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Everything posted by Purzel

  1. Thank you, but how do I put the sound to right position? Put the trigger to the wanted position?
  2. OK, here´s the solution: If you are using mods like TFAR (and others) and you want to use some Keys depending on those mods, you´ll have to use the target software! First install the target software and keep in mind, which keystrokes are needed. Normally ArmA3 is not able to let you set keys out of the original configuration-menu, which is needed for TFAR and other mods. Then delete all HOTAS-keys ingame, if you have tried before. The trick is: The target-software will provide the hardware under a new name. After that you will be able to set keys from within the mods-menus. However: Now set your keysettings with the new name of the Warthog-Hardware and you will be able to use it ingame. note: You have to load your T.a.r.g.e.t.-profile for ArmA3 first and run it. When you hear your usual "USB-device-is-connected"-sound, the new HOTAS-hardware will be displayed ingame. I´ll trie to load my profile here, so anybody will see how it works: Dropbox-link: https://www.dropbox.com/s/hge6az1y2x44ocs/Arma3.fcf?dl=0 be free to change the keys as you like and remember, its a German keyboard-layout, so some keys might not work... greetings Purzel Edit: Download the latest drivers/firmware for your Trustmaster product! When a TARGET-profile is started, it creates a new device "trustmaster combined", you can use that profile to bind keys on the throttle & joystick. If you are in Arma 3, you can use exactly that keys e.g. for radio. BUT: Your flight-controls stay on the old devices (HOTAS joystick or HOTAS throttle) shown und your config > controller. Deactivate all without that device you want to use in your config, then do your entry with the desired flight controls, Arma3 will use now only the activated controller for your entries and will not interfer with the deactivated devices. Do that step for ALL Trustmaster devices, config every throttle/joystick/rudder-pedal for its own (without double entries!), then activate ALL devices again and use them all ingame. That´s the way how it works perfectly at my configuration.
  3. Hi there, Is it possible to build a surveillance camera, which is positioned anywhere on the map and a laptop/tv/etc. somewhere else in which everybody can see the cameras picture? Should work in MP, so everybody stands in a briefing room and can see the "live-feed" of that cam... Greetz Purzel
  4. Ok, now I have the problem, that my Throttle is "reversed"... If I push full forward, Engine is OFF, if I pull its full power... I dont know why, but it has changed the direction... Suggestions anybody?
  5. Its now running without the Target-Software. But the stick can only be configured permanently in the Main-Menü ... and!... after a while of configuring the HOTAS isn´t displayed in the "controller"-field.
  6. with map loaded.. [EDIT] It works when I dont´t use the T.a.r.g.e.t.-Software and configure it in the ArmA-MAIN-Menu without map loaded. But the joystick will only be shown, when I start the game new!
  7. Thats the problem, there is NO Warthog visible in that field... not white or grey...
  8. Hi there, I´m trying around with a real bad sandstorm on a desert map. But i don´t get it. I wanna use ONLY a script, not an addon, to keep our server-addons modest. I´ve tried the bis_function "sandstorm" its not that dense as i wanted. I´ve tried the sandstorm-script from Gooncorp (Armaholic), they don´t work. But it´s written for ArmA2, so maybe some fixes can let work at A3, but I´m not that scripting hero... I like this sandstorm-Video and I need something like this. It should to work in MP. It should be real foggy, color corrected (sand-like) and with particle-waves as seen in the video above... and maybe the sandstorm should be dynamic and get stronger/weaker while playing...? Possible? And: Do I have to set the standard weather-parameters to some special values (manual/auto)...? Maybe someone could help me and explain some values, etc. Greetz and thanks a lot Purzel
  9. Hi Folks, I´m trying to get a working SlowMotion-cam for a multiplayer-map. I need this for a movie with my clan-mates. In this clip we want to advance under fire (towards enemy) as a group while in slo-mo. Our armpatches should be visible, so that the reason, why I cannot just go to singleplayer. Is there any chance to get it working? I would prefer a map, where I can give some directors orders to my clan-mates, then start acting in slow-motion, cut, back to real time, and again... I tried around with a lot of scripts (mostly "setTimeAcc"-stuff), but I cant get it work in MP... Any suggestions ?? Maybe a completely different command or another solution...? Like getting our own armpatches to AI-units? Greetz Purzel
  10. There are no silly questions... Then a movie would have 25 pics/second as standard. If I would have a "real" slow-motion than I´d have a movie with e.g. four seconds (which is one realtime second), spreaded over 100 Pics (4x25pics), which means one second will last four times as long. Which means I´d have a better time-"resolution" and a much more detailed clip. The trajectory of the shotshells would be much more interpolatet... I´d have a better body-move interpolation, etc. A shotshell etc. would be rendered in four more pics Alltogether it would look much more "clearer"... So I need this slow-motion... :p
  11. But we had a multiplayer-game in which we had a time acceleration on a certain point... So I guess, if accereration is possible, then there must be a way to go slower too...??? That was my thought... Is is possible to get our clan-logo to an AI-uniform? In virtual arsenal the last point (on left side) contains several armpatches/logos... so I could put them on AI-units and use them instead and do the movie with AI in SP...? greetings Purzel
  12. Hi, I´m looking for a possibility to respawn enemy squads (if eliminated by human players). I need this for a map running on our server. So everybody who is connecting will spawn in a trigger-area, which is spawning some enemy troops. If the enemy troops are killed, the same group should spawn again (maybe at a different spawn-site), so our server-guests can play "indefinetly". Is this somehow possible? I´ll tried around with some spawn-markers/modules, but no enemy respawns... Greetings Purzel
  13. Thanks guys - I forgot to say: I don´t want to use another mod! Just a script or something like that... I´ll try around with your tipps!... ;) What do I have to change here? e.g. I wanna have a mixed 10 men CSAT-group..? _trigger = _this select 0; _unit = _this select 1; //REQUIRED _number = _this select 2; //REQUIRED _side = _this select 3; //REQUIRED _respawn = _this select 4; _group = createGroup _side; _spawnTime = _this select 6; _posInTrigger = [0, 0, 0]; _alive = 0;
  14. Purzel

