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Posts posted by fn_Quiksilver

  1. On 12/18/2018 at 9:04 PM, .kju said:

    @haleks what about these config tweak options?


    class cfgVehicles
    	class Man: Land
    		lyingLimitSpeedHiding = 0.8;
    		crouchProbabilityHiding = 0.8;
    		lyingLimitSpeedCombat = 1.8;
    		crouchProbabilityCombat = 0.4;
    		crouchProbabilityEngage = 0.75;
    		lyingLimitSpeedStealth = 2;
    class CfgSurfaces
    	class Default
    	/// = 0 - current state, see https://jira.bistudio.com/browse/AIII-30049
    	/// = 1 - avoid prone (unless stealth or suppressed or ^)
    	/// = 2 - never prone (unless ^)
    	/// = 3 - don't know yet
    		AIAvoidStance = 0;



    do we even have write access on those configs?

    • Confused 1

  2. Here is what is in store for next patch (no ETA)



    Role Selection System to replace the lobby. Change and view roles ingame, and admins can set available roles dynamically based on selected mission type, without editing the mission file. Includes multi-faction support for TvT options.


    • Like 2

  3. 15 hours ago, ToxaBes said:

    Yep, I use trained (over 2000 fights in training set) neural network based on Fast Artificial Neural Network Library as High Command structure for bots on my PvE server. 

    Using it on low level don't make any sense because we have Final State Machines for that (good example is VCOM AI).

    Every X mins script get information about known enemies for each group, prepare data and send to Mysql DB via extDB3 as command request (+ get response for previous command requests). PHP script called by cron every minute check DB for new command requests, use Neural network for build command response and save it back into DB. Quite simple.


    Main things I got after more than year of using this:

    1. 90% of players are not tactical geniuses, so if you will use all played battles as training sets for additional learning you faced in degradation of neural network (why complex things needed if simple attack from side is effective)

    2. 90% of players don't like pain and humiliation from AI so your server could become empty quite fast

    3. 90% of cases are covered by VCOM AI (thanks to Genesis for this) and if you don't think so - you can add needed parts inside FSM logic (I added some things like: if players have defend position in house, bots with RPG 7/RPG42/PCML will fire rockets in this house).


    So if you planning to use some neural network in Arma, just use VCOM AI first and expand it as needed. It dramatically save your time (and population of players on server).




    can we play on your server? always like fighting against different AI flavors

    • Like 1

  4. Generally no, there are too many variables for the AI. In chess and Go, there are limited options so it is possible to attach a "success/fail" value to each move and store that move/position + value in memory.


    Simply having a player as Zeus to govern the AI is much easier to arrange with much better results and less CPU cost.

    • Like 2

  5. 11 hours ago, a_killer_wombat said:

    Speaking of broken convoys, I've re-played the Fixed Wing Showcase relatively recently and found that the enemy convoy you are tasked to destroy seems to have issues moving as it's supposed to normally. Probably caused by the same issues mentioned here.


    it worked fine right up until the June 2016 1.62 Driving Overhaul

    • Haha 1

  6. 3 hours ago, specialsmith said:

    Mission initialization failed, complains about the real date extension need to be active. Anyone else had an issue with that lately?


    that .dll file needs to be in your servers game directory, as pictured in the setup.

  7. 10 hours ago, luminous815 said:

    Hello!I am a server administrator and my server is using this mission.I think this is a really nice mission,but I met some problems. Somtimes I will suspend the main missions and play zeus missions because restarting the server is cumbersome.I used Achilles mod before,but after Achilles update on December 6th,I can not use any Achilles functions.I want know how to remove restrictions on Zeus.

    Sorry, my English is very poor, but I really hope to get help.


    your english is fine :)


    in file “description.ext”, find section “cfgremoteexec” and change both “mode=1” to “mode=2”

  8. Updated to 1.1.3

    Arma 3 update 1.86 compatibility & some small tweaks/fixes


    This update brings us up to 1.86 ArmA compatibility, with a few tweaks/fixes thrown in as well. In the background our work on the more significant 1.1.4 mission update continues.


    - [ADDED] ADR-97 Weapon Pack.
    - [TWEAKED] 1.86 compatibility
    - [TWEAKED] Enemy sniper teams (2 snipers instead of sniper + spotter).
    - [TWEAKED] Medic UI icons.
    - [TWEAKED] Revive action removed from action menu when currently reviving.
    - [TWEAKED] Text format of on-screen Server Restart notification.
    - [FIXED] Error in UI text of incapacitation system.
    - [FIXED] Medic UI to show nearby wounded in vehicles.
    - [FIXED] AI Naval divers could spawn without proper weapon sometimes.

    • Thanks 1

  9. you might want this sort of structure


    _value = player getvariable 'variable';				// whatever the value currently is
    _targetvalue = blah;								// whatever the value should be
    _propagate = !(_targetvalue isEqualTo _value);		// only propagate the variable if the value is different from target value
    player setVariable ['variable',_targetvalue,_propagate];


    • Like 2

  10. On 20/11/2018 at 6:58 AM, POLPOX said:

    Damn, I've “discovered” this bug and he “confirmed” but we're both looked wrongly, you're right.


    Also... I'm not sure about this maybe only for me though, I feel ADR-97 is not fitting to other official assets well. Sounds like... something low quality, looks like... there's no scars nor weatherings, feels too clean.


    better to have it than not have it, imo

    • Like 1

  11. please fix


    17:45:36 Error in expression <is param [0, "", [""]];
    _params = _this param [1, [], [[]]];
    switch (_mode) do
    17:45:36   Error position: <param [1, [], [[]]];
    switch (_mode) do
    17:45:36   Error Type Number, expected Array
    17:45:36 File A3\functions_f_mp_mark\DynamicGroups\fn_dynamicGroups.sqf [BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups], line 4526


  12. please fix


    17:45:36 Error in expression <is param [0, "", [""]];
    _params = _this param [1, [], [[]]];
    switch (_mode) do
    17:45:36   Error position: <param [1, [], [[]]];
    switch (_mode) do
    17:45:36   Error Type Number, expected Array
    17:45:36 File A3\functions_f_mp_mark\DynamicGroups\fn_dynamicGroups.sqf [BIS_fnc_dynamicGroups], line 4526

