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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 1 hour ago, roberthammer said:

    Why they would make another island when Malden was just recently released and wasn't even used for anything


    also that story could be about the expansion prototype which was 3 islands - Tanoa , Snow island and African island

    The 3rd prototype island was actually an Australian outback style island. Also Lombakka is something @Kydoimos came up with and it doesn't actually mean anything.

  2. 4 minutes ago, POLPOX said:

    You are doing very nice job as always! BTW it is just came to my mind, how about Green Hex Buzzard?


    It's a possibility, though not as high of priority as the Neophron and Taru pods. I forgot to mention but I'm also working on a Clouds Qilin.

  3. Heya! Here's a quick update as to what I've been up to. c:


    I've added a few new liveries with the release of the Jets DLC texture samples: a blue texture for the Neophron, a green hex texture for the Shikra, and a BLUFOR texture for the Gryphon. I haven't forgotten about the green hex Neophron, it's just a very long, slow, and grueling process to make it.






    Speaking of aircraft, I've also added two new pylon weapons: Cannon 20 mm - unique to the Hellcat, and the S-5 rocket pod. I also have plans to do S-8 rocket pods and Vikhr missiles unique to OPFOR.




    Mk20 rifles now in olive! The black textures have also received some TLC.




    Woodland infantry for the AAF, don't mind the Greek flags.




    Another screenshot of the now Militia forces.




    There've also been efforts to further diversify the FIA by adding a new uniform and tweaking their headgear randomization. Headgear randomization for other factions such as ION, Raven, Clouds, etc, and civilians are slowly being fixed up. The ACE compatibility file has also been fixed. I'm planning to release the next update once Orange DLC is released on September 12 to avoid errors.

    • Like 8

  4. 39 minutes ago, road runner said:

    Okay, by the looks of it you're missing the key element, and that's the p3d model itself, you have the class name the same as the model, which might be the cause of your missing model.


    try this out.


    personally I'd change the name of the p3d of the model to XM25_1 to avoid conflicts with the class name

    No no no... The model itself shows and animates properly. The issue is that the weapon itself doesn't show up in the arsenal. As in you can't select it.

  5. 9 minutes ago, soldier2390@hotmail.com said:

    By the way, why has most of that stuff remained included with the games files despite not being used? (I.e textures for models that don't exist, or have any other parts used for other models)


    Because modders can always use that extra stuff. c;

    • Like 2

  6. 16 hours ago, road runner said:

    What's your model.cfg look like??


    Sorry for the delay, here it is:

    class CfgSkeletons
    	class Rifle_base_F;
    	class XM25_skeleton: Rifle_base_F
    		skeletonInherit = Rifle_base_F;
    		isDiscrete = true;
    		skeletonBones[] =
    class CfgModels
    	class Default;
    	class Rifle_base_F;
    	class XM25_F: Rifle_base_F
    		skeletonName = XM25_skeleton;
    		sections[] = {zasleh};
    		class Animations
    			class magazine_reloadMag_hide
    				type = hide;
    				source = reloadMagazine;
    				selection = magazine;
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 1;
    				hideValue = 0.188;
    				unhideValue = 0.55;
    			class magazine_hasMag_hide
    				type = hide;
    				source = hasMagazine;
    				selection = magazine;
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 1;
    				hideValue = 0.5;
    				unhideValue = -1;
    			class magazine_reloadMag_move_1
    				type = translation;
    				source = reloadMagazine;
    				selection = magazine;
    				axis = magazine_axis;
    				minValue = 0.145;
    				maxValue = 0.170;
    				offset0 = 0;
    				offset1 = 0.25;
    			class magazine_reloadMag_move_2: magazine_reloadMag_move_1
    				minValue = 0.573;
    				maxValue = 0.602;
    				offset0 = 0;
    				offset1 = -0.25;
    			class trigger_reload_rot
    				type = rotation;
    				source = reload;
    				selection = trigger;
    				axis = trigger_axis;
    				minValue = 0.5;
    				maxValue = 1;
    				angle0 = 0;
    				angle1 = (rad 40);
    			class bolt_reload_move_1
    				type = translation;
    				source = reload;
    				sourceAddress = clamp;
    				selection = bolt;
    				axis = bolt_axis;
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 0.1;
    				offset0 = 0;
    				offset1 = 0.4;
    			class bolt_reload_move_2: bolt_reload_move_1
    				minValue = 0.5;
    				maxValue = 1;
    				offset0 = 0;
    				offset1 = -0.4;
    			class bolt_empty_move: bolt_reload_move_1
    				source = isEmptyNoReload;
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 0.5;
    				offset0 = 0;
    				offset1 = 0.4;
    			class bolt_reloadMag_move_1: bolt_empty_move
    				source = reloadMagazine;
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 0.00001;
    			class bolt_reloadMag_move_2: bolt_reloadMag_move_1
    				source = reloadMagazine;
    				minValue = 0.877;
    				maxValue = 0.9;
    				offset1 = -0.4;
    			class zaslehROT
    				type = rotationX;
    				source = ammoRandom;
    				sourceAddress = loop;
    				selection = zasleh;
    				axis = "";
    				centerFirstVertex	= true;
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 4;
    				angle0 = (rad 0);
    				angle1 = (rad 360);
    			class safety_weaponMode_rot
    				type = rotation;
    				source	= weaponMode;
    				selection = safety;
    				axis = safety_axis;
    				memory = true;
    				minValue = 0;
    				maxValue = 0.25;
    				angle0 = 0;
    				angle1 = (rad -52);


