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Everything posted by bludski

  1. Thanks guys. 0.77.5 is up on steam. Ambient sounds finalised. No more ocean sounds. Thanks to @haleks for the help with cfg! Other changes include: Plantation connected by road. Jungle road added along main river north. Misc vegetation. More buildings.
  2. Villages in progress and stuff.
  3. That's a cool resource! Thanks! As you may be gathering from recent version of the map, it is set in the rain season. .77 is up on steam.
  4. It is enough with the church ruins on the plantation. (as far as churches go:)) I've decided to build a small village at the plantation though and add some more workable fields. Next update has jungle sounds proper and LOTS of other config changes. Should be updated within a few hours of this post! I've kind of wanted to make a sort of main village that has more facilities. Lacking accurate time period reference images though.
  5. I may add some more colonist stuff but I've no idea what that would be. Sugestions? Been playing with the idea of making the plantation a bit larger too.
  6. As i said earlier in the post. the temporary marked vc locations are there so testers can find them and so i can find the spots myself. Most of them don't even have anything placed yet. As for the sainte, Thanks i'll fix it. I'm clueless in French :)
  7. No such thing experienced by neither me nor reported by any of the current users :)
  8. Glad to have you :) Thanks! More floodlands coming in the southern part of the river! Some slightly more swampy areas..
  9. Thanks! It specifically says it is dependant on unsung and always has .... :)
  10. Found it. Unfortunately it doesn't match.
  11. 0.66.6 was released on steam. A new temple site was discovered west of the river. The previous one has been fully explored and was much larger than previously estimated. Thousands of other changes. Mainly thickening up the floodlands around the main river. Prepared for more sites in the west side.
  12. As soon as the map gets transferred to Unsung, the steam version will have unsung objects removed and finished using only arma 3 objects. The steam version will be renamed to Trung SI Province 1975 (or such) and mostly everything be destroyed. Mass graves all over. Commie worker camps. Etc. I suggest having unsung mod installed if only for loot and functionality of the map for the time being though.. There may be floating objects and places you can't cross etc without it.
  13. *Norway map? Took a break from it to solve some major issues and work on this one in the meantime. Soon as it 1.0 (in a few weeks) it will be shipped with the following unsung update and i will resume work on Nord. Oh and about the radar.. under it is just how i roll.. ;)
  14. You can. Maybe not at this very moment. The only thing required is dedication and time. Also time. And then you need some time. Also did I mention how much time it takes? If I didn't then know it also takes a LOT of time. First stop is the arma discord.
  15. Naah like i said in an earlier post I need names in the same nature of Pyle and Emery.:) Should have one for the hill 114 firebase too.. The temple is about half done. And then i might tear it up some more by adding some fortifications and stuff that charlie might put there. Cots and some nets and various stuff for creature comforts. There will also be one more temple site and a few smaller temple shrine things hidden in the jungle.
  16. Doesn't matter. Players will use them and as such need a base for them. Same as with the airstrip. I only made that so that TeTeT would stop crying. Even though he insists it will be used with jets... I mean who can prove there weren't cu chi tunnels in my fictional part of cambodia? Besides as egg says, There is that really big problem with throngs of rogue colonels who go nuts and the need to send shady characters who haven't gone off the deep end yet to go look for them.. The patrol boat base was built to due to increasing demand since the native's didn't have sound systems and flamethrowers in their boats apparently.. Nixon says there isn't any bombing going on here either but only b52s can make those big craters. It is a mystery.
  17. Oh get well soon! Meanwhile.. this happened.
  18. This map is far inland though around the border with Laos in one of these side rivers that connects to the mekong somewhere. More this type of situation: No sea and beches anywhere near. Bodie names i just bastardise from googling them up. :) Some have hidden meanings. This is Trung Si province. It was hell. You weren't there maaan! Need some names for the unfinished airstrip and the boat yard thing.... Need to be homely and USAican.
  19. 0.65 is up on workshop. Various config changes. Now it is. Not perfect but is more jungle like now. Yes. They are a3 lightpoles. Thanks! Thank you :)
  20. Stuffs were added. Need some good names for the patrol boat base location.
  21. Thanks. 114 has a road planned from the side with the guard post and the snake like trench down the hill. I'd also like to make a sort of small vehicle depot and a sort of place by the river where PBs can dock. The US outposts will have a poor track road connecting them, where sneaky charlie can ambush etc. Yeah some stuff remaining to be done in that vc camp. I also need to add more surfaces to walk on and a few more things to take cover behind. I just haven't founda good wall obbject to use with those bunks. if you follow the riverbed from there and up the hill, it will lead you to some other planned outposts.
  22. I haven't touched them yet. :/ Still so much visual stuff left to do I haven't even thought about it tbh. I'll move it up the priorities list though.
  23. Version 0.64 has been uploaded with these and more changes: Added a firebase on hill 114. (still in progress, needs ground textures and finalized layout pending sugestions from you guys.) Added abandoned VC camp in a gorge along the river. ~10.000 plants added along the river. More details in villages + on foot detail and dense vegetation overgrowing the forgotten wwII bunkers. Thickening overgrowth on the side rivers. More battlescars + wrecks. Since people seem to be using the map already for other things than vietnam war scenarios, I've decided to release a standalone version under another name as soon as the vietnam one is completed and re packaged alon with unsung releases. This one will not be any different except all unsung content will be removed and some may be replaced by stock arma3 assets + names changed.