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Posts posted by gfresco

  1. Alright, thanks for the help guys very much appreciated, making progress. But as a self described half-wit who can't code I'm still having some issues.

    Using just what @Erwin23p suggested without editing the code otherwise the group seems to autoupdate no matter what, regardless of the detection state. I've played with inserting the "if (_ReconTeams knowsAbout player > 1) then" in a few different spots:

    while {true} do    {
    hint"WP ReconTeam updated";
            if (east knowsAbout player > 3) then
    	deleteWaypoint [_x, 0];	
    	_waypoint1 = _x addWaypoint [(player getpos [115,45]),0];	
    	_waypoint1 setWaypointType "MOVE";//SAD MOVE
    	_x setCombatMode "RED";
    	_x setSpeedMode "FULL";
    	_x allowFleeing 0;	
    		}foreach [_ReconTeams];
            sleep 10;

    It will just auto update to the player location on whatever I set the timing of the sleep command to. (note I'm using east vs a specified group so ideally any east/opfor unit spotting the player will direct this group to this location. Think of it as a specific group tasked with hunting the player group down, directed by any other opfor forces intel)


    I have also attempted to use @pierremgi code but while I get no RPT errors it doesn't seem to update the groups directed waypoint once the player has been detected again/at a new location. They seem to head to the first location and then stay put. 


    if (east knowsAbout player > 0) then
    _ReconTeams addEventHandler ["KnowsAboutChanged", { 
      params ["_grp", "_target", "_newKA","_oldKA"]; 
      if (_target == vehicle player && _newKA > 1.5 ) then {
        private _currWp = currentWaypoint _grp;
        if (_currWp == count waypoints _grp or {_currWp == 0}) then {private _wp =_grp addWaypoint [getPos player,0]};
        [_grp,currentWaypoint _grp] setWaypointPosition [player,0];
        if (isNil {_grp getVariable "timer"}) then {
          _grp setVariable ["timer",diag_tickTime];
          _grp spawn {
            waitUntil {diag_tickTime > (_this getVariable "timer") + 5}; // for 3 minutes. Set as you want
            _this forgetTarget player;
            _this setVariable ["timer",nil]

    I'm so close but I'm missing whatever the magic is to get these updates to trigger only upon redetection. I've played with setting the timer at different values the "5" is just the latest in making sure that wasn't my issue. I've also tested it just using the code as is above, removing the "if (east knowsAbout player > 0) then" portion and relevant bracket, to no real difference.


  2. Howdy. I'm a lousy scripter and mostly tinker with others. I've been trying to modify a script I've found to no avail. Perhaps someone can guide me & teach me a thing or two.


    Script in question:

    //________________  Author : [GR]GEORGE F ___________ 18/12/2017 _____________
    if (!isServer) exitWith {};
    private ["_ReconTeams","_enemiesArray","_randomPos","_x"];
    #define ReconTeam "vn_o_men_nva_15", "vn_o_men_nva_16", "vn_o_men_nva_17", "vn_o_men_nva_18","vn_o_men_nva_19","vn_o_men_nva_20","vn_o_men_nva_21","vn_o_men_nva_24"
    	_enemiesArray = [grpNull];	
    	_x = 0;
    	_ReconTeams = createGroup opfor;
    	_randomPos = [[["base4"],[]],["water","out"]] call BIS_fnc_randomPos;
    	_ReconTeams = [_randomPos, opfor,[ReconTeam]] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
    	_ReconTeams setCombatMode "RED";	
    	_enemiesArray = _enemiesArray + [_ReconTeams];
            _ReconTeams addWaypoint [(player getpos [115,45]),0];	
    while {true} do {
    //hint"WP ReconTeam updated";
    	deleteWaypoint [_x, 0];	
    	_waypoint1 = _x addWaypoint [(player getpos [115,45]),0];	
    	_waypoint1 setWaypointType "MOVE";//SAD MOVE
    	_x setCombatMode "RED";
    	_x setSpeedMode "FULL";
    	_x allowFleeing 0;	
    		}foreach [_ReconTeams];
    	 sleep 10;

    For the latter part of the script that updates I'm trying to insert a check so it only runs that second half to update the waypoint if the player is detected by east/opfor. Its basically a script that spawns a unit to hunt a player down (triggered by a detected by opfor trigger) but I'd rather the group it generates only get updates if the player is detected, so its possible to elude/evade the group.