    Military Parade

    Yeah - then I´ll try... Thanks a lot guys! :)
  15. Hi Folks, I want to do a "big" military parade on the big airfield on Altis. The big boss is standing on a tower/viewing point and some tanks should drive by. Unfortunatly the tanks don´t drive from one waypoint to another (which are (exactly pinned ON the runway) along the street near the viewing point), instead they drive offroad... Behavior "careless" or "save" doesnt change anything, I already tested, but they should be in that mode, because I want to see the crews head out of the hatches. They should drive from A to B (Formation: File in two rows ). And they should drive in two rows and I don´t want to use the staggered column. Even they´re set by me in a "file"-like starting-formation, they need to reconfigure their postions until they´re in formation. Is there a posibilitiy to get two rows of a military parade, which are starting in a two row formation and which is staying on the road? How ca I get this? They just need to drive by in two rows, no big thing, but I don´t get it. Greetings Purzel
  16. Purzel

    Military Parade

    If I understand that right, I have to create ten path.sqf (path1, path2, up to path10) if I have ten tanks passing by? Or Do I just need two path.sqf and start all tanks (after each other) using the two path.sqf (when using a two row parade)?
  17. Purzel

    Military Parade

    Yes it´s for MP... I need to get this thing working... But how do I record movements? Never heard of it...
  18. Hi folks, I don´t get it. A marker should be initally not be visible, then after a trigger-activation a landingzone marker should become visible for all (multiplayer). trigger activation: nul=[] execVM "scripts\lzmarker.sqf"; marker stuff inside the lzmarker.sqf : _nametrigger = _this select 0; _marker = format["%1",_nametrigger]; _marker = createMarkerLocal [_marker, position _nametrigger]; _marker setMarkerShapeLocal "ICON"; _marker setMarkerBrushLocal "PICKUP"; _marker setMarkerSizeLocal [1,1]; _marker setMarkerColorLocal "ColorWEST"; But this does not work. I´ve tried around with some scriptings stuff from the internet, but nothing.. I called the landingzone (empty objects, invisible Helipad) "lz" and would like to use that position as the markers position. Please help & Thanks a lot! Greetings Purzel
  19. THANK YOU ! This is working! great! :cheers::ok::pc:
  20. Thank you for your help, I had it like that, but it does not work. What is _nametrigger? The marker should not be created at the position of its trigger... The marker should appear instead at the position of an invisible helipad...
  21. Sorry... I want this Marker (#9) "Pickup"... It´s listed in here: How do i get this marker? I refer to this Link: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/cfgMarkers Do I have to put the class Cfgmarkers stuff into my description.ext?
  22. Thanks guys, but I don´t understand some higher scripting stuff (especially within combination of my english capabilities) ... So I have often problems to get things right. The last code means what? nul=[thisTrigger] execVM "scripts\lzmarker.sqf"; what means "thisTrigger"...? Is it a name of the trigger, that triggers the lzmarker.sqf..? And for my general understanding: Do I have to set a marker (lzmarker) to the map and set it somehow invisible, the trigger it visible or do I have to create a marker, which is not persistant before creation...? and now the bad message: It does not work, because the pickup-marker is not found..? What do i have to do? Greetz Purzel
  23. Hi, it seems to be a nicer look for conversations. So I tried to bind it into my mission. I need a little conversation between a REDFOR ai-unit and a BLUFOR human-unit. But I don´t understand how and where to put the texts. and how to trigger them ingame. I just need it for the identification of a secret agent. There has not to be a bigger conversation, just a little "Are you looking for birds?" "Yes, the birds are more fluffy in springtime." "Ok, target identified, let´s go!" The player should walk around and talk to that one person, all others will tell him useless stuff (or nothing) I already copied the folder and the description.ext-stuff into my mission. Unfortunatly I´m not the big scripting guru... So please give me a hint, what to write where. But even I read the examples, I don´t know, where to write all those code-snippets. What next? Thx Greetings Purzel
  24. Great it works...! Unfortunatly its working too, when I was throwing a chemlight... hahaha! But I guess, this will not be changeable... :-( A big "Thanks!" for your help! Greetings Purzel