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About KaLGaNoff

  • Rank
    Private First Class

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  1. KaLGaNoff

    3den Enhanced

    Finally! Very cool Thanks R3vo
  2. There option disables crawling with injury? Have not found ..
  3. Thank you! :) Yes it really is under modules in the editor.
  4. Guys, can describe in more detail Simulation Manager Module or a link to a detailed description. Thanks.
  5. Thanks! ------------------------------------------------------------ Still there is no option to add goggles in a box?
  6. mm.. 1280x1024 http://s17.postimg.org/hihs4zrhr/2013_11_06_00001.jpg
  7. I watched, there is no information as to restrict access in missions version without the use of add-on
  8. Ok, now I use a mission version. How to restrict access to other players in the MCC Sandbox? Write more. Thanks.
  9. Ok, now I use a mission version. How to restrict access to other players in the MCC Sandbox? Write more. Thanks.
  10. Mod version installed in the server and me - the players can not secure hostage, use VAS, weather and time switches just me. How to make the synchronization between the other players?
  11. KaLGaNoff

    Generic Vehicle Service

    Yes, it would be nice.
  12. KaLGaNoff

    Generic Vehicle Service

    does not work with UAV