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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 4 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    Ah, it seems that is using a mod, so there is no way to remove the gunpod of the buzzard in vanilla arma 3 then? I guess that is included in your aegis mod then? Jets DLC drops tomorrow, so I guess something like that will be stock (don't know if it will allow the gunpod to be removed though).


    Also I hadn't realized that the Bulldog shotgun was the Kel Tec KSG.

    Sweet, the RFB and the KSG will both be in arma 3 then.

    Will it model the KSG and have 2 magazine that you can switch between (like shot and shells, or #4 shot and 00 shot, etc)?

    Will the RFB be able to accept attachments unlike the SDAR?


    If a 5.56 kel tec bullpup is desired... kel tec is already making one:




    Removing the gunpod is part of Jets DLC which is on dev branch.


    The SDAR and RFB can both attach optics.


    And yes, both tubes are simulated for the KSG meaning you can load pellets and slugs and switch between the tubes like the Type 115 or UGLs. :)

    • Like 1

  2. A lot of internal tweaks going on atm so not that much to show, but here:


    Enhanced Combat Helmet (Olive) and Carrier GL Rig (ES MTP)



    New camouflage for the Polish, and Carrier GL Rig (PL MTP)



    Carrier GL Rig (Fleck)



    Tactical Gendarme, wearing his Gendarmerie Tactical Uniform and Tactical Helmet (Black)






    Another look at the Carrier Rig (Coyote)



    Special-Purpose Helmet (Hex)



    And another look at the Bulldog 12 Gauge



    And Mk16 5.56 mm because I thought this looked cool



    On 5/13/2017 at 4:56 PM, Ex3B said:

    PS: How do I remove the gun pod on the buzzard? if removing the gun pod on this F-35 is going to be done the same way?


    In pylon settings:


    • Like 10

  3. 11 hours ago, a_killer_wombat said:

    In dev branch, the dynamic FOV which you get in vehicles and which is dependant on speed, has been removed for jets. However, it hasn't yet been removed for all other vehicles. Is this planned for the near future as well? I would prefer if this dynamic FOV were removed for all vehicles to keep it consistent. 


    It would be much better if it was tied to acceleration rather than speed.

    • Like 3

  4. 5 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    AFAIK, the F-35B has the same internal weapon's bay. All versions can lift much more mass than what they can carry in their internal weapons bays. The B variant sacrificed fuel capacity, not payload bay dimensions, for the lift fan and other VTOL systems.


    PS: how do you remove the gun pod on the buzzard?

    Either way there's no other hard points on the model. Also, just like any other missile. On stable atm 'cause of my group doing stuff but yeah.

  5. 53 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    BTW, what is this C-192 Samson? I assume its a NATO Hercules derivative? is there a gunship version of it, or would that just be redundant with the Blackfish?


    The Samson is basically a 2035 C-130J, and the transport variant is the only variant.

  6. 16 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    is there anyway to mod it such that you could have the option to load a pair of missiles to an weapon station?

    It would be cool to be able to load, for example, a DAGR pod on a weapon station instead of a single missile.


    "The 25 mm gun pod is also removable much like the Buzzard's." - Awesome! the pylons are removable too? or there are two versions of the plane?

    " it does have a fully functional TGP Camera and Dynamic Loadout is 100% working." - Sweet

    So it can switch between modes as seen in the jets preview? *edit* figured out how to do that


    DAGR pods and such can indeed be placed on the pylons (only specific individual missiles and bombs can be mounted in the internal bays). And there is two versions of the plane, just like the Black Wasp II. One with pylons, and a stealthier one without.

  7. 6 hours ago, Ex3B said:

    I'd like to know more about the F-35 you'll be releasing... I understand you're doing a lot of work in your free time, but the Jets DLC brings some changes, an I'm wondering what the new loadout system means for your F-35.

    I'm also wondering if it is capable to holding >4 internal stores, as it is in real life (if those are smaller weapons, ie it could hold 6 amraams, or 2 amraams and 2 GBUs)


    *Note those are Hellfile sized AGMs, not Maverick sized AGMs


    Also, it would be really awesome if it had camera functionality like this:


    Any chance of that?


    I've got some mission series that I wanted to make with the LHD addon and an F-35 addon (like what I made in Arma 2, but I came years to late to Arma 2 to have anyonw interested in playing those missions), but without a good F-35B addon, I may just use the carrier and Black Wasp II from this new DLC.


    The F-35F can carry 2 missiles/bombs in each of its internal bays (so 4 total), and another 6 with its external pylons. The 25 mm gun pod is also removable much like the Buzzard's. Also it does have a fully functional TGP Camera and Dynamic Loadout is 100% working. :)

  8. 3 hours ago, Ex3B said:



    I don't really want to to chop up my mod and release things separately. I already have a lot of work on my hands (and with final exams going on too) and really it just isn't something I want to do.


    Also huge thanks to all the testers finding bugs, suggestions, etc, as well as a huge thanks to y'all for your support. :) I'm confident that a beta release will come in May/June, a little later than I hoped but it is a quite ambitious product and I really am the only person coding/texturing/modelling etc. Stuff like F-35 are basically done (an issue with VTOL and new sounds + HMD are left really), along with a lot of the other content. Apologies still that some minor things are put aside for now, I'll do a full release list asap and a list of content coming post release.


    If anyone is experienced with animations and willing to do a few gun reloads, please PM me!

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