    I've been trying to insert a "((east knowsabout Player) >0)" segment alongside the while {true} command but I have the scripting knowledge of an illiterate gibbon so every different form of doing so has run back repeated errors for me. Anyone able to offer some pointers?

  3. Howdy, hoping someone has some ideas either with existing scripts or clever methods.


    Long story short I'm cobbling together a semi-dynamic long-term mission with Prairie Fire DLC on the Khe Sanh map, playable as LRRP's and/or SOG. 

    In the areas of the map controlled by Opfor (PAVN) I want to set-up enemy units/compositions that are moving slowly across a large distance. IE simulating something along the lines of troops coming in to slowly work their way to where-ever, rather than ambiently patrolling a particular sector. Ideally following terrain paths/roads. The idea being it gives something to recon/intercept/call air or artillery on. Also rather than just stumbling on random patrols in the jungle I'd like to create the possibility to set up by major routes and do ambushes. 

    I realize in the editor I could cobble this together via a pre-placed set of units & series of waypoints. That would work but its not ideal. I would rather have it be a repeatable/respawning than a singular instance and it'd be nice for it to have some degree of dynamic element to it so its not always the exact same path, if possible.

    I have a plethora of ambient patrol scripts/modules for creating an occupied/guarded area but I've struggled to find anything pre-existing that does more what I describe above.

  4. Hey! Struggling to get the AI to heal the player in S.O.G. Tested it with default NATO units and the AI will revive the player.

    However my S.O.G units will receive the call to help and then revert back to "ready" without reviving the player (me?). 

    Struggling to figure out the cause/fix for this!


    I can get my AI squadmates to revive eachother, however.


    Interestingly I tested it with the unsung units versus the default Prairie Fire ones and the AI medics will heal me.


    Interestingly enough, with one final test, if I set my player-unit as a Prairie Fire/SOG unit no units (vanilla, unsung, PF) will heal me. If I set my player as an unsung/vanilla unit, PF/SOG units will be able to heal me. So something about the PF/SOG units seems to mess up the AI's ability to heal them when used by a player.

    So for the mean time I can use a prairie fire LRRP squad and set my player unit as an UNSUNG seal and the script works fine, but it'd be nice to be able to play as the prairie fire unit. 

  5. This is a long shot but I'm trying to utilize this script for a custom mission but am running into a challenge due to my novice script.

    I want to set a custom init on the groups spawned via the helicopter re-enforcement. The idea is to use this script to spawn/deliver the unit and then have the unit assigned to GAIA (This set of scripts: https://forums.bohemia.net/forums/topic/172933-mission-template-stand-alone-gaia-make-missions-fast-by-using-mcc-gaia-engine/ ) via this in the init line "(group this) setVariable ["GAIA_ZONE_INTEND",["<ZONE NUMBER>", "MOVE"], false];" (the exact variables being mission specific).


    This will let me set up triggers that trigger helicopter re-enforcements into an area where the over-all GAIA AI can incorporate them into the larger battlefield. The idea being to create an ongoing/never-ending battle scenario with re-enforcement triggers on cool down timers, so approx every 30 mins (or whatever interval) new units are flown in to the combat area. Just in case you're curious why I am trying to put this all together.


    I know this is probably basic to some of you but if you could help me figure this out it'd be appreciated.

