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Everything posted by Vestly

  1. Are you making your own models ? Did you consider adding a T-72 Moderna ?
  2. Awesome :) I have just 1 question. Will you create another Czechoslovak republic or what ?
  3. Just tested it :) Looks really good , thanks man ! Just one thing . It would be great , if you could change names/callsigns to some Slovak names . :)
  4. Vestly

    Slovak Armed Forces

    Looks amazing , thanks man ! :)
  5. This is BS. There were a several fake rumors , like Soviet generals just follow olders or Soviet soldiers dont want to fight but they have to ,etc. Generals told these things to soldiers so they will have bigger morale in fight .after Cold war , they found out , that it wasnt truth.
  6. I just dont like , that you have to play as an American soldier. Right now , USA is collapsing. USA is spying Europe , so I dont think , that they would be allies in 2035. It would be better , if you could play as Europe Corps or something like that. Just my opinion. At least there were some brits . I dont like , that for example Russia or China arent in the game.
  7. Episode is too short. I expected 6-8 hours , not 1-3
  8. It isnt the same. We can use your theory : Mig-15 vs F-22. There was never a real test and they werent in a fight , so we dont know , which aircraft is better. Or we can simply use informations , which we can find on internet. For example , Su-35 has superior radar , higher speed , bigger range , better maneuverability (they can dodge the missile - they tested it) , etc. So , we can theretically say , that Su-35 is superior.
  9. Finally I Found "bad guys" for my missions :) Thanks !
  10. Hi , just few ideas: 1. There should be more tanks (because there are more armies). Maybe Leclerc , Chally 2 and modernized T-72 (T-90 , T-95 whatever) for easter countries so it will be more realistic . 2. I would choose hk-416 as a main rifle , but it is just my opinion. 3. more type of uniforms with eurocorps flag on it . I dont think , that there should be for example French flag or German flag , because there are too much nations and I dont think , that you will make uniform with for example Poland flag or Slovak flag. PS : That video is just hilarious. Gripen wouldnt stand a change against Su-35 . I hate propagandistic videos like these , because thanks to them , we have a lots of "weapon experts" on the internet :j:
  11. Vestly

    Development Blog & Reveals

    WIll there be some new vehicles in new DLC ?
  12. Vestly

    Slovak Armed Forces

    I know , that you can´t change it via ranks you choose in editor. It looks better with rank than with empty place.
  13. Vestly

    Slovak Armed Forces

    Looks really nice. Just want to ask , what mean two stars on shoulder . I guess it is major general , but I am not sure.
  14. Vestly

    Slovak Armed Forces

    any progress ?
  15. Vestly

    Slovak Armed Forces

    It looks great. :) Edit: Did you considered using balaclava in your 5.PSU addon ?
  16. Vestly

    Slovak Armed Forces

    Nice , It looks really great. What weapons will they have ?
  17. Vestly

    Slovak Armed Forces

    Hi , I just want to ask , if you have some progress in making this addon