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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 20 minutes ago, bars91 said:

    Re: TAR-21s

    - wasn't there a whole debackle about A3 Alpha's storyline including Israel being overrun by Iran(CSAT)? 


    Thus issuing TAR-21s, NEGEV LMGs and other "NATO" armor? And AFAIK FIA used 'em initially exactly because they captured Iranian weapon stockpiles

    in the course of all-out conflict between NATO(including Greece who's territory you was obviously fighting in) and Iran?


    EDiT; and it would make total sence in pre-AAF storyline. Mk-200 and the whole 6.5 telescoped caseless ammo thing was exclusively NATO territory while Iran used their own 5.56mm stuff (see CSAT carbine magazine visuals) and captured Israeli hardware. If one thinks logically, had BI followed through with the initial setting, NATO probably would'we gotten (more appropriate) Leopard 2 NG and Iran would be running singular T-100 coil gun tanks with more conventional Merkava tanks as their MBTs.


    What do you think?

    In the current lore, I'm pretty sure Israel is still independent. The TRG-21s were issued to NATO special forces and supplied to the guerrillas. The Zafir is a Chinese-built copy of the Negev. The AAF were formed in 2030 after the Altis civil war in 2027 (before that, Altis was a British territory). They were supplied a variety of western equipment, and CSAT even chimed in to provide some of their own gear (Zamak, Ababil-3).


    In the 2011 storyline, NATO still used licensed-produced Merkavas. Iran also used their own copy, known as the T-95. Also the HAF/AAF didn't even exist as a faction.


    To summarize btw, 2011 storyline: World War III, Iran has invaded Europe and has even managed to land troops at the beaches of England. Greece has collapsed and New Greece has been formed through Iranian support.

    2012 storyline: A war breaks out between NATO and Iran, but a cease fire is enacted once the Iranians invade Greece.

    2013 storyline (current): Cold war between NATO and CSAT and you know the rest.

    • Like 2

  2. 1 minute ago, the_oper8r said:

    Anyways are you reverting all the units to their pre-Alpha equipment? So like NATO with F2000s, CSAT with the Mk14, etc?


    Nope. Equipment hasn't changed, apart from NATO's MAR-10s being replaced with Mk18 ABRs, only CTRG using the former now.

  3. 55 minutes ago, the_oper8r said:

    Are the NATO SF still going to be using the TRG-21? Cause I really think you should change that, it looks off and no way in hell would a weapon like the TAR suddenly be adopted by all NATO special forces units. If anything you should use the SPAR series of rifles. 

    Yes, NATO SF use the TRG-21 as it's what they were armed with in the pre-Alpha. Pacific NATO forces might receive the SPAR, however.

  4. 6R6tgcZ.jpg


    [Tropic Intensifies]


    New backpacks (Kitbag in tropic to come soon) for NATO (Pacific). I'll probably do a new UAV Bag, too. Colors still need some tweaking, of course.


    Just a little something while I work on some... er... stuff. *Cough* ... 92FS, PKP, CZ 805, PP-19 and more... *Cough* ...

    • Like 7

  5. Huge thanks to @wsxcgy for his beautiful SloCam!




    I want to redo the Canadian and Portuguese uniforms (and possibly also replace Norway's MTP but for that I'll just do their IRL pattern) with new patterns. I'm not fond of real CADPAT, so what do you guys think? Also if any of the nations I posted are replacing their current camo with a new pattern and I got it wrong, please let me know!


    Also I made a Discord: https://discord.gg/BVSAa53 :3

    • Like 3

  6. 3 minutes ago, armyguy277 said:

    any chance there is a link, or could you upload the alpha ORBAT`S  .Im just curious about them 



    1 hour ago, wsxcgy said:

    Greece has a lower-rate military and they would probably have the same gear as the AAF rather than NATO, but I think given their position on the Mediterranean, they could have a point of being. Though I get what you're saying. Actually, most of NATO should use AAF stuff. The Pandur II, Fennek, AW-101, and Leopard Revolution are all used by or considered by multiple NATO members, and are all represented in the AAF by the Gorgon, Strider, Mohawk, and Kuma. Then again, they are used in the current, by 2035 they may be considered obsolete, not that the NATO vehicles are any newer, but I think BIS wanted them to be like "future-y" new vehicles for the US instead of 2000's Israeli armour.

    Don't worry, the new NATO members will have some vehicles that are fitting for them, including the Kuma and Gorgon. Though I'd love to do HAF forces, I don't want to add a BLUFOR version of ALL of the AAF's stuff just with a Greek flag instead of the Altis flag.

    • Like 1

  7. 1 minute ago, bars91 said:

    You forgot some countries, like Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. They are NATO and sport unique camo setups :f:




    It's NATO in 2035 (according to old ORBATs in the Alpha's files) so members have changed quite a bit. There's also a few members not being added because there's no point imo: Greece, Iceland, Luxembourg.

  8. 1 hour ago, polpox said:

    As Greenfist said USS Freedom is not out yet but here are possibly classNames from BIS_fnc_Carrier01Init.


    Just keep it mind: this is still WIP.


    There's no boats_f_jets.ebo, though.

  9. Hey there. I added a 25 mm gunpod using the dynamic loadouts proxy pod system, but the muzzle flash isn't animating.





    class PylonWeapon_300Rnd_25mm_shells: 300Rnd_25mm_shells
    	displayName = $STR_A3_CfgMagazines_1000Rnd_20mm_shells0;
    	model = "\Weapons_F_Aegis\DynamicLoadout\PylonPod_GAU12_Cannon_25mm.p3d";
    	muzzlePos = muzzlePos;
    	muzzleEnd = muzzleEnd;
    	hardpoints[] = {B_F35F_LIGHTNING_CENTER_PYLON};
    	pylonWeapon = gatling_25mm;
    	selectionFireAnim = zasleh;
    	mass = 300;
    class gatling_25mm: CannonCore
    	magazines[] =
    	ballisticsComputer = 4 + 8;
    	showAimCursorInternal = false;
    	class manual: CannonCore
    		soundContinuous = true;
    		autoFire = true;
    		burst = 5;



    class CfgSkeletons
    	class Default;
    	class PylonPod_skeleton: Default
    		skeletonBones[] =
    class CfgModels
    	class Default;
    	class PylonPod_GAU12_Cannon_25mm: Default
    		skeletonName = PylonPod_skeleton;
    		sections[] = {zasleh};
    		class Animations
    			class zaslehROT
    				type = rotationX;
    				source = ammoRandom;
    				sourceAddress = loop;
    				selection = zasleh;
    				axis = "";
    				centerFirstVertex = true;
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 4;
    				angle0 = (rad 0);
    				angle1 = (rad 360);

    Please help!

  10. 1 minute ago, Bohemias DLC are broken and OP said:

    My only wish is for it to not be broken and overpowered like Marksmen and Apex were.


    But, yeah, I know that isnt going to happen.

    > OP

    Unless the jets have 120 mm gatling cannons, which they don't obviously, they aren't OP. Balance isn't, or at least shouldn't be a thing in this game.

    • Like 1