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About GrumpyRhino

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  1. GrumpyRhino

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    I was just using it as an example, I don't have enough free time to create a helicopter from scratch. Also I believe someone else is working on a CH-53 Thank you, kecharles28. Most helicopters will get their seats completely redone. Ammo belts are time consuming to make/tweak. For now, I have placed them at a lower priority on the to do-list. I forgot to add the enter/exit memory points to the config for this helicopter, I'll get it fixed. It will, I'm just a bit slow to get everything together. Thank you, foxhound. I only have very little time for modding in the coming months, so I will be slow responding on the forum and making updates, but the work to get the mod 100% completed will continue.
  2. GrumpyRhino

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    You also have the light utility class like the Little Birds and the UH-72 Lakota, and then there's the heavy class like the CH-53.
  3. GrumpyRhino

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    Hi Wiki, Thank you for posting the bugs. I'll try and add an event handler to get the Merlin to close its doors. The problem is, that the FFV positions needs the helicopters to start with their doors open to be activated. Otherwise you(and the AI) would be able to shoot through the closed doors. I'll add a cross on the Medevacs nose. I'm still testing different pilot animations for the helicopters, so stick/throttle positions might need to be changed. I'll check the spelling. The old Huey Pack is on pause for the time being. I don't have enough time to work on both mods at the same time. But I hope to be able to import and upgrade some of the helicopters into the MUH mod. Once the MUH mod is complete I expect that many of the things I have learned, can simply be copy pasted into the old hueys.
  4. GrumpyRhino

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    The Steam version has now been updated. I'll wait with the other links untill I know if things are working. Changelog: AW101 Merlin 'Armed' now has countermeasures. AW101 Merlin 'Armed' MK48 guns are now a little less accurate. Added classnames for Zeus compatibility. Mil-Mi rocketpods have been added directly into the models, instead of adding them as proxies. I hope this fixes compatibility issues with other mods. Fixed a few config errors. When I began porting the TKOH model I replaced the rotorblades with the ones from Arma 2. To get the new blades aligned correctly I left some of the original in place, I just forgot to delete the extra rotorhead once the new blades was in place. I'll get it corrected. There might be added a marine version later on, if I can get it working. I don't think it's possible to disable the doorgunners when closing the doors, or at least I don't know how to. The glow version is lacking behind in its updates. I'll put some more work into it. Adding lots of FFV positions will clutter the action menu of the helicopter. More textures will be added later. I'll make a script list for the helicopters. Thank you for reporting it. I'll get them fixed. The glow version suffers from incorrectly placed/or lacking memorypoints for its landing lights. I hope to be able to use some of the helicopters from the old Huey Pack.
  5. GrumpyRhino

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    Thank you Foxhound I have decided to postpone the next update to saturday september 5. I don't want people to have to download a 500 MB mod to get only 3 config fixes. Thank you for sharing your thoughts on the mod. The helicopters will not be a completely realistic representation of the real world versions. Most helicopters have had their passenger capacity reduced compared to real world versions. I'll look into the missing counter measures on the AW101 'Armed'.
  6. GrumpyRhino

    Medium Utility Helicopters

    The rocket pods are using the default names from previous Arma games. I assume this is what's causing the problem. I'll try to rename the rocket pods. I completely forgot about Zeus. I'll try to get it fixed. I'll take a second look at the MK-48 config. I can make an alternative weapon configuration with the white crosshairs. I was hoping to be able to add backdoors as an optional component. If I can't make it work, I'll just add extra Mil-Mi's with backdoors. Using skins as scripts is to avoid cluttering the selection menu with tons of options. I can easily add more options, but if you are using a lot of mods, it can get very confusing. Thank you for your feedback.
  7. GrumpyRhino

