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I'm going to, when I have time, try to tweak those particle effects to make them more centralized on the body, and maybe make them a bit more intense just for visual purposes. Kind of like in that video how it envelopes the player when the player cloaks. I used this Particle Editor to create the particle effects parameter in game so I could see it in action. I had to add ["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract",1,0,1], into the init.sqf so that the refract effect would be available for use.
Yeah sure. Here's the link to the mission. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=246184547 I'm now trying to figure out why the steerable parachute wants to always bank hard left everytime. It never used to do it. Besides that, it's a fun little mission. I even put in the old wirecutting script, think it's by BTK. I need to try out the new one that's up on Armaholic. ---------- Post added at 18:28 ---------- Previous post was at 17:34 ---------- Next I want to put into the cloak.sqf a restriction that the addaction gets removed(to prevent OP spamming of the cloak), and then have it sleep for 90 seconds after the cloak deactivates, during which there's still no addaction, then once those 90 seconds complete, the action becomes available for use again. Is it possible to do that inside the cloak.sqf? Would it be as simple as _unit removeaddAction ? then sleep 90 , then a message saying cloak available, then a _unit addaction ....?
That is awesome!!! //How did you get the effect to stick to the soldier. When I tested it on myself, the effect stays where I cloaked, but doesn't stay attached to me. Edit: I added Heat attachto [player,[0,0,0]]; to the HeatEffect.sqf and it worked. Awesome. Thank you to DreadedEntity and HallyG for all the help with this. If you guys don't mind, I gave you two credit in the 2 .sqf's that are going into my mission. I'll also give you two credit in the steam page of the mission as well. Thanks again.
Ah cool. Setting to 0 put it at low priority, so it's gone now from on screen till I scroll mouse wheel. thanks DreadedEntity.
I got the particle effect to show up in game using the refraction (heat) effect from https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Particle_Effects#Calling_of_effect I used the particle editor tool from armaholic. That helped me get the settings I need. I have the below code in a file called refract.sqf . I was thinking of trying to call it in the cloak.sqf when the cloak activates. I don't know yet how to attach it to the player when it happens. refract.sqf XXXPARTICLEEFFECTSOURCEXXX setParticleCircle [0, [0, 0, 0]]; XXXPARTICLEEFFECTSOURCEXXX setParticleRandom [0, [0.25, 0.25, 0], [0.175, 0.175, 0], 0, 0.25, [0, 0, 0, 0.1], 0, 0]; XXXPARTICLEEFFECTSOURCEXXX setParticleParams [["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract", 1, 0, 1], "", "Billboard", 1, 12.5, [0, 0, 0], [0, 0, 0.75], 0, 10.3, 7.8, 0.075, [1.2, 2, 4], [[0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 1], [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.5], [0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 0]], [0.08], 1, 0, "", "", XXXOBJECTXXX]; XXXPARTICLEEFFECTSOURCEXXX setDropInterval 0.05; interval = 0.05; CircleRadius = 0; CircleVelocity[] = {0,0,0}; particleShape ="\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract"; particleFSNtieth =1; particleFSIndex =0; particleFSFrameCount =1; particleFSLoop =0; angle =0; angleVar =0; animationName = ""; particleType = "Billboard"; timerPeriod = 1 ; lifeTime = 12.5; moveVelocity[] = {0, 0, 0.75}; rotationVelocity = 0; weight = 10.3; volume = 7.8; rubbing = 0.075; size[] = {1,1}; animationSpeed[] = {1}; lifeTimeVar = 0; positionVar[] = {0.25, 0.25, 0}; positionVarConst[] = {0, 0, 0}; moveVelocityVar[] = {0.175, 0.175, 0}; moveVelocityVarConst[] = {0, 0, 0}; rotationVelocityVar = 0; sizeVar = 0.25; colorVar[] = {0, 0, 0, 0}; randomDirectionPeriodVar = 0; randomDirectionIntensityVar = 0; sizeCoef = 1; colorCoef[]={0,0,0,0.1}; animationSpeedCoef = 1; destroyOnWaterSurface = 0; destroyOnWaterSurfaceOffset = 0; onSurface = true; keepOnSurface = false; surfaceOffset = 0; bounceOnSurface = 0.6; bounceOnSurfaceVar = 0.0; postEffects = ""; particleEffects = ""; Does anyone know how to attach an effect to the player?
