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Everything posted by rakowozz

  1. Hmm, yeah, makes sense. I created a function to update the arrays according to the conditions. Now I'm calling it from a script that runs on JIP players (instead of onPlayerConnected) and from onPlayerDisconnected with BIS_fnc_MP - non-persistent. That should do it, I guess. Off to test it some thousand times now. Thanks for replying!
  2. You could endmission, with local effect only. And tell players they have to wait a while to join again. /*init.sqf*/ if (!isServer && isNull player) then { isJIP = true } else { isJIP = false }; if (time < 120) then { if (isJIP) then { ["endmissionJIP",false,0] call BIS_fnc_endMission; }; }; Define endmissionJIP in description.ext: class CfgDebriefing { class endmissionJIP { title = "Initialization Canceled"; subtitle = "Briefing Still in Progress"; description = "You can't join the mission during briefing. Try again later."; picture = "b_unknown"; pictureColor[] = {0.5,0.0,0.0,1}; }; };
  3. I've used cameras on planes, with no problems whatsoever, with something similar: _camera spawn { while {IP_InCutscene} do { _this camSettarget IP_Plane; _this camsetrelpos [1, 30, 0.5]; _this camCommit 0; sleep 0.005; }; }; Pretty much the same with a sleep added. Not sure about how fast it was going, though.
  4. Why not do this? In CfgSounds, create a new class, but with no sound file or the same sound file/dummy file with reduced decibels. Not sure if the first would work, but reducing the dB would. class snd_test { name = "snd_test"; sound[] = {"sound\snd_test.ogg", db-100, 1}; titles[] = {}; }; Then tell it to say3D "snd_test". Not pretty, but should do it...
  5. If it's as well implemented as it is in Watch Dogs, I'm on board. But I don't see that happening with some genres.
  6. rakowozz

    Ukraine General

    This is terrible... All evidence points to the pro-russian side, but hopefully that doesn't stimulate more anger and war. Whoever it was, what the f***. Someone consciously fired that missile...
  7. That would've been easy haha. Will look further into it and do some testing when I get home. Did you test it from a normal string, instead of using the stringtable?
  8. There's typo there! original vs. "orignal". That may be it. :D <key ID="str_JNA_Brief_1"> <original>Right gentlemen, gather round me please.[color="#FF0000"]</orignal>[/color] </key> <key ID="str_JNA_Brief_2"> <original>You are all here for the night navigation exercise, so listen in closely. I don't intend to repeat myself.[color="#FF0000"]</orignal>[/color] </key>
  9. Looking great! But I noticed something. When I tried using ["AmmoboxInit",[supplies,false]] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; or ["AmmoboxInit",supplies] call BIS_fnc_arsenal; it wouldn't work - no Arsenal action appeared. Optional boolean for parameter 1 had to be true. That, or I misunderstood the goal of that boolean. But it's okay, since it's just a matter of using the removal functions later: [supplies,["%ALL"],true] call BIS_fnc_removeVirtualItemCargo; EDIT: Well, but I missed this: [supplies,["arifle_MX_F","arifle_MX_SW_F","arifle_MXC_F"],true] call BIS_fnc_addVirtualWeaponCargo; Didn't realize at first you didn't really need to run BIS_fnc_arsenal.
  10. Do you want all of them open? You can run the following from either a trigger or a script. You just have to replace [0,0,0] with the approximate [x,y,z] ATL coordinates of your dome. _building = (nearestObject [[0,0,0],"Land_Dome_Big_F"]); _building animate ["door_1A_move",1]; _building animate ["door_1B_move",1]; _building animate ["door_2_rot",1]; _building animate ["door_3_rot",1]; animate is global, as far as I know.
  11. rakowozz

    World Cup 2014

    That's strangely what it feels like here in Rio as well! Argentinians, argentinians everywhere! :Oo: I caught traffic at 1:30 AM - Argentinians crossing the road...
  12. rakowozz

    Voice acting

    Hey, I've been doing some voiceovers myself for a multiplayer project, but I might need some help! Can't play all characters, can I... haha I should be uploading a demo/teaser video of the mission in the next weeks. It's mostly going to be radio comms - I edit the audio with Ableton Live, so I can do the radio effects myself. If you're interested, PM me your email, I can send you some lines within the next days.
  13. rakowozz


    Game has its flaws, but the online mode is a bit addicting! Also, haven't had any issues with performance, despite having average hardware. Don't mind much playing at 30 fps, either, considering I run on Ultra. Some of my online hacks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6qnc_LRM_70
  14. rakowozz

    World Cup 2014

    :icon_lol: That's true. As a brazilian, I must say our conversations over here haven't been this funny in a while. The amount of memes mocking Fred... And still, after 7-1, everyone's rooting for Germany. Go, Deutschland! Now, don't score more than 3 goals on us Saturday, will ya? Haha. And don't be hard on your goalie! Penalty shootouts are a lottery!
  15. You don't need to add #include. Right syntax for testing the string itself would be: hint format ["Hello, %1",localize "STR_Mission_Giver"] In case it returns the correct text, it means your function's not working. Did you test it with normal text, non-localized?
  16. Do you really need the "Container" subdivision? I go straight from Package to Key... Does hint format return empty as well?
  17. https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/activatedAddons if ("cool_mod1" in activatedAddons) then { //... }; I'm not sure if I misread your question, but this works great for checking addons.
  18. Woops, I updated the post with correct syntax. I had used ; instead of && for the count conditions.
  19. I've been trying to use isPlayer as a condition for a trigger with no success. I need to verify if any of multiple slots are human players. I'd like to spawn an unit, for instance, if any of these slots are human players. I even gave this a shot, but it's obviously entirely wrong: {isPlayer _x} count [unit1,unit2,etc.] < 1 I'm probably missing something obvious here, but is there an alternative? Thanks in advance.
  20. There're many different ways to do both. I usually don't use triggers, but I think thisList is supposed to work. In case it doesn't, one thing that comes to mind is distance... though there must be better ways (regarding performance). count is very powerful. {isPlayer _x} count [p1,p2,p3,p4] == {isPlayer _x && _x distance [x,y,z] < 100} count [p1,p2,p3,p4]//[x,y,z] are your coordinates, or the name of your Object - or, even better, the name of your trigger This will return true if all connected players are alive. False if at least one of them is dead. Are you using this one in a trigger too? To have a number of dead players on the server returned: {isPlayer _x && !alive _x} count [p1,p2,p3,p4]; If I remember right, alive isn't really microsecond accurate, but should be enough to that purpose. P.S.: corrected syntax for count conditions
  21. rakowozz

    How to override random

    Sleep doesn't work in unscheduled environment. Don't do that from the editor Init. field. Run a script, delay the addheadgear, and it should work. Maybe removeheadgear first?
  22. And it'd likely cause problems for Arma to read the mission, depending on what encryption we're talking about. But I'm not going to lie, I've seen some "bad apples" in communities claiming other people's work! Just by adding their names to it and calling it theirs. Of course totally blocking the files is extreme, but maybe hiding a piece of code, a signature, is the way to go. Check this out, also, Rene: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?178029-Encryption-in-SQF-SQF-Crypt-Script
  23. rakowozz

    The new ARMA 3 DLC system - debate

    Pretty cool approach.
  24. Alright, thank you for your response, it's now working as intended :D
  25. Hi, First of all, this is impressive work! Now, my team and I are just getting started with developing missions with TFAR in mind. With ACRE, I developed a player vs. player scenario where players could eventually gather the enemy's radio frequencies. Are players able to hear their enemies, in a different team, with TFAR? I haven't had the chance to test this yet, and didn't find info on this.