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Everything posted by rafael09ed

  1. Survivable Crashes (& Shoot-downs) When activated, this mod allows the crew of a vehicle to survive it's destruction and escape with some damage taken. While designed for helicopters, vehicle classes may be whitelisted. When the vehicle reaches fatal damage, players will be knocked unconscious, ejected when near the ground, applied randomized damage, and then woken up. The vehicle will explode after 40-80 seconds. These effects may be customized by using the Survivable Crashes Settings Module in your mission. ACE3 damage will be automatically applied if it is in the active mod pack. This mod is being revitalized by Saborknight. Videos: Crash @ 2:00 Crash @ 1:50 Additional Information Download WIP - GITHUB Old Download: Github Releases Notes:
  2. Survivable Crashes Script This script allows the crew of a vehicle to survive it's destruction and escape with some damage taken. While designed for helicopters, any vehicle that would normally explode and kill all the crew members, should instead knock the players unconscious, eject them once next to the ground, deal some damage to the players, and then be woken up. Then in 60-120 seconds, the vehicle will explode if it had not already exploded on impact. ACE3 damage will be automatically applied if it is in the active mod pack. As of v1.2.1, this script should work in MP. This Script has been replaced by the Survivable Crashes Mod For information on this script, visit it's Github Page Video: Github Download: Github
  3. I am currently testing a version that I think may work properly which is on the master branch of the github. Also you must still have the Medical module's 'Prevent Instant Death' setting turned on if you are using ACE 3.
  4. I was having a difficulty limiting the area the sound would play. To limit it to only units that are inside the vehicle can hear it, go to r0ed_SurvivableCrashes\functions\fn_onVehicleCrash.sqf and change if (_sfxEnabled) then { [_veh] remoteExec ["r0ed_SurvivableCrashes_PlaySfx", -2]; }; to if (_sfxEnabled) then { [_veh] remoteExec ["r0ed_SurvivableCrashes_PlaySfx", crew _veh]; };
  5. You replace the other forEach loop at the end of the file r0ed_SurvivableCrashes\functions\init\init_survivableCrashes.sqf
  6. I found that whenever the mod starts, any units currently in vehicles will have the mod enabled. It was not intended for that to happen. You could fix it by doing this :
  7. I had actually tried that and it did not work for some reason. Thinking about it again, I think I would have to set the var before the exitWith. If you added a feature to ignore a syntax error, (either by error, line or code block and then have it grey-ed out so people know it is not being checked, a reset would be good as well if someone does something odd) I think that could put less pressure on you so people don't ask for constant implementations of whatever feature they want to use. Personally, this plug in has saved me tons of time debugging so I really like what you made. I understand if you question having to update this plugin, It works most of the time, and only has a bug during obscure things and ones that require time to write or odd checks to work. I would suggest working on it whenever you feel like it and only making packaged releases when a new version of Arma Stable is released so the functions list is updated. This way you are not overworked and updates are on a schedule that makes sense to you. Regardless, I really appreciate your work. Thank you.
  8. Thanks for the update, I have another syntax error bug to report. _isValidWork = { if (side _x == west || side _x == east) exitWith {true}; false } forEach (player nearEntities ["Man", 100]); This code produces the error at forEach. I keep finding the most obscure things in the wiki and finding a use for them.
  9. I don't think the script works on AI. Normally it only works on vehicles players are driving. I do not know why the aircraft would stop in the air.
  10. Here you go. I have not tested it in MP, but it is almost an exact duplicate of the mod, so it should work. There is a .zip you can download under releases.
  11. In 1.2, I added a parameter in the module that activates a string of code when a crash is detected. In the string, the last event handler before the crash is passed so you can check the projectile type for the one you want, and then kill the crew based off of that. I do not plan on adding a feature where player would be killed by manpads or heavy AA sites since it really depends on player preference and knowing what sources you want units to be killed by, but I can make it easier for people to customize the mod the way they want it.
  12. Version 1.2 Released Removes HandleDamage Event Handler when disabled Script now does nothing to player health when when medical system is set to none "None" Added parameter in the module to run code when the mod detects a crash
  13. Any feedback or requests to put into version 1.2?
  14. At 1:17 on the video, you can see the customization options for v1.1 . Right now there is no direct setting to customize what you are asking. However, there is an option to use your own medical setting to affect the players (which I just realized is fairly misleading because it still limits damage in v1.1). What you can do, assuming no other mods handleDamage, is remove all handleDamage Event Handlers and then create your own for the players in the vehicle. It gets complicated when dealing with damage sources and deciding when exactly you want a player to die, so I chose to make it so everyone survives all the time. I will look into this whenever I work on the next version of this mod.
  15. Yes it should, I have tested this on a dedicated server with another player. Just make sure all the players have the mod installed.
  16. Thank you Thanks for the feedback. The main visual difference is that ACE add on it's own unconscious effect, makes the player look down, and disables input. Thank you! It took me a few days to learn how to format everything into a mod and then fix the problems from the script version. Yes, the default settings in the module applies the mod to all aircraft, however you can change it to a list of any vehicle classes you want. Just make sure players have the mod installed as well, or else the mod will not work for them. The mod uses two ways for adding the event handler. When a player spawns inside the aircraft at the beginning of a mission, and when a player enters a helicopter by themselves. Creating vehicles through Zeus should work.
  17. This script has been updated and released as a mod: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/190516-survivable-crashes-shoot-downs-mod/
  18. Thank you for the update! I have some more requests. I just learned about Macros and tried to use them, but it looks like the plugin does not recognize them. It is hard to find anything on them, even when larger mods use them :P . I also have some minor things: Some params sometimes show up as uninitialized, even when you initialize them like this : params["_a", ["_b", true], ["_c", 0]]; If you put some code inside brackets for use as a variable ( { private ["_veh] } ), it thinks the new variable is inside the same scope. This will cause it to say "Variable already declared private" if it is declared elsewhere.
  19. Noticed another bug. for "_i" from 5 to 0 step -1 do {}; throws a sytax error at step. If you prefer for me to PM you any bugs I come across, I can do that as well. This plugin has already saved me a significant amount of time I would have spent debugging. Rated Topic 5/5. Thank you again.
  20. Nice! I really needed this. While Syntax highlighting is good in Notepad++, Intelij really takes everything to the next level. I do have several bugs though. - While{[anything here not ending with a semi-colon ]} do {}; are marked as a syntax error. - Variables declared under params ["_whatever"]; are marked as uninitialized and non-private. - It does not recognize the semicolon as valid in a switch do: switch (_part) do { case "head"; case "body": { }; }; Regardless of these errors, I still love what you have done. Thank you.
  21. rafael09ed

