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About Itabraga

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    Private First Class
  1. I did the same procedure, nothing different.
  2. Im using TADST, and i verified cfg and files of the game, its all fine and working.
  3. Im using 2302 (game) 8768(steam) and 2303-8786 in second server, i tried firewall off, kill one of the servers, just run one at once and the problem still occuring.
  4. Resuming, its nothing to do about this error, play game and get crash every minute, excellent, crashmode=ON.
  5. Yes, i understand, but anyone, in the planet earth, have idea about this error? I tried deactive firewall, verify signatures, tadst, non tadst and nothing work. Cpu, ram, hdd never get 100%, i played yesterday with 5 friends, and still kicks more kicks and more kicks. one million player or one player get the steam ticket check fail. 10mb upload its enough for 30 player?
  6. Anybody have a solution for this? My server still kicking player, this problem is ruining my clan, I can not play 30 minutes without someone taking kick.
  7. I disabled 3° person camera in regular difficulty, and not work , anybody know to solve this?
  8. I agree with you, but there are already many tickets about it, I was wondering if this problem is configuration or a serious error that the game itself has. Missions with 4, 5 or 10 player get the error.
  9. I read this topic, however it does not bring anything to resolve this issue.
  10. kicked players are no rules, play some hours, minutes and others are kicked instantly. Appears message battleye not respond, guy lost the connection, or when a player shoots also disconnects
  11. Still kicking players, I really do not know what else to do
  12. Thanks a lot Günter, here is located the files? The command -nologs deactive log writing?
  13. Itabraga

    PhysX3_x86.dll Crash

    After today patch, my still crashes, when the solution will be fix it?
  14. Anyone can answer if the problem is the server config or the game bug?
  15. // Config file generated 06/10/2013 22:56 with TADST. hostName = ""; password = ""; passwordAdmin = ""; reportingIP = "arma3pc.master.gamespy.com"; logFile = ""; motd[] = { "Bem vindo soldado.", }; motdInterval = 45; maxPlayers = 20; kickduplicate = 0; verifySignatures = 0; voteMissionPlayers = 3; voteThreshold = 0.33; disableVoN = 0; vonCodecQuality = 4; persistent = 0; timeStampFormat = "none"; BattlEye = 1; doubleIdDetected = ""; onUserConnected = ""; onUserDisconnected = ""; onHackedData = ""; onDifferentData = ""; onUnsignedData = ""; regularCheck = ""; class Missions { class Mission_1 { template = "co40_AW_Invade_&_Annex_2_51.Altis"; difficulty = "regular"; }; }; steamPort = 8786; steamQueryPort = 27027;