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Everything posted by ironhawx

  1. So basically trying to make a mission where team sneaks into the area and meets up with a local asset. The asset is simply there to deliver a local "civilian" truck for them to use to travel safely into city undercover. Basically what I was thinking was in the init of the vic, putting something like: "foreach unit set captive true;" however realized that probably wouldn't work because then they are liable to be set captive rest of mission. So basically looking for something that sets captive state true while units are in the vic but once they disembark the vic captive state switches back to false, with a like a two second buffer before the switch happens. Any help would be great as my search wasn't very fruitful.
  2. Much thanks someone was trying to have me use some big script package that checked what a unit is wearing and stuff, and I was like thats way more than I needed and new there was a simpler way. Thank you for the help. Idk if I could trouble you as to go over the codes pieces so I can understand it a bit better? If I'm reading it right "this" refers to the vic obviously, addEventHandler checks anytime an event happens aka a unit enters or exits the vehicle. "GetOut" is keyword for a built in command (interaction option) that players fire., params short for parameters? then its that stuff inside I'm almost certain 100% wrong on, but are built in keywords/functions of arma? and you set the parameters to look for an event regarding the vic, its position, or any units interacting with it? and when it detects a unit getting out it sets it to false?
  3. So I've got a trigger that activates via another trigger plays an alarm, then stops after like 5 seconds. I've tried cond: triggerActivated trig2 && (alive alarm); and act: this nul = [thisTrigger] spawn {while {true} do {(_this select 0) say3D "Alarm_OPFOR"; sleep 10;};}; however it doesn't work. If I had to guess, is b/c when it spawn itself again, the condition is no longer true b/c trig2 is gone and can't fire it again. So my question is can I have the trigger before trig2 actually tell trig 3 to start, vs trig3 looking to see if trig 2 was activated? If I could do that i could eliminate the triggerActivated from the condition, and just have (alive alarm) which means every time the trigger spawned, its condition would be true and would fire. I've looked all over the place, spent many hours trying to figure this out but no joy. Edit: Ultimately what I'm trying to do, is once the boys get detected alrams go off and keep going till they destroy the alarms/loudspeakers which I have named alarm1, alarm2, and alarm 3 respectively. I've thought of doing an external script, and using execVM "alarmSQF" to call it and just spawn the 3d alarm sounds at marker pos and use a loop in the script. Basically they get detected via trig2 it calls the sqf, in the sqf something along the lines of _snd = while (true): if ((alive alarm1) && (alive alarm2) && (alive alarm3)) then play sound "Alarm_OPFOR" at marker1, marker 2, marker 3; elseIf((alive alarm1) && (alive alarm2)) then play sound "Alarm_OPFOR" at marker1, marker 2; elseIf((alive alarm2) && (alive alarm3)) then play sound "Alarm_OPFOR" at marker2, marker3; elseIf((alive alarm1) && (alive alarm 3)) then play sound "Alarm_OPFOR" at marker 1, marker 3; elseIf((!alive alarm1) && (!alive alarm 2) && (!alive alarm 3) return false; Thanks for any help you can give.
  4. ironhawx

