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Everything posted by swazi

  1. swazi

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    that is just my point, you shouldn't make AI run and get tired, you should make a mission so the ai is combat ready, or AI on it's own makes sure they are combat ready. and at the end you have the same situation, you against combat ready AI. now if you want to make a mission where you engage tired AI where they can't hit you, if that is what you want than put AI accuracy 0. edit: i'm for having rules true for all AI and human. but there are exceptions. in this case there is no need for AI fetigue, or that need is minimal. There is more chance that AI with fatigue would be even worse than it is now. having to calculate how tired are they and whatnot... in the end it's better this way...
  2. swazi

    Fatigue Feedback (dev branch)

    Just imagine that AI manages to keep fatigue low, as should you (the human player), if you are the leader AI follows if you are combat ready they are, as it should be.... same for opfor AI running to attack you, they are combat ready as it should be, it would be wrong if they would engage winded... if they would follow the same rules, the result would be the same, they would be combat ready because that is the right thing to be... because they don't follow the same rules of fatigue, they are faster from A to B, but that's all, the moment you engage them there would be no differance, because they would take care to be combat ready, and fetigue system is not so heavy that a little sprinting from cover to cover to shoot has any drastic affect on you or potentially on AI...
  3. swazi

    When is this game going to be good?

    Any news on secops and ambient combat modules, or similar?
  4. swazi

    All content released?

    Any news on secops, and ambient combat modules, or similar??
  5. swazi

    Fatigue effects

    this thread inspired me to go to FIFA forums and complain, that fifa is no fun, because basketball is better and i'm gonna ''suggest'' having baskets instead of goals and using arms instead of legs to move the ball. u see its fun scoring basket every 20 sek instead of waiting and planing for a goal perhaps every 5 minutes... boriiiiiinggg
  6. swazi

    Fatigue effects

    How do you guys understand sprint? I understand sprint as giving all you got running as fast as possible, like 100m sprint runners do. And with that i understand sprint as dash from cover to cover and not something soldier wold do for long periods of time. And sprinting is something that depletes your energy or fatigue rather quickly. Even olympic runners who are as fit as soldiers if not even better are out of breath when they cross the finish line, 400m sprint even more so than 100m. explain to me why is it wrong to get tired quickly and become combat ineffective if you sprint?
  7. swazi

    Fatigue effects

    leave sprint as is, people shouldn't sprint to begin with, only when necessary (to cover, and from cover to cover, type of thing). perhaps increase jog/normal run distance before exhaustion (dependent on weight of-course). substitution for blur effect? perhaps animation like closing eyes/screen going black? something has to be in place for game-plays sake if not for authenticity, being exhausted in combat should be a real threat... when exhausted increase gun sway, disable zoom ability/holding breath... all this doesn't effect me, i don't get tired very often. if i need to go some distance i drive, if i can't drive i walk, not sprint. golden rule in arma is spot first and fire first, and to increase those options you need to go slow and keep your eyes open, and with sprinting you diminish those options and it's all your fault not the games... there is a cowa doody game in works with dogs even and moving fish and no fatigue but there is a marmalade on screen hope that doesn't make you hungry, perhaps that is a better suited game...
  8. swazi

    Fatigue effects

    well i like, the blur effect, and the fatigue concept in general. i believe there must be a fatigue system as in resource that you use from necessity and is taken seriously. when i play i hardly ever experience the blur effect, only when i need to sprint to cover when i'm caught out in the open and even then after 5 seconds blur is gone, so i don't see your problems with fatigue, unless you are sprinting all the time. and if you ask me that's your fault and not games fault. While you are at it, why don't you go full auto on a rock and come back and complain there is ammunition problem, because you can't pace yourself?