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Everything posted by ski2060

  1. Hmm... I did not know that. I thought I read that it just needed to be placed on the map as a module. Really appreciate the information and direction guys!
  2. Hmmm My unit uses RHS, and ACE3 in our modset. Without using any compat PBO's we are able to access fast roping from our CH47, some MI8 variants, as well as various others like Taru. However, we can't use it from the Vanilla GhostHawks. I think we're going to have to experiment some more and see if we can find an exhaustive list of what will work and what doesn't right now.
  3. Hmm, that's interesting. I have a trigger for 4 separate repair/reload/refuel pads for my respawning helicopters and I don't appear to be experiencing any crashes from it. But, now that I think about it, I don't think I went back and defined the trigger actions once copying them over from my other map. I'll check them and see if I get any crashing.
  4. So, I have an issue like some of the other posters. After the most recent patches, mission generation seems to be broken. Users can log in, and missions will start to generate, but they will not complete. I can set it to occupy a zone with units and that will work, but the full on Mission Generation with multiple objectives will not work. I do have triggers for a repair/reload script on the map. I deleted those and tried it on my server with the same issue. Going by your advice above Shay, I should just rebuild the map in 3den and 1.56 hotfix and try it again? Further expanding, would copy/pasting my objects cause any issues? I am going to try to copy over all my base items, and replace all modules from scratch. EDIT: I rebuilt my template and missions are working again. Stupid updates breaking stuff.. grrr. Looking forward to next MCC update and refinements.
  5. I am having an issue with fast-roping as well. I am using RHS UH60's and a CH47, plus MELB AH and MH birds. I can only get fast-rope to work out of the CH-47. None of the other 3 choppers that are at base can fast-rope. All 4 birds are synced to a BI Vehicle Respawn module though. Any thoughts, ACE team?
  6. Thanks for that quick info. For some reason I just couldn't find it on the WIKI. Great work on the mod guys! our unit loves it.
  7. OK, stupid question. Is there any documentation about FRIES? Are ropes added to any helicopters by default? Or do they need to be synced via module placement in mission building? I can't find any information about them on the Wiki or here.
  8. So, is there a list of features that are being worked on for implementation in the next update? Just wondering if that is something put out, or if it's more "surprise! Updates!" ? If you guys don't like to talk about upcoming iterations that's fine.
  9. Is anyone else experiencing issues with MCC after the 1.56 patch regarding access? Even after the patch I could access MCC via the interact menu on my template mission. There was nothing wrong with it. Then, yesterday, it seems that the scroll interact access to MCC has disappeared. I can access it still via CTRL+DEL, but scroll access is gone now. Also, I was having trouble placing units in a Zone. It seemed they did not want to spawn via MCC, and in some cases, LOP units would not spawn with Zeus either.
  10. Mission saving should still send sqm data to clipboard. The problem is with the new editor it seems to be having issues importing it to the mission file you set up in Eden. I tried to save some ARES placed items, and it will not work anymore :(
  11. Is there any way to remove MCC inventory items from a Virtual Arsenal? My unit uses ACE and several other addons in addition to MCC, and we do not use the MCC items for anything in game. I would like to be able to remove the items from virtual arsenal access in order to de-clutter the list some, especially after Eden changed item listing.
  12. I'll be experimenting some more. Someone on the ALiVE forums posted that you need to put down a PLAYER entity, not just a PLAYABLE entity, on the former 2d mission saves; save it, and then it can be imported into the 3D Eden editor. So, I haven't lost my prefab base, and I was able to import it to Eden 3d. I don't know how/if I'll be able to use Zeus or ARES placed items in the future though.
  13. Eden is not backward compatible with maps that you may have been working on before. It says that it is, but it isn't. I have been using Zeus/ARES to build out templates in a 3d environment with pre-fabs, then saving with export sqm and copying to the mission file using MCC. That is no longer possible as you cannot use ARES or ZEUS while in the 3d Editor.
  14. So, ARES does not appear to play well with EDEN. Objects placed while in Zeus mode aren't staying when you leave Zeus mode and go back into 3d editor mode.
  15. ski2060


    m4rt14l, Check over on the ALiVE forums. There seems to be in issue in one of the ALiVE releases or in ARMA 1.54 that is causing the server freezing. The ALiVE devs are actively persuing the issue now to track down the culprit.
  16. Is there some reason that CBA is not showing up on STEAM? I get an error saying it is hidden or I may not have permission to view it on the workshop. I had to remove mine for an issue and trying to get it now, but STEAM won't let me.
  17. Shay, I just jumped onto the server to check it out. Played for about 15-20 minutes and the server crashed. I was the only one on, spawned a couple CSAT units to shoot at, and took one objective. Moved up to another, and server crashed.
  18. Check out the ALiVE forums. There's a large thread there about the freezing issue, with info on what should be tested. They're looking for testing with ALiVE, CBA and ACE or RHS right now. It's looking like maybe an issue between ACE, 1.54, and ALiVE somewhere.
  19. In a vanilla mission, you're just killing stuff until reinforcements run out. Basically constant warfare run by the AI with sandbox play for the players. Go out, make your own objectives, and destroy OpFor.
  20. So, with an Asymmetric OPCOM linked to a Civ Objective module on Takistan, I should see Insurgent forces start to spread around the map from the initial Module placement correct? No other objective placement needed correct? Maybe just a couple of override infantry squads? My current mission build is set up to give players lots to do. I am using Massi's MEW mod now since RHS is giving such fits and I need both fighters and civs. I have a Takistani Insurgent OpCom set to ASW and linked to a CivObj module. Then, I have a Middle East Fighter OpCom set to occupation and linked to both CivObj and MILObj modules, so that they start spread all over the map and occupying a lot of territory. The plan is for the players to have lots of infantry opposition they will need to deal with to clear areas, while also doing Insurgency clearance patrols looking for the IED factories and HQ's. In testing I am seeing AI from both factions spawning in patrols, roadblocks, in towns, and CQB settings. Should I not be seeing the Insurgents spawning right away?
  21. ski2060

    Middle East Warfare

    I have a question. What is the difference between the Middle East Warfare and the Middle East Warfare_Vehicles pack on STEAM? Are they the same pack with different names? Or Is the _Vehicles pack for use with your separate vehicles mod? Thanks
  22. I'm attempting to replicate an ALiVE/ACe crash right now. I have an ACE version of the Operation:Landlord ALiVE mission running on my server right now. Need people to jump on it and see if they can induce a freeze with normal play. It has CBA, ALive and ACE on it. Nothing else. -port=2347
  23. More people willing to play on servers that use TFAR? Instead of just going to a vanilla server because they can't hassle with it?