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Everything posted by flx_king

  1. It's definitely the memory allocator that causes this bug. I had exactly the same problem when using the allocator on DayZ SA. I'm on an GTX 570 and tested with various drivers (very old ones as well). It always was the same problem. The bug only appears when you look into a certain direction on the map. Switching back to the default allocator fixes it.
  2. Hi there Tophe. First of all thanks for this useful tool. Keep up the good work. I've spotted a few bugs and I got some suggestions you may want to take account of. Bugs: - When restarting TA2DST and reloading a profile that had "Require Build" and "Kick Duplicates" under Server Rules tab set, the values are not set / displayed. They are still set in the config file but not displayed in the GUI. - Same thing as above happens when you set "onUnsignedData" and "onHackedData" under "Server Scripts" tab. - "Terrain Grid" and "View Distance" is never set in the actual server profile. No matter what values set they're always viewDistance=1600; and terrainGrid=10; - When using the Arma2OA beta build of the server. "expansion; expansion\beta; expansion\Beta\Expansion" are always checked under the "Mods" tab when restarting TADST and reloading the profile. Even if I uncheck one of them and save the profile. - "Tooltips" checkbox value and "Run as is" checkbox value under "Server Details" are not reloaded / saved properly for the selected profile - When unchecking "Tooltips" checkbox under "Server Details" tab and saving the profile the checkbox gets set to checked again. - When setting "Launch as is" checkbox to checked under "Server Details" tab and saving the profile the checkbox gets set to unchecked. Suggestions: - Add an option to set the "requiredSecureId= 1 or 2 (Request clients joining to provide a secure ID token (2 to force this))" setting in the server config.cfg. - Add an option to set the "maxPacketSize (class sockets { maxPacketSize=1400;};)" setting in the server basic.cfg - Do not set the "expansion" mod folder checkbox as checked by default when detecting a beta server build. Since only "expansion\beta; expansion\Beta\Expansion" is actually needed when launching a beta server. - Allow the "Codec Quality" setting under "Server Details" tab to be set to 30 which is the current maximum value for this setting. - Use the proper -beta commandline switch instead of adding the "expansion\beta; expansion\Beta\Expansion" folders to the -mod commandline switch when detecting beta build Best regards flx_king