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Everything posted by Vasilyevich

  1. Vasilyevich

    Icarus Solar Farm

    Thank you for the updates and for dropbox <3 really like the mod/station. Building a Mission with it ATM.
  2. Vasilyevich

    Icarus Solar Farm

    Understood, i respect that. Was just so excited.
  3. Vasilyevich

    Will 3D Scopes Be Corrected

  4. Vasilyevich

    Icarus Solar Farm

    \o/ plz give us a Dropbox mirror or something :D
  5. Click the image for larger version on Flickr. Click the image for larger version on Flickr.
  6. Vasilyevich

    EricJ Release thread

    Great mod, i like it <3
  7. Vasilyevich

    Sangin WIP

    Any chance to get a beta/testing version ?
  8. Vasilyevich

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Great mod! can't wait for the next update <3 BTW: The Mod works perfectly fine with MCC, so use MCC instead of Zeus, it has more features anyway :P
  9. Vasilyevich

    RH M4/M16 pack

    Exelent mod! great models nice sounds \o/ i totaly love the SBR versions :D
  10. Vasilyevich

    Prevent AI from speaking

    enableSentences false; enableRadio false; in init.sqf not sure if it helps for the out of ammo thingie...
  11. Vasilyevich

    Helicopter fastrope script

    If the chopper is AI controlled he releases the ropes, let's about 1/2 of the units fastrope and then starts to move, resulting in falling units - this happens in the example mission too :/ Already tried things like heli1 disableAI "Move"; or heli1 disableAI "Anim"; it doesn't help
  12. Vasilyevich

    Yet another parachute question

    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23113 This won't work in MP but should help you in SP.
  13. Vasilyevich

    skipTime & Time of Day Sync

    Physic says no :P - Sorry for trolin...
  14. Is there a way to cap the maximum number of spawned Civilians ?
  15. Vasilyevich

    Enemy occupation system (eos)

    Is it possible to give spawned units a INIT entry an additional eventhandler ? like _unit addEventHandler ["FiredNear",{[_this,_this select 1] execVM "snd.sqf";}]; i tried _grp=(_this select 0); _skillArray=(_this select 1); _skillset = server getvariable _skillArray; { _unit = _x; { _skillvalue = (_skillset select _forEachIndex) + (random 0.2) - (random 0.2); _unit setSkill [_x,_skillvalue]; } forEach ['aimingAccuracy','aimingShake','aimingSpeed','spotDistance','spotTime','courage','reloadSpeed','commanding','general']; if (EOS_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER != 1) then {_unit removeAllEventHandlers "HandleDamage";_unit addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{_damage = (_this select 2)*EOS_DAMAGE_MULTIPLIER;_damage}];}; if (EOS_KILLCOUNTER) then {_unit addEventHandler ["killed", "null=[] execVM ""eos\functions\EOS_KillCounter.sqf"""]}; // ADD CUSTOM SCRIPTS TO UNIT HERE _unit addEventHandler ["FiredNear",{[_this,_this select 1] execVM "snd.sqf";}]; } forEach (units _grp); in the "setskill.sqf" but it doesn't work :/
  16. Vasilyevich

    Incomplete M32 + source files

    Great mod! thanks for sharing.
  17. Vasilyevich

    COOP 06 Mission Pack

    New Mission COOP 06 Operation_Placeholder with a xMEDsys supporting version Rebells have taken hostages in a hotel complex near Iraklia. It's you job to secure them! Mission start is shortly after sunrise on Altis. - I'm currently working on the other missions, they will all support xMEDsys soonâ„¢
  18. Vasilyevich

    COOP 06 Mission Pack

    Hi there, this missions where made mainly for playing with a clan/group so don't expect to play them solo or without coordination. And please, don't use 3rd person... If you make a video from a playthrough please send me a link. Feedback is also highly appreciated. COOP 06 Operation_StarlightClear two villages and a checkpoint from hostile forces, go from house to house and clear them. Mission start is shortly before midnight somewhere in Takistan. COOP 06 Operation_Blackout You will fight your way through 2 clicks of hostile terrain to kill the VIP, then extract. Mission start is shortly before sunrise in the outskirts of Zargabad. Watch for Mines and IEDs. COOP 06 Operation_NewSun Kill the opposing Rebell Leader before he leaves. You have a 30 minutes time window and limited resources, make the best out of it - It is raining on Bystrica. COOP 06 Operation_Placeholder // xMEDsys version Rebells have taken hostages in a hotel complex near Iraklia. It's you job to secure them! Mission start is shortly after sunrise on Altis. Stay tuned for more. Reviving: Everyone can revive with a FistAidKit (it will be consumed). This is intended to revive the Medic if he dies! Medics (and everyone else with a MediKit) can revive unlimited times (meaning if you have a MediKit in your inventory you don't need FistAidKits and if you have some no FistAidKits will be consumed) All missions features Mag Repack, access it by pressing CTRL + R Requirements: ArmA 3 Map Pack (except Operation_Placeholder) Arma3 - AGGRESSORS NATO and Russian Weapons (except Operation_Placeholder) Recommended: Community Base addons A3 Task Force Arrowhead Radio JSRS2 Sound Mod Simple weapon resting ShackTac Fireteam HUD Credits and Thanks: Special thanks to Evilhardt, K3nny and Nucu. See also: COOP 02 Operation_Wirecut COOP 08 Operation_Tornado
  19. Vasilyevich

    AI HALO Jump Example Mission

    Same here. Edit1: I found a workaround for SP, will debug it tomorrow if it works in MP and report back. Edit2: Nevermind, it doesn't work :/ Use the Chopper method like the one in the example mission, it works fine.
  20. Vasilyevich

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    Wow! reported some hours ago and already fixed the missing earplugs :) However i found more missing things from "xMedsys" repository "x39_medikit" is there "x39_medikit2" is missing "x39_medikit3" is missing "x39_medikit4" is missing "x39_medikit5" is missing They add x39_medikits with different application times, so they are quite important. I'm very sorry to annoy you with this :/ <3 This is a great tool btw! i love it.
  21. Vasilyevich

    LEA - Loadout Editor for ArmA 3

    "x39_earplug" is missing in the xMedsys from the repository
  22. Well, the title says it :) I tried the skip time module but this doesn't work in MP :/
  23. Vasilyevich

    COOP 06 Mission Pack

    No, but the script's should work, please let me know if you have any problems. i'm currently implementing Mag Repack to the missions so check back tomorrow for the update. -- Update is now live. COOP 08 Operation_Tornado in case you need room for more peoples :) Changelog: Operation_Blackout - New Intro - Updated Loadouts (should fixed the "no uniform" bug - IEDs are now handled with Randomly generated IEDs - VIP uniform should be fixed - Implemented Mag Repack, access it by pressing CTRL + R - More magazines for the pistol (should fix the "I'm out" shouts - no more "2 rally up" and such shouting Operation_Starlight - New Intro - Implemented Mag Repack, access it by pressing CTRL + R - no more "2 rally up" and such shouting Operation_NewSun - New Intro - Implemented Mag Repack, access it by pressing CTRL + R - no more "2 rally up" and such shouting - Fixed the VIP uniform bug