned just moved locality, I'm concerned that the ASR event handlers may not trigger or the asr Danger.FSM not applied. (assuming the HC and the server is running ASR on their instances as I know that was a major problem with Zeus and running any units not on the server anyway) Can I ask did you work anything out with regards to the Zeus disconnect and subsequent locality migration problem that might be able to shed some light as to whether any problems might pop up?
  11. Yeah I was mucking around for a few hours over the weekend and I worked out a basic one scripting only with rappelling (not hard to then do one for fast roping) currently only tested in single player but its an improvement on previous "pre-rope" versions I've seen, I will post a video when I get home. Hoping to make a mod version that will allow SPIE techniques for extraction as well. Problem is that yes you can attach people to a line from a chopper but they get "stuck" to the ground and the rope eventually breaks (person stays on the ground), however I am thinking we need a fake "invisible" static that you get in when you hook up to the line as statics seem to do the phsyics well and don't get stuck on the ground.
  12. rob223344

    lower Bandwidth usage Script

    Well it has a big effect locally (client side) with vehicles and other mission objects with something such as wasteland Leading to client side lag, but yes houses I can imagine that would be the case hence why i said that doesn't mean it doesn't affect a server. Thanks for the heads up! I will look at that
  13. rob223344

    lower Bandwidth usage Script

    Discovered last night disabling simulation on all objects that are "House" (60k of them from memory) seems to make no difference to frame rates whereas doing this for all mission objects (usually just vehicles, units etc.) usually improves wasteland type missions by 10+ fps client side. Just stating this so people can stop wasting their time disabling houses. Thats not to say that it might not make an effect with a high player count dedicated server.
  14. rob223344

    lower Bandwidth usage Script

    Hi guys, Thought i might jump in here, I've been working on something similar to help with the above fps issues, you might be able to apply an object eventhandler using the hit event as the trigger to enablesimulation and/or setdamage. problem I'm finding is getting all of these buildings/objects, it takes like 10 minutes to retrieve all objects on altis using nearobjects. last time I tried I'm pretty sure my graphics glitched out because I ran out of memory!