  6. Oh also, another thought from more play-testing with GAIA.


    If there was a modifiable function where you could have GAIA merge depleted/low-man squads within a certain range that'd be incredibly useful. One of the weird immersion-breaking elements of GAIA is squads whittled down to 1-2 men still attempt to operate as if they were fully functional and usually do suicidal-like things. I wonder if this could be tied to implementing a "tactical retreat" behavior for GAIA where if in certain conflict-areas lots of lost & damaged squads/assets would force GAIA to pull back & reconsolidate its forces. This could be relatively simple such as pulling back to an area a certain range from the conflict-area & having in-area units reconsolidate/merge before advancing or you could have units attempt to withdraw to a designated base/hq/safe point in order to be re-enforced to full strength.


    Right now GAIA's command-strategy results in something akin to brute-forcing, a bit like a parody of soviet WW2 "not 1 step back" hyperbole. Making GAIA attempt to preserve & retreat units would really enhance the emergent battles.


    Little tweaks like the ones I've described could make GAIA even better for quickly creating a realistic & dynamic mission. With those sorts of behaviors you could use GAIA with a mod like unsung and have GAIA make squads insert, patrol, withdraw when wounded/damaged, etc with minimal scripting/effort. As is, I often set up GAIA matches in the editor and just watch them - tweaking things until the battles/behaviors seem realistic - and these are the behaviors I've found myself really desiring to see occur.

  7. On 11/10/2017 at 2:20 AM, spirit6 said:

    Hey there people. Anybody still actively using this? Going to goof around with it myself to see what is still working. Winter is coming so probably more hours inside.

    Yes, absolutely. I use GAIA as the main-stay of almost all my missions to handle the AI & create dynamic/persistent missions.


    I posted on the last page my thoughts after using GAIA for quite some time. Take a peek at my last post on page 7. I'll summarize here, though:


    The biggest improvement with GAIA imho would be more sophisticated co-ordination with different unit types, aka better combined arms tactics. I would like to see the variety of unit compositions considered when deploying orders to units operating in the same zone. For example utilizing certain units as scouts to spot the enemy, integrating artillery more (I have not noticed GAIA successfully utilizing mortars, etc, so I run a different script currently to ensure mortars fire on spotted targets in range) and so on. I think in particular the use of scouting/recon would immensely benefit the existing GAIA behaviors. I also haven't noticed GAIA properly co-ordinating air assets. It'd be nice to see helicopters called in as support, which seems like its intended to be possible by having GAIA allowed to call in non-GAIA units for support (aka having a helicopter at base take off, perform support & return without ambiantly patrolling) but I've failed to ever make this work.


    In addition having slightly more nuanced patrolling behavior could add a lot to possible situations emerging. As currently squads rarely engage in much defensive combat, its usually a zigzag of flanking and counter-flanking. As I said in my last post:

    Here is a potential situation I'd like to see: BLUFOR Squad A is patrolling, encounters an enemy squad& destroys it, rather than resuming patrolling Squad A then is ordered by BLUFOR-GAIA to hold that position for a period of time. OPFOR-GAIA will most likely dispatch any additional nearby units to the former combat zone & spots it has on BLUFOR Squad A, thus a static battle for a particular spot/point can occur organically.


  8. 17 hours ago, Vietnamwarlhg said:

    Hello, Zee


    I need some help with a project I'm working on which deals with the Vietnam war Unsung mod, I am trying to find someone to make a class of females, children and older people for the civilian, populist. The Arrma 3 Unsung Vietnam war mod has no women in the mod, just men. if you can help please let me know.






    I admit I'm playing Unsung pretty much exclusively these days & some female Viet Minh/Viet Cong is one of my long term hope for this project, hehe.

  9. 1 minute ago, dreadpirate said:

    I haven't tried it, but from a quick scan of the code, I suspect there will be problems . 


    It did give me some ideas on how to tweak JEBUS caching up to the same standard as GAIA, so I'll do that for the next release . 


