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Everything posted by disco.modder

  1. disco.modder

    Toadie's SmallArms WIP thread

    Heck, what did I just ran into here? Can't believe you're working on this, such a refresh mod for A3 specially with those custom animations!
  2. disco.modder

    Urban MARPAT Soldier

    Happy new year to you m8! Arent those the USMC's old desert camo?
  3. disco.modder

    Switching weapons on the move

    Would you be so kind as to post here how you setup your personal keybindings for Keys mod together with this good sir?
  4. M8 that picture is awesome! :D Thanks boy.
  5. disco.modder

    US Military Mod (80s, 90s)

    In the case of M240's, I'd love to see the L variant. Great looking 240. :D
  6. disco.modder

    ARMA 3 - Dropped out features

    So a small group of people changed the whole path a game developer was taking? They didnt even bother what the community has to say in it, they just follow that minority of people apparently?
  7. I was simply asking a question and re-assuring that what you wanted was a combination of all those games (note question mark at the end). How you were so defensive in your post makes me think that you are 12.
  8. disco.modder

    ARMA 3 - Dropped out features

    So the game got Simulation of the Year by PC Gamer: http://www.pcgamer.com/2013/12/27/simulation-of-the-year-arma-3/. I guess BI thinks they're on the right track now, they're probably going to forget the community even more. There has been many good points raised above and reasons as to why I started this thread, I dont really have anything to add. Just look at all that content on the 2nd post in this thread, which has been quoted above. So the question's raised: would you not want to play with all that goodies? And another thing Im really curious about is, who were the people that said the content mentioned above like the railgun, sub, etc weren't "fitting" or would "break" the game?
  9. AiA standalone basically means A2:CO, A3, and TKOH in one game? Would be great to see that, but dont think that'll ever happen. :D
  10. +1 Tis going to be fun. :D
  11. Remove the pbo A3_enable_model to be able to play with A2 soldiers. Otherwise keep that to play with A3 soldiers. Cant have both of them at once.
  12. Impressive! Outstanding work as usual kju and the boys. Is this usable in A3 with AiA? edit: woot! didnt notice the release for A3. :)
  13. disco.modder

    Mirage F1 Release 1.0

    Bloody heck you're going to put me in jail for using this jet with ACE mod just playing around in the editor by myself?:oh:
  14. disco.modder

    African conflict a3

    mas_afr_rebl and mas_afr_rebl_c.
  15. The only PBO I have are mass_us_rifle and mas_us_rifle_c. Those should be the correct PBO's to have.
  16. They're both almost the exact same anyways doesnt matter. Btw is it an in-house production or from elsewhere?
  17. disco.modder

    ARMA 3 - Dropped out features

    Tell me more about this.
  18. disco.modder

    Urban MARPAT Soldier

    Doing your rounds on all the factions? Id be interested to see what you come up with for the PMC. Also I reckon its better with separate pbo's for each.
  19. disco.modder

    Urban MARPAT Soldier

    Yeah thats pretty neat. Merry Christmas!
  20. A merry Christmas to you guys. All the best boys!
  21. disco.modder

    ARMA 3 - Dropped out features

    That L159 had a really nice camo scheme, and that orange-y cockpit glass makes it even more badass. Wonder which side this was intended for?
  22. disco.modder

    ARMA 3 - Dropped out features

    I was merely trying to get a friendly discussion going, and was never aware of such a thread being started in the past. --- Really? Heck that would've certainly given the game a bit of a twist.
  23. disco.modder

    Picking you're own loadout

    This: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?168235-Group-Manager-Loadout-and-Paper-Doll-addon At the start of a mission, every ammo box will get the option to customise your character up. Boxes added after the utilization of this script at the start wont show the option.
  24. Im for standalone. I think modders around here can take care of replacement packs.