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Posts posted by zagor64bz

  1. 13 hours ago, Godis_1 said:

    Artillery (or cruise missile? I mean VLS SUpport) sometimes takes pretty long, and sometimes doesn't even work at all. I keep pointing the laser on the target, it says "splash out" and then.. nothing. Sometimes it hits the target, but a long time after the request. And finally it potentially work just fine - sometimes. What is it that I'm doing wrong?

    Thank you for pointing this out. I'll dig into it and report back asap.

    ps: I don't think you're doing anything wrong...maybe is just buggy.

    • Like 1

  2. 12 hours ago, jandrews said:

    But I'd Ike to see a cleaned up version to be honest.  I think there are a few still around that like eos but this thread has been really silent. So most gave up I suspect.


    I'd bet some would like to use the updated version tbh.



    :yeahthat:...I'm one of them. Been using EOS forever, and a cleaned-up version would be nice.

    Thanks to everyone willing to put in some work on this awesome script.


  3. 10 hours ago, ziptlytical said:

    what about making the player captive and assigning him to that enemy vehicle then making him not captive after he reaches destination? There has to be a mission where this has been done before i just don't know the name of it.

    I think this the less complicated way to go. How do you make the player choose to get in the truck? The easiest way will be with an add-action, that prompt the player as soon as he comes close to the back of the truck:

    "HIDE IN THE TRUCK's CARGO" (or something like that), where inside that add-action you set the player captive first, then teleport him as cargo. Then you could use a "getoutMan" event handler to reverse the captive state of the player. 

    Cheers mate!


    EDIT: you could use a "hold-action" as well...and with 3den enhanced is built-in every object and very easy to set up.

    • Like 3

  4. 4 hours ago, ZaellixA said:

    Please note that both of the above snippets are untested and should be treated with caution. I hope this helped somehow, or at least provided some more insight into a possibly better solution.

    Please, don't get me wrong... I don't want to come across ungrateful or cocky here...and REALLY appreciate your help, but I cannot avoid making you notice, with all due respect and plenty of gratitude, that the post you're referring to is 5 years old. Trust me, I wouldn't have waited all this time to find a solution😁😂🤣

    Thank you anyway mate!

    • Like 1
    • Haha 2

  5. 2 hours ago, jonstyle said:

    So I start out on deck. When I’ve chosen my team I board the chopper to transport me to the AO. The problem is every AI team mate gets stuck on deck somewhere...

    OK.....just so I understand better:

    -you start the campaign.....

    -after the opening shot you go to your teammates...

    -you choose your squad...


    -YOU HAVE NOW HELI TRANSPORT AVAILABLE...and the add-action on the choppers change from "NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL SAM IS ACTIVE" to "BOARD THE CHOPPER"

    -you use the add-action to board the heli and your teammates don't get teleported inside BUT get stuck on the carrier deck?


    Please note, as I stated in the BRIEFING,  that due to the lack of paths on the carrier deck, AI does get stuck if they wander around too much, and CANNOT find the way to board ANY kind of vehicle. For that reason, I suggest keeping them on the STOP command until you choose the appropriate vehicle to move to the AO and use the provided add-action to teleport them inside. 

    If you've not yet destroyed the SAM&Radar, I suggest using scuba insertion, or the speedboat service.

  6. 45 minutes ago, A. Ares said:

    Hey @zagor64bz I believe that this will work but, I am not 100% sure if this syntax will work for MP! And because I am a noob, where are you going to add the EH for this to work?

    I'm not sure about MP as well, since I create SP missions only, but I'm pretty sure that EH can go in the unit init, or the mission init, or in a gamelogic.

    For example, in one of my Ghost Recon campaign, I use that EH to activate layers according to task progression:

    player addEventHandler ["TaskSetAsCurrent",{      
        params ["_unit","_task"];  
        private _layers = switch _task do {  
            case ("Task04" call BIS_fnc_taskReal):{(getMissionLayerEntities "pilotTaskCustom") select 0};  
            case ("Task05" call BIS_fnc_taskReal):{(getMissionLayerEntities "sinkShipCustom") select 0};  
      case ("Task06" call BIS_fnc_taskReal):{(getMissionLayerEntities "powerPlantTaskCustom") select 0};  
      case ("Task07" call BIS_fnc_taskReal):{(getMissionLayerEntities "virusTaskCustom") select 0};  
            default {[]};  
            _x enableSimulation true;       
            _x hideObject false;    
        } forEach _layers;  


    Keep in mind that my tasks are all scripted and not using modules.(once understood the concept, it's easier to keep track of tasks and build complex tasks progression without a maze of modules, triggers, and what-nots in the editor).



    • Like 2

  7. On 1/15/2021 at 4:22 PM, Larrow said:
    [ "task1" ] call BIS_fnc_taskExits && { [ "task1" ] call BIS_fnc_taskState == "ASSIGNED" }

    Edited: Realised you said task1 is created by a trigger so you need to make sure task1 exists before checking its state

    Hey @Larrow,

    Just in case he wants to get rid of the trigger...could he go for an Eventhandler also?

    this addEventHandler ["TaskSetAsCurrent", { params 
    ["_unit", "_task"];



    • Like 2

  8. 44 minutes ago, Leopard20 said:

    They die if killed within 60 seconds since their last death (except for the player). It's like a "cool down" feature. I figured it'd be too "cheaty" if they just became immortal, so I added the cool down.

    Never notes, but I like that! ....and if it was for me, I'll add a severe speed/sway/aim/load penalty in those 60 seconds to simulate some sort of "recovery" features. That will teach a team leader to move wisely his units or pretty soon he's gonna lead a team of zombies.

  9. 8 hours ago, ZaellixA said:

    Hey there, a wee bit (or more than just that) late to reply but I believe you could get away without the need to use a trigger here. I might be wrong but I believe if you go the Grumpy-Old-Man's way (event handler approach) you could skip the trigger and set the task to "COMPLETE" inside the event handler.


    Another benefit of the event handlers' usage is increased performance.

    IIRC, triggers are constantly checked, while event handler "fire" only when the event actually happens. In a large mission with a lot of triggers that could help a lot, and make a difference in FPS.

    • Like 1

  10. 4 hours ago, R3vo said:



    setTriggerActivation this might be what you are looking for.

    Ok, ...I've got it working in a more twisted way:😁


    In the trigger set to activate the extraction:

    name: enable_extraction



    this && ["Task_Name"] call BIS_fnc_taskState == "SUCCEEDED"

    on act:

    [['GHOST-6','Alpha 1-3, this is GHOST-6. Requesting immediate extraction at grid position 002001, over.'],['Alpha 1-3','GHOST-6 this is Alpha 1-3, coordinates received. Standby, over.',8]] remoteExec ['BIS_fnc_EXP_camp_playSubtitles',0];

    In another trigger:

    Type: NONE

    Activation: NONE


    the same condition that makes "task_name" succeeded


    on act:

    enable_extraction setTriggerText "Start Extraction";   


    Now the previously "RADIO CHANNEL LOCKED" will show the "Start Extraction" and enable the radio trigger for extraction. 

  11. 12 hours ago, R3vo said:

    Just change the condition of the trigger and remove "activated by radio trigger".


    A happy new year to you too

    Thanks, but maybe I didn't explain well enough: by hiding until condition meet I mean that it will show up on the list of radio trigger AFTER that condition is satisfied. I still want the player to have eventually the radio trigger at the end. Precisely, after completing a task the radio trigger will be on the list and extraction call-able.