ok, so far I have this partially working. Player is named Sam_Fisher. Trigger 1 is currently set to activate with Radio Alpha, repeatedly, Present, Condition is this and ON ACT is: Sam_Fisher hideObject true; hint "cloak active"; Sam_Fisher setCaptive true; cloak = true; Now I am trying to reverse this cloak after 60 seconds. So I setup another trigger with the condition of cloak so it fires once the 1st trigger fires, and I set a countdown of 60 seconds so that it fires 60 seconds after the first trigger. the on act I set to: Sam_Fisher hideObject false; hint "cloak deactivated"; Sam_Fisher setCaptive false; The issue I am having is that the second trigger only fires once. I can't get it to fire everytime the first one fires. I need the cloak to last for a set time, every time, and deactivate. Any suggestions? EDIT: Ok, so I managed to get the 2 triggers to loop. The way I did it was the first trigger has cloaked = true; in the ON ACT. The second trigger has cloaked as the condition, and in the ON ACT. i added cloaked = false; I tested it and I can no cloak for whatever time I set in the 2nd trigger, then recloak and it will deactivate the cloak at the set timer. Greatness!!! Now to get the particle effect to work when the cloak activates. Another question, how can I set this up to be an addaction the player can use, without having to use the radio? As far as the effect goes, I believe, in the video, that he's using the heat refraction effect. something like that. At the bottom of the Effects page, it says: Specials Refraction (heat) effect You can create refraction effect which simulates movement of hot air (around exhausts, fires, etc.). There is special texture for this purpose. How to create refract effect: in config-defined particle effect set: particleShape = \A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract; particleFSNtieth = 1; particleFSIndex = 0; particleFSFrameCount = 1; particleFSLoop = 0; in scripted particle effect set the first item in the ParticleArray (used by script command setParticleParams or drop) to: ["\A3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Refract",1,0,1] Important notes: First three items (RGB) in color array have no meaning with refract effect, last item (alpha) defines refraction index (basically visibility of effect). All other parameters have the same meaning as in any other particle effect. How can I set that effect to be on the player when he goes invisible? Any help with this would be so much appreciated. Edited: Ok, so I was able to, after watch a tutorial, get an addaction to cloak, and put the code into sqf into the mission folder. Currently, the addaction is setup in the player init as: this addaction ["cloak", "cloak.sqf"] i'd like to be able to have this action hidden unless the player scrolls their mouse wheel. How do I do this? I don't like it being visible near the weapon reticle. The cloak.sqf looks like this so far: Sam_Fisher hideObject true; hint "cloak active"; Sam_Fisher setCaptive true; sleep 60; Sam_Fisher hideObject false; hint "cloak deactivated"; Sam_Fisher setCaptive false; I'm currently trying to figure out how to add the heat refract particle effect to this cloak.sqf. At least for now, I can, in game through the addaction, activate the script, and reactivate it every 60 seconds. So that's great. Headed in the direction I want to so far.
Had the AI fly me in the MH-9 Hummingbird while I shot at unarmed AI down below. My character started shaking like crazy. It was like that he was injured or something. Anyone else experience this? Never got shot, because all the AI were unarmed. edit: I've been able to reproduce this bug nearly 100% of the times I've tried it. In editor, I place down an AI controlled MH-9 Hummingbird. I place down 1 rifleman in command of the AI in the MH-9. I start up the mission. I get into the MH-9 on the bench, either side. I tell the pilot to fly to the other side of the island. Once the heli gets to a good speed, I look towards the very front of the heli, and either unload a full magazine of ammo, or(happens every time) I throw a grenade, smoke or whatever. The camera will begin to shake nonstop. I just tested this while facing the absolute rear of the helicopter and the camera shake happened after unloading a full magazine.
Changing EAST/WEST Camo, NVG's, etc. through init.sqf
rtek posted a topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
I am trying to do a few things through the init.sqf . I am able to remove NVGs, add a taclight to their weapons and force that light to be on, as well as change their spotdistance and spottime. { if(side _x == east) then { _x unassignItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _x removeItem "NVGoggles_OPFOR"; _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _x enableGunLights "forceOn" _x setSkill ["spotDistance", 0]; _x setSkill ["spotTime", 0]; }; } foreach (allUnits); All that works great. I want to do the same for the WEST side, but also change their camo as well. I have tried the below, but none of it working. { if(side _x == west) then { _x setObjectTexture [0, "camo\marpat.paa"]; _x addPrimaryWeaponItem "acc_flashlight"; _x enableGunLights "forceOn" _x setSkill ["spotDistance", 20]; _x setSkill ["spotTime", 20]; }; } foreach (allUnits); I have the EAST code at the top of the init.sqf and the west below it. What am i doing wrong, and how can it be fixed? Are there any other good lines for customizing all units on a faction through this method? Thank you in advance. -
Changing EAST/WEST Camo, NVG's, etc. through init.sqf
rtek replied to rtek's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
the setObjectTexture works in all my missions. I've done it with triggers and within the init of the unit itself. What I do is seek out great camo skins I like, extract the .paa i want from the .pbo, then put it into my missions. I've done it with specific vehicles too if I find a cool skin I like. I'm just trying to see if it's possible and how to do it through the init.sqf. -
Helicopter fastrope script
rtek replied to zealot111's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Same here -
All of my missions are simply built off the previous mission by saving as a new name. This issue only shows up with those two vehicles. Even if I remove those lines, they come back the next time I save in editor. Ive tried just about every vehicle in the game, and I have only gotten it with the madrid and marshal.