    Imitating the GAIA cache system for ultimate GAIA compatibility would be great for my style of mission. I use GAIA to populate a number of combat zones across the map, with the units spawning at map edges. The 2-phase GAIA cache system allows for units further from where the player starts to distribute across the map sooner without a big performance hit by reducing the squads to 1-man outside the initial range. This way I can set my cache range to around 1500m but have troop movements simulated up to 3000m

  10. Holy moly. Been away from ARMA 3/online for a while and the progress you've made is stunning, Zee. I'm glad to see the option to incorporate female characters is being expanded! The heads are flawless so it seems the final hurdle, no help from B.I on this one, is getting working female bodies/skeletons? It'd be nice to be at the point where it'd be easy to add female characters to factions added with add-ons but I suppose we're still a ways away from that. Still, the progress thats been made is stunning I still have the very first release installed on one of my laptops & its quite the comparison to the latest SS's posted here.

    • Like 1

  11. @spirit6

    Thanks for the great system. GAIA is my go-to these days for the types of missions I make (Dynamic fully populated map missions where 2 sides are fighting regardless of what the player does). The co-ordination of infantry groups is fantastic & I've enjoyed just watching my missions play themselves.

    That said, there are a few issues & suggestions I'm personally experiencing. I'll list them all in as concise a manner as possible.

    1) Respawns: Works fine mostly but sometimes there is a inconsistent delay. Would be nice to knowb why (perhaps large maps, long GAIA cycles?) &be actually able to hardset a delay time (For example set an infantry squad to respawn right away but a helicopter to only respawn after a 30 minute delay)

    2) Use of combined arms/co-ordinating vehicles: Maybe its my own map/mission design but I find GAIA doesn't do combined arms assets so great. For example if I have infantry patroling an area I'd like them to be able to "call on" helicopter support. Instead what I find is helicopters basically patrol their own areas independently and only occasionally co-ordinate on the same targets as ground troops. I've tried to set helicopters uncontrolled by GAIA & then enable GAIA to send non-GAIA units into attacks but when I do this GAIA never sends them in.


    3) Utilizing Transports: It simply doesn't happen. No matter how I set it up helicopters/trucks go off and patrol themselves and infantry units do their own things. I'd like to set it up so helicopters would shuffle infantry units close to combat zones (think helicopter transport in vietnam) but it just doesn't occur.


    4) Scouting: It'd be nice to be able to have units that intend to pursue & track enemy units without engaging them (except in self defense). That way you could set 2-man recon squads to act as GAIA's eyes and ears to help her co-ordinate directing her assaults.


    5) For infantry patroling/behavior it'd be nice to have a defensive option where squads/infantry use "hold" and other commands to establish a position. Here is a potential situation I'd like to see: BLUFOR Squad A is patrolling, encounters an enemy squad& destroys it, rather than resuming patrolling Squad A then is ordered by BLUFOR-GAIA to hold that position for a period of time. OPFOR-GAIA will most likely dispatch any additional nearby units to the former combat zone & spots it has on BLUFOR Squad A, thus a static battle for a particular spot/point can occur organically.


    What I'm aiming to do in my missions is basically have the AI realistically simulate combat at the battle-level. GAIA works fantastically for co-ordinating infantry and general intelligence of enemy presence but doesn't quite manage combined arms. if GAIA could get its infantry to call in airstrikes, strafing runs, & utilize vehicle/air transport to move around it'd make my ARMA experience complete!

  12. Just wondering, going to do some testing myself, has anyone used Bcombat with GAIA? In theory it should be compatible - GAIA scripts just assign troop movement & patrolling, essentially, but doesn't effect in-combat AI individual units. Also just curious if anyone has run Bcombat alongside other AI mods (ie ASR AI) - not that I intend too, but I am a bit curious. I'm always trying to find the best selection of AI scripts & mods to create the most realistic military simulation & am always curious as to others experiences.

