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About Sniper_Party

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  1. The changes to the scope zoom values seem to have broken the mil-dot spacing. This is a 1m by 1m square at 250m, through the default BLUFOR sniper scope: The observed angle of the sides at this distance should be 4mil. I have submitted a feedback tracker ticket of the issue.
  2. Sniper_Party

    =BTC= Revive

    Hey, I see a lot of great potential for this script in making medics actually useful and fun to play, but I've been trying to get it working properly for a while now and I'm a bit confused. Ideally, I would like to disable respawn entirely and, after you run out of time to be revived, have you die and go into the default BI spectator camera. After reading this thread, I found that (instead of "BTC_disable_respawn = 1" as I first assumed), to disable respawn you need to set: BTC_active_lifes = 1; BTC_lifes = 1; So that's nice, it works and you can get revived without using up that life. Cool. Thing is, in some cases, if "BTC_respawn_gear" is set to 1, it seems like you get revived with your inventory full of infinite amounts of watches. If it is set to 0, you rise up again and might find that magazines or grenades or other things have been added or removed from your inventory, which is a bit less than ideal, but obviously better than sprouting watches from every pocket. I have yet to try it with the "BTC_loop_check" turned on. I also see some people have reported issues of having binoculars or rangefinders disappear when being revived. Has anyone found a way for these things not to happen? In an effort to figure out the watch abundance problem, I looked at the code and found these lines in BTC_set_gear: line 144: while {loadUniform _unit < 1} do {_unit addItem "itemWatch";_watch = _watch + 1;}; line 147: while {loadVest _unit < 1} do {_unit addItem "itemWatch";_watch = _watch + 1;}; line 150: for "_i" from 1 to _watch do {_unit removeItem "ItemWatch";}; As far as I can see, these are the only references to "ItemWatch", "loadUniform", "loadVest", or "_watch" in all of the BTC Revive files. To my eyes (which are relatively new to sqf so I might totally be wrong) it seems like the script first gives you watches until both loadUniform and loadVest are above one, and then removes them again after. But loadVest or loadUniform are not modified anywhere else so it just loops forever, giving you an endless supply of timepieces. Am I missing something and there's a logic and a purpose to this watch adding or is this an error? EDIT: Actually, loadUniform and loadVest seem to be functions that look at how much stuff you're carrying in your uniform and vest, so instead of constantly giving you watches it just fills your uniform and vest with watches until it's full and then keeps doing it if you take watches out of there?
  3. Sniper_Party

    [MP] Not Your Job

    A short, fast-paced coop mission for four people. Assault a small enemy camp and clear out the buildings, set up an ambush against a small convoy while defending against a small counterattack, and retreat from an overwhelming force after conducting the ambush. Situation You were returning from a long patrol when enemy forces suddenly assaulted your home base. You have been cut off from the rest of your platoon by the enemy assault. The area of operations is behind enemy lines and under their control. Expect enemy patrols to investigate any commotion. The enemy forces are also extremely likely to retaliate in force when you take down their convoy. Mission You have two primary objectives: Destroy a small enemy convoy carrying a command team on their way to support the attack on BLUFOR forces, and extract out to the sea. This mission was a surprise, so you are not equipped to take on the armoured cars. A nearby enemy camp has been conducting demolition work and should have explosives to set up an ambush with. While destroying the convoy would be a major hit against the enemy, it is not mission critical. Command understands that you are not equipped or trained for a mission like this, and should place a higher priority on getting away safely. As you are behind enemy lines and will have to extract quickly after attacking their forces, you will need to secure a ride. While patrolling you noticed an abandoned civilian boat at a nearby diving lodge. Provided it still works, the boat could be used for extraction. If it does not, the shack might have some leftover diving equipment. Download Steam Workshop Dropbox Armaholic Thanks to Big for putting it up on Armaholic. The mission's goal is to provide a fun, quick experience of a variety of different kinds of combat: an assault into some buildings, a defense against a small attack, and a retreat from overwhelming force. You start near the AO to get you to the action quickly, but should have enough room to maneuver for a couple of different approaches easily enough. Any downtime in the action should be very short. Any comments, critiques, and so forth are obviously welcome and appreciated.
  4. Sniper_Party

    Arma 3 - Feedback Tracker

    Is there a way to contact a feedback tracker moderator or seek correction on a choice they've made on the feedback tracker? Feedback #3632 was apparently mistakenly closed on the tracker today as a duplicate of #599 (sorry, can't link yet since it is my first post). Now, I feel that feedback number 3632 is pretty dumb, but it should probably be handled on it's own and not as a duplicate of an unrelated issue. I tried to PM the moderator in question about the issue here on the forums, after finding no way to contact him on the tracker, but apparently I can't send him messages until I have a few more posts under my belt.