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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 13 hours ago, jcalvert said:

    Hi,  first thing i wanted to say that  Aegis  is awesome mod, and you are doing great work.  Its really nice to see 2035 armaverse stuff being worked on, rather than umptenth strictlly real-life modern content focused mod. 


    That being said - i stumbled upon it looking for Livonian police (the guys on the last photo in very first post of this topic fit the bill perfectly).   But after installing the mod, i can't find  the police content at all , only gendarmerie is listed in editor.  Am i mising something?  Or is the polish/livonian police something planned for future relases?


    Also, my 0.05 usd about the M-4 rifle - you might consider  removing the full-auto option, and leave it as semi-auto only civilian AR-15 clone?  These things are reasonably cheap, avaiable for non-military users,  and would make sense for paramilitaries,  police, and criminal elements... while at the same time being different than other guns of its class.    Just a sugestion .  IMO Arma sorely lacks  this class of weapons,  despite their relative popularity.


    Hiya! Please check out the development version of Aegis. The beta version is VERY outdated.

  2. Hey y'all. Progress has been slow but we're steadily creeping towards the next release. I'd recommend checking the A3 HUB or Arma 3 Aegis Discord to get a look at what's new, I'm lazy and there's lots of stuff to cover.


    Regardless, the plan is to polish the new weapons up and fix the F-35F's PhysX, improve compatibility, and release. 🙂

    • Like 2

  3. 1 hour ago, Shawniepie said:

    When was the M4A1 added, and what faction uses it?


    Last update. It's no longer in Aegis as of the next update. It was added since an M4A1 was cut from Arma 3 Apex but I felt it was kind of pointless since we have the SPAR. That, and I don't have a good M320 GLM model for it. No faction was planned to use it either.

  4. 8 hours ago, ISparkle said:

    I hope that you have plans for those helmets in camo also. Though, speaking of camo, do you have plans for desert-ish version of camos planned for Russians?


    I want to model a cover at some point, but I'm still learning how to model. I might do desert camo, no promises.

    • Like 4

  5. 2 hours ago, vagrantauthor said:

    Hello, @AveryTheKitty. Thank you for your work on this mod and for sharing it with the community. I cannot seem to play Arma 3 without it anymore (willfully, not technically).

    I think if you take the new "Spetznaz" assets added by the Contact DLC and use those in combination with other vanilla items and your Russia-reskin vehicles to make a fleshed out faction, then the Spetznaz may become something notable in game.

    On a related note: I want to build an Opfor preset for the latest Liberation release and noticed the vast majority of your Spetznaz units do not have the proper magazines for their weapons. They have magazines in their inventories, but those mags do not go to those guns for whatever reason.


    Heya! Thanks!


    Are you using RHS by chance? That could be causing the issue - I'd have to look into it. Right now, I'm working on the Russians and prepping the next update.





    • Like 5

  6. A few small issues:


    Blanks break windows:



    If you skip talking to The Don and talk to Lane, this happens. The conversation won't play after speaking to The Don.





    Some compositions have desert tents or vehicles.





    I guess it's fair to say that the LDF operate Gryphons and Russia uses Shikras. Would be awesome if we could get proper skins for each of these!

    • Like 2

  7. 15 minutes ago, lex__1 said:

    This remains the only active option to control the tank - WASD. If you completely abandon the use of AI tank crew control assistance - this control option is not always convenient when you need to open a map or UAV control terminal, chat, etc. - the tank is stopped and has no control.
    A player loses a part of vehicle mobility due to inactive / blocked control methods or is forced to perform extra permanent dislocation actions inside the crew in order to regain control of the tank from an order.


    You can still click on the map and tell your driver where to go.

  8. 4 minutes ago, FoxFort said:

    That's cool. 

    Does that mean Chinese CSAT or MiddlEast CSAT will be operating along Spetsnaz? Well I'm mostly interested if CSAT side will have AI with 3 different voices (Chinese, Farsi and Russian) at the same time on one side? (sounds like a mess) 


    It means that Spetsnaz will use CSAT vehicles (probably the Green Hex ones), since the Spetsnaz faction doesn't have any of their own. 😞

  9. 1 minute ago, the_one_and_only_Venator said:


    Yeah, planes would be nice. But Proper retextures of Gryffon and Neophron would fit better I guess. Would also be an "new" plane for Indfor.


    A Western version of the Neophron would be very welcome, indeed.


    For those unaware, a Western version of the Yak-130 is produced in Italy, known as the M-346 Master. It is used by Poland, Italy, Singapore, and Israel.





    I'm sure it wouldn't be too big of a change, the MFDs are already English so you would just have to add a hiddenSelection for the interior to replace the blue paint and Russian text.


    Can we at least get the hiddenSelection for the interiors, for modders? 🙂

    • Like 5

  10. 3 hours ago, icarus86 said:

    The current russian helmet is fine since its supposed to be a beggining of a csat merger iirc


    Even then, CSAT's helmets are loosely based off Russian Altyn helmets. The Avenger helmet could even be a precursor to the Protector / Assassin / Defender helmets used by CSAT.

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