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Posts posted by AveryTheKitty

  1. 24 minutes ago, Strike_NOR said:

    Not at all. It's your weekend. Although poor @oukej was trying to hold the fort after midnight a couple of times (bedside browsing on the phone maybe? Huge mistake! :D )


    As you can probably tell, the interest is humongous. It's really bringing forth many interesting solutions to improvimg the current/old system as well as sparking interest in the new component system.



    Perhaps..... it would be an idea to create a fire/brewup effect that occurs when this random destruction timer is initiated. Not only realistic - but a good indication to abandon vehicle, or if you are the opponent, stop shooting the dying tank.


    A plume smoke to signify that it's about to blow up could be a good effect. :)


    Not sure how possible it is but you could have some smoke coming out of the barrel too.

  2. 10 minutes ago, scavenjer said:

    Uhh? what? Leopard 2 certainly has blow out panels and the only leo 2s destroyed in combat are turkish ones that were not equipped with the system the BW and literally everyone else uses, a wet ammo rack will significantly delay and mitigate cookoff off the ammunition.
    It's not at all a deathtrap, in fact it's one of the most protected and crew-safe tanks currently in service.

    The new T-14 still has part of the ammo stored in the hull just like all other previous russian MBTs, yeah they do have blow out panels now but there's still a significant chance the ammo in the hull (not in wet ammo racks) will cookoff and cause an explosion.

    You can find pictures of pretty much any MBT completely destroyed, plenty of abrams that burned out due to catching fire or getting penetrated through the floor and setting the tank on fire.

    That's different than actual ammo cookoffs.


    The Challenger 2, Leclerc, and Black Eagle tank (or T-100 Varsuk rather) also have blow-out panels.

  3. Literally unplayable. The RCWS on every vehicle apart from the Strider doesn't animate properly.


    For reference, this is how it should animate. Note that the base doesn't move while the turret actually does.



    The following vehicles...


    2S9 Sochor



    MSE-3 Marid

    IFV-6c Panther

    CRV-6e Bobcat

    UGV Stomper

    M4 Scorcher


    ...have RCWS's that don't animate properly. The base moves with the turret like so:



    While we're on the topic, the hatch on the hunter shouldn't turn with the turret.



    Rather it should remain still - along with the RCWS's base, while the RCWS turns.


    Also, the unarmed Strider has a base which probably shouldn't be there.



    Please take care of this, I can't unsee it now.


    EDIT: Also, the FIA Gorgons still have AO for the tools, and the shovel handle is still there.


    • Like 3

  4. 2 hours ago, Hvymtal said:

    As I look more and more, i'm starting to notice that the color palette of each faction's driving and fighting compartments doesn't always mesh with that of the passenger compartment. It's hardly game-breaking and they are quite close, but sort of like the hatch issue it is a touch off-putting

    It affects all of them, but here are some of the worse offenders


    MSE-3 Marid

      Reveal hidden contents







    IFV-6 Panther

      Reveal hidden contents







    M2 Slammer

      Reveal hidden contents








    May I also reiterate the field manual entry for the Varsuk

    "The crew was moved from the turret to a more armored body of the tank"

    Maybe the teased T-14, but not the Varsuk


    I think it'd be best just to retexture the interiors with a basic grey color like the crew compartments. Sure it'll look kinda bland, but consistency.

  5. 5 minutes ago, lato190 said:

    im not sure, but wasnt tank barrel collisions in previous arma titles? or it was a mod for arma 2 but im not 100% sure now if it was a mod feature or game feature


    It was, but it was removed because it resulted in the tanks being thrown harder and faster into the air than the rounds they fire.

  6. WWFr2uQ.jpg


    Slammer coax looks a bit weird. Suggestion: either add the coaxile Mk200 model from the AFV-4 Gorgon / BTR-K Kamysh into that gap, or remove the muzzle flash.


    EDIT: One other thing, the sounds of casings from the coaxile MG can be heard (turn off engine and just do a short burst of the coax and listen closely) which doesn't make sense since it's a caseless MG. :P


    3 hours ago, Imperator[TFD] said:

    On another note; can we pretty pretty please have the Slammer Co-ax MG changed from 6.5 to 7.62 and the turret on the Bobcat changed from 6.5 to .50bmg?

    This would bring them in line with the rest of the armoured vehicle line ups.


    I'm pretty sure the reason why NATO tanks have 6.5 mm MGs is the following: I'll use the Abrams as an example. Irl it has a 7.62 mm M240 coaxile MG. Since the M240 was seemingly replaced with the 6.5 mm Mk200 in the Armaverse, that's why the tanks have 6.5 mm instead of 7.62 mm.


    6.5 mm miniguns don't make sense though, especially since the Hellcat and Pawnee have the same miniguns yet they're 7.62 mm.

    • Like 1

  7. 53 minutes ago, Ex3B said:

    Nah, I wasn't even suggesting CSAT carriers or larger VTOLs. The standard game doesn't give them any naval assets, and even if they had them, only the Helos and Xian work... but the editor gives enough flexibility.

      Reveal hidden contents


    The covered up US flag, and a chinese flag at the top is good enough for me. Triggers that activate when linked aircraft have a heading and speed,in a certain range and then lower the velocity work well enough for me:





    I'd just be happy with some MRAPs, or something similar, that can threaten NATO gorgons and Marshals. It could be a BRDM with an AT missile launcher (ie, port, for the Russia faction, from Arma 2), or Ifrits and Marids capable of firing 1.27x108mm APDS rounds.

    NATO just seems really good compared to CSAT now when it comes to amphibious assault capabilities.

    Amphibious vehicles for NATO:

    Strider, Marshall, Gorgon

    Amphibious vehicles for CSAT:



    Airmobile combat vehicles for CSAT: Ifrit, Quilin

    Airmobile for NATO: Prowler, Strider, Hunter, Marshal


    If Ifrits and Marids can be firing APDS ammo from an automatic weapon, then they stand a much better chance against the amphibious and airmobile NATO units.


    FYI, I don't know if my version of this mod is out of date (though I just reinstalled arma and the mod [via steam] about a month ago), but the CSAT buzzards don't have R73 and R77 missiles selectable in the editor (no big deal, can set pylons through the init).

    and #2: The door miniguns of the ghosthawk and huron weren't working. Using the magazines command, it seemed that the vehicle had 2000Rnd_762x51_Belt_T_Red assigned to them, but it didn't seem to work in the guns. I did: this addMagazineTurret ["PylonWeapon_762x51_Belt_T_Red", [1]]; this addMagazineTurret ["PylonWeapon_762x51_Belt_T_Red", [2]]; (I  think I got those names right) - and they worked again, so again, not a huge deal, nothing "broken beyond repair".



    Both issues are fixed internally. :)