  7. Not voting because in my opinion...


    Children? No. Just no.


    Women? Yes, preferably with both civilian and military counterparts. I understand however that uniforms may be an issue and can see why they might not want to include them for military roles.


    EDIT: I should mention I don't care more or less about women dying compared to men. We're human either way with equal value.

    • Like 9

  8. 4 minutes ago, drebin052 said:

    Hmm...I'm not too sure what exact config change you made but the latest patch seems to have altered the impact FX for bullets on metal objects for some reason.


    Everything from your own weapons (Mk16/17, Bulldog, etc.) to even vanilla weapons like the 4-five have been affected and now use the generic dust spray FX instead if a bullet hits them. I recall your weapons having proper fire geos in the last patch so that effect shouldn't be showing up.

    Nothing changed, it's just a bug that usually happens, even to vanilla stuff.


    22 minutes ago, POLPOX said:

    How about replace texture for clothes of Flames?

    Yeah I gotta do that at some point. :P

  9. 11-08-2017

    • Added: Mk18 ABR 7.62 mm (Grey)
    • Added: Vermin SMG .45 ACP (Khaki)
    • Added: Swordfish Regiment Insignia
    • Added: Rugged Radio and Magazine (Caseless) props
    • Added: Sniper Suit [AAF/NATO/CSAT]
    • Added: Carrier Vest (Green)
    • Added: New icon for the black 4-five
    • Tweaked: Mk16 GL optics overhauled
    • Tweaked: Mk17 GL optics overhauled
    • Tweaked: SA80 GL optics overhauled
    • Tweaked: NATO special forces' equipment was overhauled
    • Tweaked: CSAT special forces' equipment was overhauled
    • Tweaked: NATO Tropic helmets' textures were improved
    • Tweaked: Viper Hex uniform's textures were improved
    • Tweaked: CSAT Urban, Green Hex, and Hex uniforms' textures were improved
    • Tweaked: CSAT Green Hex and Hex officer uniforms' textures were improved
    • Tweaked: Menu Music was changed
    • Tweaked: MX / MX 3GL's black textures were improved
    • Tweaked: ION and Civilian CH-49 Mohawk was renamed
    • Fixed; Gendarme Marshal had wrong vest
    • Fixed: Worn Combat Fatigues (Kerry) was too bright
    • Fixed: NATO Pacific Helicopter Pilots and Crew had wrong NV Goggles
    • Fixed: Some dismantled weapon bags could not be assembled, the rest are still being figured out (Raised GMG/HMGs)
    • Fixed: NATO Urban uniforms were invisible
    • Fixed: M4 SSAS's sounds weren't playing
    • Like 8

  10. 10 minutes ago, krycek said:

    The Alice module was great, I hoped it would return in all these years that passed. Tbh I don't understand why they didn't at least add some variation of civ outfits, 95% of civ clothes are a different color of shorts,sandals and polo shirt(and the extra outfit with it's color variation from Apex).This ain't Sims, but having at least 4-5 different civ outfit choices would have been great.


    Idk looks like there's lots of variety for civilians to me:



    And that's just unique models. I'm not even including all the texture variants.

    • Like 1

  11. 1 hour ago, Night515 said:

    Absolutely loving everything so far! Just a simple request though, could we get non-medical variants of the Military Medical tents?


    Side note: Please rework the other explosions! The new ones look reeeally good with the fake lighting:




    Pic doesn't do it justice.


    I suppose this belongs here. :)

  12. Absolutely loving everything so far! Just a simple request though, could we get non-medical variants of the Military Medical tents?


    Side note: Please rework the other explosions! The new ones look reeeally good with the fake lighting:




    Pic doesn't do it justice.

    • Like 2

  13. Just now, broduz said:

    Legit loving this mod. It adds a lot for creative mission makers to work with. 


    Not OT sure if you're into taking suggestions lol but tropical and woodland versions of Kerry's worn uniform (button up shirt) and survival uniform (swimming) would be very much appreciated ?

