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Everything posted by maffa

  1. maffa

    End of Gamespy? For Real?

    the questions from the ignorant: - will this affect PUG public servers? - will this affect private (clan) run servers? - will this affect any attempt to join a server you know the IP? - are there any alternative like WithSix or Addon Synch to work around the issue?
  2. i read that PS4 are marketed in brasil as cheaply as 1400$ is that true?
  3. maffa

    A-143 Buzzard Far too Slow / Weak

    So the perfect aircraft should have: - possibily non fictional - an operative speed between 90 and 300 kmh - plenty of weapons - a good ceiling - able to transport troops and goods Mh. So, in short, a helicopter that cant hover.
  4. no, the solution is coding it right. this is a poor workaround.
  5. i will try changing the terrain detail, but i made a point in keeping them low because i cant see the AI when it crouches down on grass and bushes, while he can. I just tried to keep the chances even.
  6. i got this issue a lot. its the first time i experience something like this in a videogame. This is a bug, no matter from what point of view you look at it. You are in a sandbox environment, you are supposed to take advantage of that, and you see floating objects. The fact that is unfixable makes me an unhappy customer.
  7. maffa

    Multiplayer dying fast??

    ACE has been the killer mod all htis time, and if BIS would have ever managed to put it inside the engine the number of people drawn from this realistic framework would have been much larger. The more mods will be required in order to play a satifying game (which is of course something very personal) the less people will play it in PUG and pub servers, and the more the "advanced" game mode will be played in private clan servers, away from sight. Is it good? Is it bad? It depends. From my POV it's oh so bad, because i have to juggle between tons of mods and launchers and folder adjusting and tweaking and wasting time cohordinating with people i play with on what and what not use and waste time trying compatibility, whereas i could just doubleclick an icon and play -yes of course not everybody uses the same mods, but it would be safe to assume that once you put ACE and ACRE inside the game engine 80% of "serious gamers" will be satisfied. From BIS POV it's pure WIN, because all they have to do is launch a barely sketched game in the arena and see it being completed by masses of enthusiastic paying volunteers. In this scenario, BIS move on futuretech is LAZINESS in its purest form: no licences to owe, no real objects to relate and be compared to, it's a designer bliss. If they placed it on another planet they could have also solved all physics problems (Hey this is Zanussi, gravity works differently here). My peace of mind comes from the fact that i bought in in alpha, saving lots of money, and that maybe in a couple of year A3 will have enough mod content to make me leave A2. How many people like me are there out there? Dunno. But if in the next year or so someone would come up with something like A2+ace im jumping their wagon. It happened with falcon, flight simulator and battlefield, i wouldnt be suprised if it happened again.
  8. maffa

    this is a driver view ....

    the more quality stuff modders will produce, in terms of ideas, renders, and full blown mods, the less likely it is BIS will ever think about it. The less they work the more money they will spare.
  9. maffa

    The Mistery Box

    "Arma 3 Release For Reals"
  10. maffa

    Reality At Its Finest

    when they run they all look like they pooped in their pants. this looks particularly evident to me when we file up to get in the chopper. they look like they are reluctant to get in "Do i really have to? for reals?"
  11. maffa

    Enemy soldiers take too much damage

    if they HIT, then we have a problem. If they MISSED, then it's the way balistics work in RL too. I made the same error. When bullets leave the barrel they dont start level to the ground but begin a upward curve that will meet the zeroing you have set with the sights. So if your target is exactly at the peak of that bell curve, you wont be able to make headshots. With a 5.56 and a 300m zeroing, you have 25cm peak on that curve at 100m give or take, which is more or less the height of an average head. If you aimed in the middle of the eyes, you are going to miss by 10+cm. ---------- Post added at 12:11 ---------- Previous post was at 11:24 ---------- [courtesy of Sniperwolf572 for the image, i had the same doubt and he kindly explained to me with the most clear of the examples] so as you can see there is how zeroing works. It is iset so that you have two actual zeros, a very close one and a terminal one (which is the one you usually consider). As you can see with the M16, which has been zeroed to 300m, the bullet starts lower, at few inches below the actual zero, that is the value with a minus, then climbs up to a maximum (which as i said it's almost as the height of a head from chin to tip of the cranium) and then descends to the terminal zero at the lenght required.
  12. probably the only right way to make it somehow right would be scripting a wounding system for each and every bullet and caliber, including barrel lenght and hitting range. This, unless we accept also the idea of personal armours, or we should include those in the formula...
  13. if i dont remember bad, the choice on 5.56 back at the end of WWII was that the bullet was smaller and tumbled a lot, so that once inside the human body its wounds would be lacerating (it was said, in fact, that they were or are considered borderly inhuman). From a psychological standpoint that woud be enough to stop a drafted soldier -someone who didnt demand to be there and certainly didnt need much push to give up, the type of enemy you would expect in a post WWII scenario- but the trick may be not that successful against highly motivated individuals, such as professional or indoctrinated or drugged enemies. So the problem here lies in the fact that the definition of "stopping power" doesnt reside in a quality of the bullet, but in the mind of the person who has to be stopped. In game terms all these distinction dont make sense, though, since in A3 you are fine or you are dead, no steps in between and no wounding system worth mentioning. I dont even know if there is one in a to do-list, honestly.
  14. ive reloaded that lots of times, but to no avail. i realize they are stuck just after winning an area, so the game autosaves just fnie. BUt every and each time i reload they are still stuck.
  15. maffa

