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About KingChubbles

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. KingChubbles

    Surround sound problems, DEVs take notice

    I noticed that gunfire plays predominately through the left ear of my surround sound headset, not sure if that may be related.
  2. Saying it is a minor feature is a massive understatement. Lack of weapon resting makes many, many areas that would be ideal firing positions completely useless. I have cursed the lack of weapon resting more than any other feature in the game. Go Dwarden!
  3. KingChubbles

    Run in bush

    I would probably add a few more things into consideration when planning. Avoid this area if you want to move fast
  4. KingChubbles

    Suggestion to iron sighting

    I believe VBS did this by making the weapon semi-transparent, as stated above. I'm not a big fan of it visually.
  5. The rifles being used are specially made for underwater combat.
  6. KingChubbles

    Movement speed tweaking

    Perhaps if its attached to a weapon rating? smg-1 (where it is now) rifle-3 (slightly higher but not substantial) sniper-6 (harder to use) ATlauncher-10 (unwieldy) Higher the rating, harder to control. So subcompact carbines and bullpup rifles could be put at 2, or 2.5, or 2.458.
  7. KingChubbles

    Remove punishment for TK due to mines?

    If you give players freedom then there will be one to abuse it and ruin it for everyone else. There has to be a balance. While no punishment for mines would be great, there would be those who abuse it for teamkilling without penalty. I'm not saying there should or shouldn't be punishments, but there are downsides to both. If you stick to private servers and communities then this wouldn't really be a problem, but that's not a get out of jail free card.
  8. I have yet to notice any lag. I agree, once your used to it its hard to get away. I was playing battlefront 2 yesterday and while flying I kept looking around the screen trying to move my view.
  9. KingChubbles

    Movement speed tweaking

    I was under the impression that negative acceleration was the slower movement of the view/screen. If the screen moved faster then the rifle I'm not sure if it would be considered that. I very well could be wrong.
  10. KingChubbles

    Movement speed tweaking

    They should add killstreaks... There are other ways to give weight to weapons besides negative mouse acceleration. What if (and this is just off the top of my head) it takes a split second for your gun to catch up to your mouse? I thought this was done in arma 2 if you looked up rapidly.
  11. KingChubbles

    Movement speed tweaking

    Its supposed to, yes, but Ive never noticed a difference. Playing today, having only a rifle, pistol, and some ammunition (the capture a car showcase) jogging up a hill had me coughing before I hit the top.
  12. KingChubbles

    Movement speed tweaking

    I personally use hold shift to walk, w+s and s+w to sprint. Its very fluid for me. As for movement speed and stamina there needs to be more variation. If you have a pistol and some ammunition you should be able to run longer and faster then someone with a rifle, AT, and ammunition. This is, i believe, whats supposed to be integrated now but its not that noticeable as far as I can tell.
  13. KingChubbles

    Adjust/improve the bush/foliage models

    So make the root less visible? Cover it up with brush?
  14. KingChubbles


    This terrifies me. I understand that AI is very difficult to program but I feel this is a step in the wrong direction.
  15. KingChubbles


    The point of a sniper rifle is to be able to engage targets at long range. It is those targets job to find good cover, pinpoint where the fire is coming from, and counter attack. If there is no cover around then its the fault of the targets for not planning a different rout.