  13. Hey Sgt_Savage,

    Great to hear about the door gunner thing. Totally a minor issue, but at the same time when you're trying to do that picture perfect LRRP insertion and some helicopter crewman is waving his pistol about while a LRRP'er is manning the guns it does diminish the magic of the moment, hehe.

    I totally understand not wanting to mess with maps & raise terrain over an issue, that lets be honest, Arma 3/B.I devs should have resolved on their end. That said I do wonder if there's a "sweet spot" where Arma's limited AI can be considered without diminishing important terrain features (water-craft passable streams, etc), but I can totally understand how fiddling with such a minor detail isn't a good use of time. I personally have found AI commander systems, like GAIA, manage to brute-force pathfind their squads through the rivers anyhow, it can sometimes just take like 15 minutes at a bad spot.

    Very excited for the "basket carrying" and new boats too. I find one of the main things holding back Arma 3 from simulating realistic war environments is the non-presence of civs. As a mission maker I'm always trying to find ways to implement civilians in a way that enhances the gameplay experience (without crashing performance too). My ultimate goal is to make a map feel alive, and that you can watch the mission "play itself" realistically if you wanted too (Which I do lots now with the Eden Editor SP spectator). My dream is a mission with realistic river traffic & presence in villages so that the gameplay becomes more complex than simply "open fire on any non-green uniform".


    Edit: I'm on very limited satellite net (I am basically Canadian Vietcong, my pajamas are just plaid) but I'm hoping to upload some clips from my mission down the line. I get lots of randomly generated moments that are pretty nifty/cool & make Da Krong feel alive.

    • Like 1

  14. @Odie0351

    Could well be but I also had an identical issue with Massi's African Forces mod (if I'm remembering the name correctly, one of the larger African forces mod). I should sit down and test more thoroughly with modded units others have confirmed work but alas I seem to have bad/zero luck getting FFE & add-on artillery to work together.\






    Yes I've added that to my init.sqf as well as editing it right into the FFE files when using the script version instead of the add-on one. It doesn't seem to work & I'm not sure where to go from there beyond my current less-than-ideal work around.

  15. First of all, huge thanks to the Unsung Team. You guys are my modding heroes. Arma 3 is the perfect game set in the wrong era by default (for a player like me) and you guys are the solution to that. I recently got into a rough car accident IRL (Nearly went off the edge of a mountain in my truck!) and so basically spent the 2 days after sitting in bed enjoying Unsung Charlie trying to create a dynamic open-ended sandbox style mission.

    I wanted to comment on 2 minor quirks/issues I've noticed that I'm curious if possible to resolve.


    1) Helicopter door gunners & passengers: For some reason when I board a UH-1D Slick my squad AI assumes the door gunners position and bumps the heli crew members into a passenger position with their legs dangling, pistol drawn. Looks a bit off!


    2) A.I and Rivers (DA Krong map): The SMALL river system near the radio/listening post, directly south of the airfield, is cool but I have an issue with it. When A.I is set to patrol in this area very often they get bungled up trying to swim-cross the river. Squads tend to lose formation & some guys stay in the river for quite some time before managing to scramble out. Using an A.I system like G.A.I.A seems to manage to get them to EVENTUALLY get past the rivers but using manually placed waypoints I've had a squad be stuck trying to cross for like an hour.

    I get Arma's AI quirks, especially its oddness with water, is far from the fault of the amazing Unsung team. However I wonder if adding more shallow areas to the river crossings (the small stream ones, not the big delta) would help improve the AI's ability to pathfind on the map?

    Finally, a open ended  question: Any good examples of missions utilizing the civ assets? I'd really like to recreate the Nam feel where villagers & civ boat traffic added to the confusion.

    • Like 2

  16. Rydygier - Thanks for an excellent script. As a mission maker who more or less only makes dynamic psuedo-sandbox style missions being able to enable A.I to utilize combined arms more is essential to replicating realistic combat scenarios.