    bad italian translation

    This is pretty OT but i have to say it. "Formazione/Dossier" really kills me. it reminds me of Vampire the masquerade roleplay handbook, that thinking of being posh and poncey thought of having a fancy dancing party traditionally held in Venice (how very decadent), and thus named in italian. Only they chose the wrong translation of the english word ball, thus picking the meaning of the spherical object used to play soccer and oher games. So at the end you got all these decadent elegant vampires all around enjoying their Palla Grande. An immersion killer, if you ask me.
  16. i never experienced the stuck issue when i recruit new soldiers. it happened just after i cleared an area (just after autosave, damn) i got a medic stuck inside the enemy barrack he could change stance and heal himself but wouldnt budge, and another case of a sniper stuck in open terrain, laying low no matter the order i gave him to raise walk aware take this go there or whatnot. I posted this in the DUWS thread but since i found this thread outside probably the issue is bigger than the scenario.
  17. maffa

    bad italian translation

    LOL sberla you better proofreading for any typoes if you give suggestions... Formazione ;) As per the most precise transaltion i think that File is better transalted as "Fila indiana", even though colonna compatta gives the idea of a column without much spacing.
  18. i get that a lot while playing with DUWS scenario, which is the only moment i have to order AIs around and can get the experience, actually. Tried to shoot them to no avail. ordered them to heal themselves they do it, but sometimes they even can change posture, they just lay low and turn around pivoting on their dicks. This never happens when they move on their own (i.e. following you staying in formation), but only when you give them an order to move specifically to a point. That is also why it never happened to me during campaign, probably.
  19. same problem here with team members stuck in place. Sometimes they will just lay low, sometimes they can change posture but wont move from the place. I tried to wound them and having them healed by themselves or by the medic, but at the end they just stay there and turn around pivoting on their dick. I have to shoot them down and buy another one.
  20. maffa

    I hate charlie

    it has the same point of using the IR lasers and APER mines. Just showing off some feature that is negligible at the state Arma is.
  21. maffa

    A2 AI compared to A3 AI (infantry)

    i wonder if their aiming ability is modified by the sights they use. I have been headshotted several times by CQB sighted AIs from 500+ m
  22. maffa

    A2 AI compared to A3 AI (infantry)

    No position on top of those lovely towers, unfortunately. I dont know if it's working as intended or the umpteenth missing feature.
  23. maffa

    A2 AI compared to A3 AI (infantry)

    can anyone make friendly AI climb stairs -i mean the ones required to take the action menu? There are those convenient towers near the solar plants that just ask for a sniper to climb them and i would like to order mine to get up there but to date i couldnt manage yet. In the interaction menu there's open/close doors/hatches, check inventory/rearm heal and such but no climb staris, nor i can order them to get upstairs with the "move to" command
  24. maffa

    Bandoliers should be backpacks, not vests

    uhm. these are three different types of apparel altogether... but if i had to choose (and if i were any good at it), id create "armoured vests", as in uniforms with dragon skin or whatever kevlar concealed under the uniforms. Then you may use whatever bandoliers over your uniform, but they wont offer any armour whatsoever.
  25. maffa

    the MXM is too weak?

    @lesscubes i was referring to the lenght and weight of the case in the 7.62 and 5.56. I have yet to understand the performances of 6.65 compared to 7.62. Are 6.65 shorter and lighter than 5.56 and 7.62?