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About Owl607

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    Revision & Study, Computing and Music

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  1. Owl607

    Arma Air Assault

    Arma Air Assault is still going strong and we're continuing our recruitment drive! To stay true to our group's ability to click from joking around to boots on the ground seriousness; each Thursday we have mid-week madness sessions, where members of AAA can come and join in on a fun and tactical experience to boost their weekly morale. Linked below is a short video that gives a small insight into this great activity.
  2. Who are we? Arma Air Assault is a group that was formed during Arma II which continues to construct on its foundations of the dynamic military doctrine of air assault in the new world of ArmA III. AAA is fully committed to the Arma III world and we utilise a large number of mods to enhance our gameplay experience to a near ACE experience. We are looking for mature team players who will speak to all through respect and not rank. We have our own Teamspeak and dedicated game server, now we just need you! Background In the fictitious world of Bohemia Interactive's game, Arma Air Assault is a military group assigned to NATO's Response force where we follow the dynamic military doctrine that is Air Assault. Arma Air Assault is tasked with the more challenging and aggressive operations when peace-keeping simply isn't enough. With the international background, sections are created using a variety of military hardware from the international community. This mix of nationalities and equipment brings a new dynamic to an ArmA III online gaming group. Reasons to join us The group was founded on some very basic principles; a small group, tactical gameplay, respect, fun, focus and dedication. There are no monthly fees or dues to be a member of AAA, although donations to keep the dedicated server and Teamspeak channel up and running are always welcomed. We speak through respect and not rank. Rank is only used in the structure of training and operations. Arma Air Assault has its own Teamspeak as well as a dedicated server which allows us to smoothly utilise our heavily modded experience (E.G ACRE and Individualised custom uniforms) which leads to an ideal ACE like atmosphere. A selective group of players who treat each other with equality and respect. Gaming schedule based around CST times but we also have European members who are very pleased with our training and operation times. We require mature players who can reach the quality expected of them to fill the squads and bolster the bar-raising standard of the group that is Arma Air Assault. Learn about our group in detail on our website here, and see us in action on our youtube channel here. Recordings from the field Arma Air Assault Forums - http://armaairassault.invisionzone.com/ Arma Air Assault Videos - https://www.youtube.com/user/ArmaAirAssault An online gaming group that values respect, fun and tactical gameplay. We are officially 100% playing Arma 3 all the time. Our first photo.....................video to follow The video as promised Arma Air Assault is a MilSim group dedicated to using real world military tactics around the exciting doctrine of Air Assault. Since the group's inception in June 2012 we have played in the world of Arma 2. On November 17th, 2013 we completely and exclusively moved over to Arma 3. We made this decision after creating a unique mod pack that allowed us to enjoy the same level of realism with Arma 3 we had in Arma 2. Thanks to some talented members, our group enjoys custom uniforms, scripts and a unique, immersive playing experience. We have decided to limited the size of our group which means we can only accept a certain number of additional members. Consequently, we need to ensure the players we take on want teamplay, believes in a group success over an individual one, doesn't care about racking up personal kills and strives to be the best Arma gamer.
  3. Absolutely love the look of this, tried that one WWII mod and always been curious to try a WWI mod.
  4. Absolutely thrilled for this, my PC screen just isn't taking my money!