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About Valken

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    Sergeant Major

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  1. Hello Valkan,


    I need to ask you a question about Steam and Arma 2/OA. First off, if I uninstall my ArmA 2 titles from my Steam account, can I re-install them at a later date? Secondly, can I uninstall Steam and then re-install it on my D drive which is a 2 Tb HDD. My computer came with a dinky 128 Gb SD drive and I am using it up fast and would have no room at all for any of the mods I wish to use, mainly Vietnam:The Experience (one of my all time favorite mods). You definitely are more knowledgeable about these matters than most of the other people that post comments about adding mods to ArmA 2/OA. I remember how to use mod folders and add them when I played ArmA 1 years ago but everything has changed since then. Also, where do you put the -no splash and -no map commands. Any help on your part would be greatly appreciated.




    aka WhiteWolf65 

    1. Valken


      Hi Whitewolf or is it GreyWulf? :D


      Answers to your questions:


      1) Yes you can REINSTALL all steam games at a later date. Make sure to keep ~ 3x the HD space needed FREE per game when you do the install because STEAM compresses the game before d/l and decompress during installation so it turns out bigger than what it shows.


      Install ARMA 2, launch the game, close it

      Install the ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead (if you have it), launch the game, close it

      Install the British Armed Forces DLC (if you have it), launch the game, close it

      Install the PMC DLC (if you have it), launch the game, close it

      Install the ACR DLC (if you have it), launch the game, close it


      That is the way to make it work supposedly if you have the full ARMA 2 combined arms with all DLC pack.


      Setup your graphics and sounds, and keyboard bindings, close it to save the settings then launch the game again to check.


      2) Use the @xxx folder names as from ARMA 1 for ARMA 2 to keep consistency. You can actually use whatever you want but it is terrible for sorting the mod folders from the game folders so I suggest you keep the known formats.


      EG: @VTE in your ARMA 2 main game folder.


      2) The command line for ARMA 2 is similar for ARMA 1 and 3 actually.


      I use a bat file inside the ARMA 2 or ARMA 2 Operation Arrowhead (if you have this, us this as your main game ) folder to launch mods because there is no good mod launcher for ARMA 2.


      So it would be something like this from one of my current bat files:


      arma2oa.exe -beta=Expansion\beta;Expansion\beta\Expansion -nosplash -world=empty -cpucount=4 -mod=@NoBlurOA;@dfs_3rdperson;@corepatch;@cba;@cba_a2;@cba_oa;


      Replace the @xxx with the game folders you are using. Copy and paste the contents into a text file, and save it inside the ARMA 2 or ARMA operation arrowhead folder and name it 


      arma2vte.bat or something like that.


      I think you get the point. If not, just list your mods and we can help you setup a bat file.


      I have like 20 + bat files that I've created to launch my favorite mods and copy, edit and save a new one when I want to test ARMA 2 mods.


      Good luck!

    2. greywulf58


      Thanks Valkan. I was looking at the amount of available disk space on my C drive (SSD) and Steam and the ArmA games ate it up. Its a small SSD (128 Gb ) and it only had 10 Gb remaining. So, I un-installed everything and I am re-installing everything to my 2 Tb HDD. I know this isn't the best way to do it, but I really don't have much of an alternative if I want to start using any kind of mods. Someday in the not too distant future, I will get a larger SSD drive and it will be dedicated to gaming.


      BTW, right before I un-installed everything I ran the benchmark scenarios. I have all my graphics settings set to high and I am averaging between 57 and 60 FPS. Pretty good for a seven year-old refurbished HP computer. I do know I need to add another 16 Gb of memory at some point. Maybe when I get the bigger SSD.


      Again, thanks for the help.




      PS I didn't purchase the ArmA Combined Arms package but I do have all the other titles including Dayz (although I'm not very interested in killing Zombies). What is ARC DLC? I didn't see that listed on Steam.