    [WIP] Medium Utility Helicopters

    It sure is. :) Release thread: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184398-medium-utility-helicopters/?p=2907081
  8. Medium Utility Helicopters MUH pbo Key Bisign Steam Advanced Flight Model implemented. The weapons mounted on some of the helicopters effects how the helicopters handles. when fully loaded with both gun/rockets-ammo and passengers, helicopters might have difficulties taking off. In the Mil Mi-17 'Heavy Rockets' it can help to release the wheel brake and do a rolling takeoff. (Releasing wheel brakes only works when AFM is enabled) The old school hueys have an inbuilt option to display symbols. The symbols are placed on the nose and on each side of the tail. The helicopters with this option are: Classname: Displayname: GR_UH1H_1 UH-1H 'XM16' GR_UH1H_2 UH-1H 'LMG' GR_UH1H_5 UH-1H 'Rocket-48' GR_UH1H_6 UH-1H GR_UH1H_7 UH-1H 'XM21' Use this in the units init field or in a trigger: [this, "Put_Symbol_Name_Here", nil] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; replace 'this' with the units name if in trigger. You can choose between the following symbols: Some helicopters can change skins. Not all skins are available for all helicopters. The old school hueys have no alternative skins at the moment. Use this in the units init field or in a trigger: [this, "Put_Skin_Name_Here", nil] call bis_fnc_initVehicle; replace 'this' with the units name if in trigger. You can choose between the following skins: Important information: Mounted weapons and their ammunition are explicitly configured(weight) for the helicopter they are mounted on. All helicopters have dampeners to increase the chance of surviving a crash landing. But they only work if you crash land on your landing gear. While flying you will shift slightly in your seat. This will cause the HUD (UH-1H 'XM16', UH-1H 'XM21', UH-1H 'Rocket-48') to be slightly off-target when maneuvering your helicopter. Bugs/issues: Changing the normal passenger positions into fire from vehicle positions, causes the soldiers to clip through their seats. I'll redo the seats for the helicopters to fix this. Some side positions are clipping into the side of the helicopters body, I'll modify the helicopters to make more room for passengers. Helicopters seems too damage resistant when taking fire. I hope it can be solved with a simple config tweak. AW101 has an FFV bug. Getting the FFV seats tied to the correct door is causing problems. Not all helicopters have their lights working correctly (collision lights, landing lights). This mod is released under the following license: ARMA PUBLIC LICENSE SHARE ALIKE (APL-SA) Unbinarized models will be made available when bugs have been fixed. Next update: Steam version has been updated. Other links will be updated soon. Credits: Bohemia Interactive - Arma models, sounds and textures, TKOH models, sounds and textures, Advanced Flight Model files. ColonelHartigan - Weapon configs, Textures. Cptdavo - Rotorblade textures (from the old Huey Pack). Kukus - Animations. GrumpyRhino - Modifying/porting helicopter models, configs. Thanks: deltagamer - Unbinarized helicopters helped me figure out the model.cfg for the AW101 : http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=27713 petracephas - Rotor bug solution: Adding "rotor_center" and "rotor_02_center" to the memory lod. "rotor_02_center" being the tail rotor. More info to follow...
  9. GrumpyRhino

    [WIP] Medium Utility Helicopters

    Each time I think the mod is ready for release, I run into another bug. I am, however, running out of time for modding, so the mod will be released this friday no matter what. I'll fix as many bugs as possible, but there will be some things that will need to be fixed in the coming months. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QDwPde1k2Fo
  10. GrumpyRhino

    [WIP] Medium Utility Helicopters

    There will be two versions of the AW101 "Merlin". - Unarmed version with FFV positions. - Armed version with 50. cal on the ramp and MK48 lmg's in the doors. The armed version will have its doors and ramp stuck in open position. I couldn't make it work otherwise.
  11. GrumpyRhino

    [WIP] Medium Utility Helicopters

    I'm running a bit late here. I had hoped to have an update ready in July, but it took a little longer than expected. The update should be ready within a week. Picture 1 Picture 2 Picture 3
  12. I had a similar problem once. I fixed it by adding "Never Fire" in the extraction-helicopters waypoint combat mode. I also used two different helicopters for insertion and extraction. The extraction-helicopter starts as a flying unit with this in it's init field: Heli_Extract_1 hideobject true;Heli_Extract_1 enablesimulation false;Heli_Extract_1 allowfleeing 0; When the final objective was completed, a trigger would fire this: Heli_Extract_1 hideobject false;Heli_Extract_1 enablesimulation true; I'm not sure about the allowfleeing thing. The "Never Fire" option might not be related to if a helicopter has weapons or not, but maybe it's more about the helicopter AI's state of mind. I hope you get it working.
  13. GrumpyRhino

    New update - 1.48 - Experience? FPS loss

    The last update caused my Arma 3 Steam Workshop to go in a never-ending workshop-content update loop. It will keep "updating" also while I'm in the game. This happens even when I'm not using any mods. My FPS gets very choppy while it's trying to update. I have no idea what it is trying to update, but shutting it off makes the FPS go back to normal.:confused:
  14. GrumpyRhino

    [WIP] Medium Utility Helicopters

    I plan to change all animations into Arma 3 animations. That ought to fix all the animation issues. I just need to adjust the flight-stick and memory positions to fit the Arma 3 animations. There is too little progress to make an update, but things are still moving forward.:)
  15. GrumpyRhino

    [WIP] Medium Utility Helicopters

    Sorry SFOD-D_SNAKEBITE, I forgot to give you an answer. Helicopters in this mod will all be variants of the medium helicopter. I was considering other helicopters as well(Black Hawk and Mil Mi-8 from Arma 2), but I don't have time for more than huey-lookalikes at the moment.