    It's possible. :)


    Just reminded me I have to fix something lol but possibly in a later version. :)

  14. Small SITREP, update to come soon:


    Swordfish Regiment insignia



    Black MX / MX 3GL's have their proper markings now



    Vermin SMG .45 ACP (Khaki)



    Mk18 ABR 7.62 mm (Grey)



    Deck Crew Helmets



    A small teaser for a completely different mod. c;



    And some other random stuff 'cause left over models in the game's files





    The SA80 / Mk16 / Mk17 now have 3D GL sights (might have some issues but nothing game breaking), and the NATO / CSAT specop loadouts are once again being tweaked. I'm not entirely sure what rifles they should use, preferably one that regular troops don't use.

    • Like 7

  15. Hello.


    I'm having an issue where my weapon isn't showing up in arsenal. I've tried using baseWeapon and scopeArsenal to no avail.



    #include "basicDefines_A3.hpp"
    class CfgPatches
    	class A3_Weapons_F_Aegis_Launchers_XM25
    		addonRootClass = A3_Weapons_F_Aegis;
    		requiredAddons[] = {A3_Weapons_F_Aegis};
    		requiredVersion = 0.1;
    		units[] = {Weapon_GL_XM25_F};
    		weapons[] = {GL_XM25_F};
    class SlotInfo;
    class Mode_SemiAuto;
    class CfgWeapons
    	class Rifle;
    	class Rifle_Base_F: Rifle
    		class WeaponSlotsInfo;
    	class GL_XM25_F: Rifle_Base_F
    		author = $STR_A3_Night515;
    		_generalMacro = GL_XM25_F;
    		baseWeapon = GL_XM25_F;
    		scope = public;
    		scopeArsenal = public;
    		displayName = "Punisher 25 mm";
    		model = "\A3\Weapons_F_Aegis\Launchers\XM25\XM25_F.p3d";
    		picture = "\A3\Weapons_F_Aegis\Launchers\XM25\Data\UI\gear_XM25_CA.paa";
    		UiPicture = "\A3\Weapons_F\Data\UI\icon_gl_CA.paa";
    		weaponInfoType = RscOptics_punisher;
    		modelOptics = "\A3\Weapons_F\Acc\reticle_cdtes";
    		magazines[] = {5Rnd_HE_Grenade_mag};
    		cursor = gl;
    		handAnim[] =
    		reloadAction = GestureReloadKatiba;
    		recoil = recoil_default;
    		maxZeroing = 1000;
    		shotPos = "Usti hlavne";
    		shotEnd = "Konec hlavne";
    		modes[] = {Single};
    		class Single: Mode_SemiAuto
    			reloadTime = 0.25;
    			dispersion = 0.00116;
    			recoil = M240Recoil;
    			recoilProne = M240Recoil;
    			minRange = 50;
    			minRangeProbab = 0.1;
    			midRange = 500;
    			midRangeProbab = 0.7;
    			maxRange = 1000;
    			maxRangeProbab = 0.05;
    		class Library
    			libTextDesc = $STR_A3_CfgWeapons_launch_XM25_Library0;
    		initSpeed = 210;
    		descriptionShort = $STR_A3_CfgWeapons_launch_XM251;
    		inertia = 0.8;
    		aimTransitionSpeed = 0.8;
    		dexterity = 1.2;
    		class WeaponSlotsInfo: WeaponSlotsInfo
    			class MuzzleSlot{};
    			class CowsSlot{};
    			class PointerSlot{};
    			mass = 140;
    		class OpticsModes
    			class Scope
    				opticsID = 1;
    				useModelOptics = true;
    				opticsPPEffects[] =
    				opticsFlare = true;
    				opticsZoomMin = 0.1875;
    				opticsZoomMax = 0.0625;
    				opticsZoomInit = 0.1875;
    				distanceZoomMin = 100;
    				distanceZoomMax = 100;
    				memoryPointCamera = eye;
    				cameraDir = look;
    				visionMode[] =
    				thermalMode[] = {0,1};
    				opticsDisablePeripherialVision = true;
    				discretefov[] = {0.1875,0.0625};
    				discreteInitIndex = 0;
    		DLC = Aegis;
    class CfgVehicles
    	class Weapon_Base_F;
    	class Weapon_GL_XM25_F: Weapon_Base_F
    		scope = public;
    		scopeCurator = public;
    		displayName = "Punisher 25 mm";
    		author = $STR_A3_Night515;
    		editorCategory = EdCat_Weapons;
    		editorSubcategory = EdSubcat_Launchers;
    		vehicleClass = WeaponsPrimary;
    		class TransportWeapons
    			class GL_XM25_F
    				weapon = GL_XM25_F;
    				count = 1;
    		class TransportMagazines
    			class 5Rnd_HE_Grenade_mag
    				magazine = 5Rnd_HE_Grenade_mag;
    				count = 1;

    Please let me know what's wrong here, I've got no idea why this isn't working.