    Jets DLC Official Feedback

    Ok so overall enjoy the DLC, however one major glaring issue that ultimately is inexcusable considering the group responsible for the mod. They say "dynamic load-out" but really its not, not in the sense I'm sure most of us were expecting. I was expecting a system similar to the original f-18 mod that was first mod to allow dynamic load outs on the fly. Considering that mod group is a lot of what makes up BO1 I'm a little pissed a system like this isn't in. Fact that I have to decide a load-out in editor is complete bs, and worse can't even use this feature via Zeus. So your stock with stock planes unable to adjust load-out at all. Seriously FA-18 SU-35 have dynamic load outs, F-16, F-15, have dynamic load-outs, the USAF mod has dynamic load outs, and these mods have been around for well over 2 years with this function. Why the hell does the dlc not have true "dynamic load-outs" vs just able to edit the load-outs via editor. Really disappointed in BO1 for not having this in, and in BI for not saying to BO1 we want you to at least have features your original mod in then expand from there. Guess once again up to the mod community to fix the oversight of BI.
  5. as far as hud w/ asl kimi's hmd if not mistaken has that function in its hud
  6. ok thanks for that so for a few vics just have a cpl triggers one for each, otherwise we are stepping into a dedicated script scenario. Ok thanks for all the help.
  7. ok so i understand scripting to the extent of I can read it and somewhat understand what does what. However I'm not good knowing how to phrase and/write things. Was wondering if (if you'd be so kind) how I would code multiple variable that are to be "stealthed" aka more than one helicpoter aka heli1, heli2, heli3, jet1, jet2, jet3, etc. I tried to just repeat this " (getpos heli select 2) < 20 " in same trigger, but got an error. Was wondering if could help me out one last time
  8. ok well i used jus the first one, disable/enable and worked like a charm you sir deserve a beer, this will really help mission i'm working on.
  9. Ok so i'd put the {_x disableAI "ALL"} forEach [AA1, AA2,...]; into the act, and "AA1" etc is what ever i name the enemy units, and for deactive i'd use same code except for disableAI i would use enableAI?
  10. awesome sounding trigger, however two questions, 1. the height setting is it the current altitude of the heli, or is it referring to sea level height? 2. Can i sync this trigger to certain units (aka missile based aa) so that the heli can still be targeted by small arms fire or gun based aa that wouldn't require a lock and therefor stealth wouldn't matter?
  11. So basically I'm creating a hostage rescue mission, i have 4 hostages, i have a trigger that will end mission in failure if all hostages die. Only one need survive so i have the trigger set up at ({alive _x} count [unit1,unit2,unit3,unit4,unit5]) isEqualTo 0 mission ends if it returns back 0. Simple enough, however trying to set the victory trigger is where I'm having issues, basically I want the trigger to activate once all hostages THAT are a still alive have been moved to safe zone. So basically if 3 out of the 5 are alive, then all 3 of the ones alive need to moved and present in the safe zone trigger area. Any help would greatly be appreciated, I tried searching w/o success.
  12. Ok when I googled this I got a post that wasn't activate in over 160 days so per the warning I figured I'd ask in a new thread. What I was searching for (and failed to find) was aside from a script to allow the doors to be operated on the GhostHawk to be make it to where only the pilot/copilot could open them and if by reading their states be able to deny entry into it if the doors were closed. Any help or info if its even possible would be greatly appreciated.
  13. Ok so looked around found a script, but popping errors (http://www.armaholic.com/forums.php?m=posts&q=32699 about half way down from user 654wak654) but its basically the premise of being able to die respawn at base then gear back up and jump back in the fight by teleporting to to squad members position. Had hoped this would work as it seemed to fit the bill, being able to select which squad member as well as matching members position. Its a small 6man misison(s) so we don't have pilots and such to fly us to and from battle once we get on our way. Any help would be appreciated. Note the error that popped was undefined variable in: bfd_fnc_showdialog EDIT Disregard script works i overlooked the fact I had to create init.sqf for the mission itself as well and include a small line of code. so if a mod wants to close/delete this threat by all means.
  14. Agreed it would be nice if nothing else you could select parameters in eden, then when you save the file it would auto create the description.ext
  15. ironhawx

    Analogue Inputs only 50% range

    Ya you have to bind y+ to one collective analogue and y- to opposite collective analogue. So it would either be y+ collective raise(analogue) and y- collective lower(analogue) or vice versa in the controls. All depends on you want to set it, if you want it to feel more like a real helo controls you would need it to where when you pull back you are raising the collective. I'd tell you specifically my setup but i'm not at my gaming rig atm, but to get 100% range you have to do it this way.
  16. Ok so at first I thought it was an issue w/ my x55, however I've tried xbox 1, and x360 controllers as well, and all of these controllers only register 50% range, doesn't matter how I configure them. I've tested all three in other games such as Elite, KSP, DCS and their full range is registering 1:1. So its a major issue w/ arma and not hardware/driver related. In arma when i go under controlers and settings click show numbers I can move throttle and it shows it going from -100 - +100 so seems there its reading right, but as soon as go into game and try to fly a helo only get 50% in both flight models. Anyone else noticing this issue or have an idea on what the heck is going on? I know my x55 worked before in previous versions of arma 3, hadn't used it for awhile then plugged in today and nadda doesn't want to work as it should. Any light to be shed on issue would be greatly appreciated. Note its all analogue inputs including not just throttle but movement as well such a pitching or rolling.
  17. ironhawx

    Analogue Inputs only 50% range

    OMG you sir deserve a medal would've never thought to do this nor would've thought this would be cause of issue, but indeed i now have 100% after removin the xbox mappings. Hats off to you sir thank you very much.
  18. Ok i'm having major issue w/ my x-55 when configuring it in the controller options its showing the throttles axis going from -100 to +100 so at least here its recognizing its full range, however once i set my collective for up and down on y- and y+ axis, only getting 50% usage (25% on either end of spectrum) down still throttles down and up still throttles up (using afm) so on the gauge i'm getting ~25% up and ~25% negative throttle. This is super annoying didn't have this issue in past, but suddenly today when I decide to hook up hotas its not working as it should. As mentioned didnt have this issue in the past (probably was 1.56 or earlier was last time I used hotas) seems they broke something which is really annoying, as I got this thing for elite, arma, and dcs. Got it for arma when they put int he afm for helos, but sadly from everything I searched the damn engine doesn't play nicely w/ hotas so why bother w/ an afm for helos :/ Idk just frustrated that its not working as it should and has in the past. Edit: Also not working w/ x1 or x360 controllers either, only getting 25% on either spectrum of throttle :/ Edit2: Upon further investigation seems arma is having issues w/ any kind of analogue input even with stick i'm only getting ~50% when rolling left/right or pitching forward, tested this w/ other controllers same issue, wtf did they do to Arma?
  19. ironhawx

