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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. On 4/28/2017 at 10:41 AM, KiTooN said:

    Yes, please. Everybody likes women.


    Not gay people.


    Women would be an awesome addition for sure since BIS has said they've wanted to add women on their twitter, just didn't know when to do it. Well, now's your chance.

  2. 7 hours ago, peegee said:

    Hey Nightmare, amazing progress, I've always wanted a suppressor for M320! Nice work!

    I have a slight suggestion on the suppressor, the 9.3mm suppressor fits and sits almost perfectly on M320 and it's better quality model than the old suppressor models.


    I'm pretty sure using the model alone will give people Marksman DLC ads? Not sure.


    Also yes @drebin052 the bottom rail is fixed too. :)




  3. My boyfriend and I broke up a few days ago, but thankfully we're back together now! :D


    Again, thanks for the support guys, development has resumed. I'm mostly playing with PhysX and configuration for the F-35F and C-192 so I don't have much to show their, but I do have these! I might've shown them already though, lol


    M320 LRR supports suppressors



    Zafir supports suppressors



    SDAR supports scopes



    Rahim supports lasers and flashlights



    P07 supports flashlights


    • Like 9

  4. On 4/24/2017 at 7:38 AM, wsxcgy said:

    Thats a pretty good guess. Maybe the mini-campaign entails arranging a treaty between CSAT and NATO or escorting diplomats to said treaty conference, and the new items include armored escorts, politician clothes, and speaking podiums!


    I really like this idea. Perhaps PMCs could be involved?

    • Like 2

  5. Some WIP C-192 Samson textures, still need to work on the wings.





    22 hours ago, wsxcgy said:

    While on the topic of rifles, have you done anything with MX textures? I'd personally prefer they were swapped out with the black because they look a lot better, though I'm going to guess you don't want to diverge from the vanilla aesthetic, so I'd hope they're darkened a bit at least. As is in vanilla, they're almost white and that is silly. If a military was going to adopt a tan weapon, it would be a darker more FDE type shade that is versatile and doesn't stand out, like can be observed with the new German G28s and MG5s. Oh, and getting rid of the stupid camo magazines would be great


    No plans to change the MX as of now.

    • Like 6

  6. 4 minutes ago, ineptaphid said:

    Is anyone else having an issue with the carrier catapults not working? I align with it, select "attach to catapult", the put throttle to full, then press " launch from catapult 3", but it's as if i am just released from the catapult and the plane attempts to take off normally...Meaning not enough speed and a plunge into the ocean. The catapult won't actually launch me for some reason.

    You have to hold it down during launch.

  7. 53 minutes ago, the_oper8r said:

    I'd assume that SCO evolved into CSAT. 


    As for the TRG I guess I'm fine with it now. Will you make a black or tan version though? If not that's fine, I just think it would match better with US units. Also how are the carriers, helmets and uniforms of SF going to be different from standard infantry? 

    Yes, there is a black version. Their equipment is similar to infantry, just wearing lighter helmets and what not.

  8. 1 minute ago, the_oper8r said:

    Okay thanks for clearing stuff up. I think I like the current story a lot more haha. One thing though- do you have a source for the info about the Negev and TRG-21? 


    Check the field manual for the Zafir, and on TTP3 you can see picture of SF carrying the Tavor, plus in the files, it's refered to as "BluSpecRifle" in the field manual.