    My one issue is this: I cannot, despite using all the specific commands listed, get modded/add-on mortar units to work with FFE. My "work around" is by placing modded units as the operators of default arma 3 mortar units. However I'd like to REALLY be able to utilize add-on artillery assets more effectively by making the add-on artillery piece itself work.

    I've tested this with only FFE & the relevant add on installed, no other confounding variables. (For the record I am trying to get the Unsung Charlie artillery units to work)

  17. Hello. I am very interested in your mission, gfresco. I like the concept. It reminds me of SecOps or Far Cry 2. However, my clan has a well defined mod set up which doesn't include African conflict et. al. nor ACE 3. I've gone through the mission.sqm and replaced all mas units with LOP, ACE with vanilla, etc, and removed dependencies, but now the mission will not load in the editor. I have a bit of experience and am well capable of eventually going through your mission to make it playable for my clan, but I thought it would be a great service to me and everyone else if you could release a version using as much vanilla stuff as possible so small coop groups like myself can have their "guy" fix it to their mod setup. At the very least, could you save me some time and let me know which files should have mas_afr or ACE classes? If so I can send you a Leights version of the mission you can release as well.



    I'll give it a shot sure, there are a few bugs with the mission scripts I'm ironing out so I don't mind giving that a try as long as I'm in the editor.

    • Like 1

  18. Okay here it is, updated:

    Link (Link in op updated, armaholic one will need to updated too in a few):






    - All mod dependencies should be FIXED. Tested it myself without Leights, RDS, or Acre enabled.


    - Added 2 new military tasks.


    -Generally bugfixing/editing any minor issues I noticed (IE supports working better, etc)



    Please let me know if anything is still not resolved, or if you have any future criticisms/suggestions. Feedback helps me improve.

  19. Hy 


    This is the kind of mission i try to make for severals month without  succeed.  use gaia is vers cool . I have one question. Does gaia fonction Still work after we recall a save game ?

    Thank u for give us the mission folder it s verry useful for me to learn how your mission is building. 

    Thank u :)


    I believe it does but most of my longer then 2hr play sessions have been done online. Glad you enjoyed/find it useful

  20. Hey, i couldn't start the mission. It apparently requires ACRE mod.


    Ugh. I knew I messed it up. You can delete the module & requirement from the mission.sqm but I will manually remove it myself in the next update along with bugfixes & more mission objectives.


    I love the setting! Indeed as you suspected, additional add ons are required, namely ACRE2 and Leight's Opfor Pack. Only problem I've encountered so far was that missions were queuing up quickly rapidly before finishing others, but I'll need to play more to confirm that. One suggestion would be to replace the rebel's CSAT vests with the much more appropriate Leight's insurgent's ak vests (but that's mostly due to my great aversion for vanilla content). Keep up the good work!

    Ahh Leights shouldn't be in there anymore. I had experimented with some of their units/vehicles before deciding it was unneeded. I will fix this requirement and ensure none of their assets are in-game/required. I agree with you about the vests, but would rather not make Leights a requirement given its size and the existing requirements.


    As for missions queing up before you've completed them, that does happen with the military objective ones - because basically all that's required for completion is to be there and have the action start. I figured tying the completion (and therefor assignment of new missions) of the mission to any particular outcome would potentially cause problems if things went another way. Hopefully this doesn't cause any issues another then a slight bit of task spam.


    In general I would rather get to the point where missions are selected individually and as such aren't auto-assigned on completion of the last, but it'll require a new task assigning script. If anyone reading this knows of a good script that can take multiple tasks (scripted in individual .sqf files) and allow the player to select which one to activate that'd be amazing.



    Also, have you thought about uploading the mission to Steam so it's easier to update?


    I probably will once its given another update or two.


    Thank you all very much for the feedback. I expect to have an update this weekend, I just want to add in some new content as well.
