Hi there Tophe.
First of all thanks for this useful tool. Keep up the good work.
I've spotted a few bugs and I got some suggestions you may want to take account of.
- When restarting TA2DST and reloading a profile that had "Require Build" and "Kick Duplicates" under Server Rules tab set, the values are not set / displayed. They are still set in the config file but not displayed in the GUI.
- Same thing as above happens when you set "onUnsignedData" and "onHackedData" under "Server Scripts" tab.
- "Terrain Grid" and "View Distance" is never set in the actual server profile. No matter what values set they're always viewDistance=1600; and terrainGrid=10;
- When using the Arma2OA beta build of the server. "expansion; expansion\beta; expansion\Beta\Expansion" are always checked under the "Mods" tab when restarting TADST and reloading the profile. Even if I uncheck one of them and save the profile.
- "Tooltips" checkbox value and "Run as is" checkbox value under "Server Details" are not reloaded / saved properly for the selected profile
- When unchecking "Tooltips" checkbox under "Server Details" tab and saving the profile the checkbox gets set to checked again.
- When setting "Launch as is" checkbox to checked under "Server Details" tab and saving the profile the checkbox gets set to unchecked.
- Add an option to set the "requiredSecureId= 1 or 2 (Request clients joining to provide a secure ID token (2 to force this))" setting in the server config.cfg.
- Add an option to set the "maxPacketSize (class sockets { maxPacketSize=1400;};)" setting in the server basic.cfg
- Do not set the "expansion" mod folder checkbox as checked by default when detecting a beta server build. Since only "expansion\beta; expansion\Beta\Expansion" is actually needed when launching a beta server.
- Allow the "Codec Quality" setting under "Server Details" tab to be set to 30 which is the current maximum value for this setting.
- Use the proper -beta commandline switch instead of adding the "expansion\beta; expansion\Beta\Expansion" folders to the -mod commandline switch when detecting beta build
Best regards flx_king