Thanks. I just deactivated it for now till I finish these missions. I've only gotten this issue with those two vehicles.
I hate that I can't edit/create missions while using JSRS because of the Marid and Marshal. I have to deactivate the mod anytime I want to edit missions and use those two vehicles. Reason why is because: "A3_Armor_F_AMV", "jsrs2_amv7_marshal", "A3_Armor_F_Marid", "jsrs2_mse3_marid", that ends up in the mission.sqm and prevents anyone else who doesnt have the mod from playing the mission. I like JSRS, but I'm tired of that issue. I don't like using mods that affect my missions because I don't make any missions dependent on mods. Is there anyway to fix this in JSRS, or is it just an issue of having to have JSRS deactive when mission editing?
AI HALO Jump Example Mission
rtek replied to cobra4v320's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Ill try that. I ended up just doing it all in editor with triggers and no lea for the particular mission. -
I found this in the effects.
I'd like to know the same.
This is the second time in the past month that Bohemia has changed the ID's. I'm getting pissed because I have to go back and change all the triggers in my missions that rely on a building ID. Like ID #1062851 is now 1062852, and 1063914 is now 1063932. on a trigger with the Condition set to ((getDammage (position logica1 nearestObject 1062852)) == 1) && ((getDammage (position logica1 nearestObject 1063932)) == 1); for a building destruction, is there any way to get around having to use ID's? Instead use a marker maybe? I've tried to use an object, but objects don't always destroy, unless I'm doing it wrong. Anyways, I'm tired of Bohemia changing the ID's, and wondering if there's a more reliable way to set a trigger to fire if a specific building is destroyed.
ID's keep changing, any alternative?
rtek replied to rtek's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Hey thanks. Ill try those out tonight. Im sick having to change ID's so these alt methods will come in handy. Thanks again. -
Briefing Gear and Team Inventories SP/MP
rtek replied to Kildar's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
it would be cool to have VAS access during briefing for coop/multiplayer. just allow players to suit up how they want before mission start. -
Smoke does indeed work great.
Nice update Cobra. like the idea for next of the flare. thanks again for this script. I use it in all of my missions
sinking trawlers and attaching explosives.. help required (muppet)
rtek replied to PSYKO_nz's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
it does sink it rather quick, but it does sink like the trawler does, usually back end down first the times i tried it. Only thing is once it's at the bottom, the waves cause them to go nuts. -
sinking trawlers and attaching explosives.. help required (muppet)
rtek replied to PSYKO_nz's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
yeah that's awesome. thanks for making that script. very cool. works great on other boats too. How can the attach script be modified to destroy a boat? I'm trying to destroy a csat HMG boat, even with the boat set to critical damage, but the blast wont destroy it. Any chance of using that exploding barrel script to get the demo charge to be amplified? _barrel = _this select 0; if (isServer) then { _ex = createVehicle [ "Bo_Mk82", _barrel modeltoworld [0,0,1], [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ]; _ex setVectorDirAndUp [[0,0,1],[0,-1,0]]; _ex setVelocity [0,0,-1000]; deleteVehicle _barrel; }; I tried to change _barrel to _boat, but it didnt do anything different. this addEventHandler ["HandleDamage",{if ((_this select 4 ) in ["DemoCharge_Remote_Ammo"] ) then {_this execvm "boom.sqf"}}]; I put that EH on the boat to call the boom.sqf with _boat instead of _barrel, hoping the demo charge would activate the script but it didnt blow up how I hoped. -
sinking trawlers and attaching explosives.. help required (muppet)
rtek replied to PSYKO_nz's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
how did you call the script for placing the charge on the side of the boat? -
Laser Target Missile Strike help
rtek replied to rtek's topic in ARMA 3 - MISSION EDITING & SCRIPTING
Works, awesome, thanks.