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    OK i may be dense in asking this, but im seeing a few recent posts of talks switching over to acre, and was curious as i have very little knowledge of the inner working of these mods, what exactly is difference b/w Acre and TFR? like what some differences b/w the two that are making people considering switching over to Acre?
  20. ironhawx


    Im running into same problem worked fine upon server start up, but after respawn function was no longer there, seems this function of putting back packs on chest so one can halo w/ his equipment is a huge issue for the engine, as i just got this to replace fsf since it decided it didnt' want to work at all since latest patch... Great mod liked the ace integration but seems unreliable atm Edit: upon further investigation found its a bug/glitch if you die w/ backpack in front position you respawn w/ it invisible, w/ no effect on movement. You have no option to put it on back or move a back pack to chest. However I did find that if you put a pack on or respawn w/ a backpack already on simply drop it on the ground and then check action menu you should now have option to put backpack on chest even though "technically" you don't have one, it will load your backpack you had on front upon death back into the inventory slot which then resets function of the mod. tested thoroughly and the glitch happens every time you die w/ pack on chest however the work around works every time as well so one doesn't need to d/c and r/c seems info gets stored when moving to chest position and doesn't reset upon death.
  21. Ok so i googled and searched even watched video, this is what i got and yet doesn't want to seem to work, maybe ive missed type something idk. Any help would be appeciated trying to learn this so I can give our air team guys some aerial combat action but at certain time in the mission. Basically i have a trigger when bluefor is present, act: nul = "airspawn.sqf"; hint "trigger fired"; The trigger is firing as the hint text will appear but the plane will not, this is the code from the sqf: _crew1 = []; _airframe1 = []; if (isServer) then { _crew1 = creategroup WEST; _airframe1 = [getMarkerPos "marker1", 270, "FIR_F14D_MIKU", _crew1] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; _wp1 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "marker2"), 0]; _wp1 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp1 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp2 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "marker3"), 0]; _wp2 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp2 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp3 = _crew1 addWaypoint[(getMarkerPos "marker4"), 0]; _wp3 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp3 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp4 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "marker5"), 0]; _wp4 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp4 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp5 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "marker6"), 0]; _wp5 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp5 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp6 = _crew1 addWaypoint [(getMarkerPos "marker7"), 0]; _wp6 setWaypointType "MOVE"; _wp6 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; _wp7 = _crew1 addWaypoint [getMarkerPos "marker2"), 0]; _wp7 setWaypointType "CYCLE"; _wp7 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL"; };
  22. ironhawx

    ASOR Vehicle Selector

    Hey lecks once again want to first say great mod really helpful. Was wondering if there would be a way to add a way to drop the cargo from a vehicle like a paradrop ammo crate. I found this https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/159265-simple-ammo-crate-drop-script/but problem is has to put stuff into an init field, didn't know if there was a way to maybe just implement this script into your mod so we can spawn a chopper or a c130 and be able to do supply drops. I have no clue if this is possible or super difficult to do as my knowledge is limited to what one can do w/ mods/scripts for arma 3. So if its to much completely understand, just designing a cpl missions and w/ fsf sac ventral not working, needed a way to resupply the ground troops since they can't bring along their back packs. So basically what i'm asking is can you add function to where choppers/planes can para drop supplies, and if able utilize your itemized cargo selction that currently works w/ the vehicles cargos so easy to customize the ammo box's contents quickly and easily depending on mission needs. If you can make this happen you will have my eternal gratitude :P , either way you are awesome. thanks again for awesome mod.
  23. You're not alone seems script is no longer working sadly, all our men simply do is repeat the pick up animation about 5 times then nothing :/ maybe ace will add in something like this soon.
  24. seems legit, will have to check out though thing to be clear is any helpful scripts or scripting help need to function w/ jets.
  25. seems ok i assume radius parameter is in meters? also will this method work for jets? while a cpl enemy helos are nice I prefer to give my fixed wing pilots something to chase after as well as have an immediate threat to them. Thank you for the info either way.