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Everything posted by Lala14

  1. the only way I believe is to mod it, thats why only medics can use it.
  2. what you do is since I believe that is the fixed-wing drone you want to do (driver _uav) disableAI "AUTOTARGET"; (gunner _uav) disableAI "AUTOTARGET" oh and make sure you do that after you create the crew
  3. weird that worked fine for me what I used player action ["SwitchWeapon", player, player, 100];
  4. Lala14

    Create flying drone

    there is an error getMarkerPos "uav1" also what barbolani is saying is this _uav = "B_UAV_02_F" createVehicle (getMarkerPos "uav1"); createVehicleCrew _uav;
  5. I thought he was working on making the nimitz one model so you don't fall through and get damaged on landings.
  6. I will be making this an addon once our models are ready and in game. Version alpha 8.0 hopefully will be the release of the addon with the models.
  7. Lala14

    Item 3D spin and hover

    @Dr Death JM That is the standard with ArmA dead bodies. What you want to do is access the dead body to get the ammo.
  8. Sorry if this issue has been brought up but the Mk 19 variants does not have any ranging on the guns.
  9. that is still not the name! when you place the vehicle in the editor there will be a field called NAME
  10. Lala14

    Item 3D spin and hover

    @Dr Death JM what do you mean by ammo showing up?
  11. you put the classname of the vehicle, thats not the name. ---------- Post added at 15:13 ---------- Previous post was at 14:56 ---------- actually what I think you should do is put this in a script call it something and then put this in it This would be for helicopters, also notice how it is B_Helipilot_F, this is the blufor heli pilot. while {true} do { waitUntil {sleep 0.5; alive player}; if (typeOf player != "B_Helipilot_F") then { private "_veh"; waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player != player}; _veh = vehicle player; if (_veh isKindOf "Helicopter" && !(_veh isKindOf "ParachuteBase")) then { if (driver _veh == player) then { player action ["Eject", _veh]; waitUntil {sleep 0.5; vehicle player == player}; player action ["EngineOff", _veh]; hint "You must be a pilot to fly!"; }; }; } else { waitUntil {sleep 0.5; !alive player}; }; };
  12. if you want you could also do something like if ((driver _VehName) isKindOf "B_crew_F") then { hint "you are are crew man, you are qualified to drive" };
  13. I was going to also suggest what about sideEnemy
  14. REALSIDE I suggest using faction does the same as above.
  15. so we could add { null = [_x] execVM "loadout1.sqf"; }forEach group _leader;
  16. Yea I know about that I just was going to say to use (_this select 0) but yea then I saw the arguments.
  17. What do you mean? The uav does not move, it moves with the plane. Are you trying to make it so the uav does not move the camera? Anyway if you would like to find out the name, run the mission, make sure the player is in the plane then pause it and then in the "watch" part of the debug place (vehicle player getvariable "tgp") this should return the name of the tgp. the other thing is you could do in the debug console is (vehicle player getvariable "tgp") enableSimulation False
  18. but isnt the action being added to the suitcase??? edit never mind i'll go back into my hole.
  19. lol this post was made last year xD I knew about how to hide the turret and yea the shadow will still appear. My question was on locking the vehicle so nobody can use the turret but I instead went ahead and just placed a AI in so he can't move around the turret and stuff. I also had a script that created the "medic" signs and addaction for healing.
  20. I'm currently trying to make a "Medical" Marshall since currently in ArmA 3 there are no armoured medic vehicles. I've decided to use the Marshall and the first thing that I encountered was disabling the gunner and the commander action of hopping in. I've been able to lock the gunner and commander from outside but not inside sadly.. Is there some type of way I could remove the action or to remove the turret completely? oh and also if anyone would like here is how I locked the gunner and commander from outside the vehicle. myAMV lockturret [[0,0],true]; //this locks the commander myAMV lockturret [[0],true]; //this locks the gunner
  21. if that code is placed in the editor then it should work fine the suit case addaction.
  22. Lala14

    Item 3D spin and hover

    if you want longer range you would need to change three areas in the script _stuff = nearestObjects [position player, ["GroundWeaponHolder","WeaponHolderSimulated","WeaponHolder"], 10]; so change 10 to a greater distance and player distance _x > 10 I would suggest changing this to what you have for above and player distance _obj < 10 I would suggest changing this to what you have for above and player distance _obj > 10 I would suggest changing this to what you have for above and I could add a simple variable so instead its just 1 thing you need to change rather than 4.
  23. instant stop you want this setVelocity [0,0,0];