    Error with making a module.

    I had this same problem with my module. I took a look at A3\functions_f\Modules\fn_moduleExecute.sqf, And that part of the script is activated by setting isDisposable = 1; I set it to 0 and it worked without an error.
  22. Yes it is possible, I will look into this for the next version. Thanks for the suggestion.
  23. Thanks for the suggestions. If I am able to make this into a mod, I will include those options. Probably not.
  24. Under the ACE Medical Settings Module, you can disable AI Unconsciousness, and I believe that would kill the AI if they go down, but I don't know if that is what you are looking to do. I made the 'Prevent Instant Death' setting a requirement, because during testing with a land vehicle and an AI AT specialist I was not able to survive the impact of the missile without that setting enabled. I could not come up with a good reason of why I would survive all the crashes in a helicopter, but not once when I was hit in a Strider with an ACE Javelin missile, so I assume that it is possible to die without that setting even though I have never experienced it. I would eventually like to get to the point where I don't have to worry about the settings and it would work all the time, but until I figure out why and have a solution, I would prefer to present it as a required setting, then have someone unexpectedly die in an actual mission. If your clan has any problems or suggestions, I would like to hear them. I have never made a mod before, so I will have to do some research and get some help. I think it does make sense to have this as a mod. I believe it should work for all vehicles as long as you enable prevent instant death.