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About demolitionstech

  • Rank
    Private First Class
  1. demolitionstech

    How to Teleport script??

    Even years later, this is still very useful.
  2. demolitionstech

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Sorry if this is a dumb question but i must ask, do i need to run a dedicated server ? I'm not sure how to run this in multiplayer. I figured i could load the mod with arma host a local game and all should work(but does not). if someone could help me i would really appreciate it. Clearly i don't know what im doing :unsure:
  3. demolitionstech

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Not sure whats happening but MP not working for me, single player works perfect. i only have CBA v3.0.0 and bloodlust v2.41 and headgore v1.1 mods installed. anyone else having this problem.
  4. demolitionstech

    BloodLust (Version 2022.04.13)

    Is there a way to have the gatling cannon 20mm on the blackfoot, cause bodies to explode, Not sure if im going in the right direction but I have tried adding ammo classnames to the vaporization ammo classnames list but have had no success. EDIT: I figured out that if you change VaporizationDamageThreshold to 0.01 they explode with the 20mm caliber no others settings changed. By the way love the mod. If you don't mind me asking if it would be possible to have the gibs show up on flir like dead bodies do in game. again love the mod.
  5. Thank you for this but, I have been able to synchronize with the support module using. Support SynchronizeObjectsAdd [Player]; support being the name of the support module and player being the name of the unit to sync the support module to. Placed in a trigger's Initialization Field, With success. But for some reason it does not work with the create task module or set task state module. Any other idea's ? OK I've been messing around a bit more and found placing Player synchronizeObjectsAdd [TaskModule]; in the players Initialization Field works :627: for the Task Module, although i do not get a message up on the screen, I cannot for the life of me get it to work in a trigger.:banghead:
  6. Hello , I am making a mission that involves allot of synchronizing, It is making a big mess of blue lines across the map and i was hoping i could run sync commands from a initialization field to clean things up a bit. Mainly with tasks. Does any one know a way to do this or something similar, Any help would be greatly appreciated.
  7. demolitionstech

    @A3MP - ArmA 3 Map Pack

    Love It ! Thank You so much for this.:D
  8. Check in the missions dialog folder, you should find it in there.
  9. Hi just wanted to let you know that if you scroll down a little further in the init file you will find this: Chosen HQ Placement = false (change this to true) when manually placing the HQ. It should not ask you to choose at the begining anymore.
  10. demolitionstech

    Using inbuilt 3D-Editor for map making

    Thank you so much this really makes it easier :D
  11. Thank you for this awesome Script. :) Can't wait for the new version, Hope to see it soon. Keep up the great work.
  12. demolitionstech

    Low FPS

    PLease don't get me wrong here I am not here to bash BIS I'm a frustrated customer that just wants some help. Now I know my specs are not above and beyond. But according to the recommended specifications I should get a playable Framerate, I am getting 10-25 FPS in single player games and 2-10 In Multiplayer. Definitely not playable at all. My specs are: AMD Phenom II 920 x4 @2.8Ghz Processor, Sapphire HD5850 1G Xtreme Graphics Card, Gigabyte MA-GA790X-UD4P Motherboard, 4GB DDR2 800 Memory, Western Digital 500GB 7200RPM HDD(defragged). It does not seem to matter what settings I have I get the same frame rate. Any help from BIS Would be great or anyone for that matter.