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Everything posted by serjames

  1. serjames

    Takistani Army A3 - TKA_A3

    Is THIS one being rolled into CUP ? Cheers SJ
  2. Are these being rolled into CUP ?
  3. A restart seems to have updated BE and all is well in the world...
  4. Anyone else getting a battle eye error for some Ace DLLs ?
  5. Anyone having issues with the MAAWS or SMAW ? We're getting Client and server CTD's on firing. Running alongside RHS and ACE3 ?
  6. serjames

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Eureka - you've fixed it !! Quick tell BIS ;-)
  7. serjames

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Yep.... rock 'n Roll
  8. serjames

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    Done - our entire unit has done that... I think OHally may have to issue a DMCA Take-down notice, whatever that it.. anyone got a link ?
  9. serjames

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    He's part of an online German Community, could we reach out to them to explain why what he had done is wrong (he probably doesn't get it...No excuse I know, but kidz....)
  10. serjames

    NEW MAP : Gunkizli

    Well I was trying to run it with AiA_Tp... I'm looking to see if we can add it to our Mod repo - AiA_TP is ok but not AllInArma. With AiA_TP it just crashes on launch Are there objects or units within your map that specifically need AllInArma as a preference to AiA_TP ? Will get the errors on a grab next chance
  11. serjames

    NEW MAP : Gunkizli

    I cannot seem to get this to work loaded from PW6 - spits out AiA errors ? Anyone else getting that ? Just to clarify do we need AllInArma or AiA_TP ? Cheers SJ
  12. serjames

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Will have to poke the PW6 guys... I'll do it now https://getsatisfaction.com/withsix/topics/mod_update_or_addition_requests_pt2
  13. Mistergoodson tells me that "switchMove is a local command (so only the person issuing the command will see the animation). If a script is local (i.e. not running on everyone), playMove should be used instead (to execute the animation on all clients)."
  14. sorry Animation NOOB here.... How do I actually use these in-game - I assume they are for cut-scenes only etc ? Anyone got a tutorial ? SJ
  15. serjames

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    OHally has confirmed to me this is NOT an authorised release, he did comment on the steam page, but the author has deleted his comment.
  16. Guys any reason we have a tyre and a spare track link Floating 150ft in the air above each of our base template vehicles ? Could that be something to do with ACE repair ?
  17. serjames

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    I've asked him to be a little more specific - but looking at the screenshots I can see More than just CAF_AG there.... is that one of the other ISIS mod textures ? Looking inside the @Taliban_Mod which is what is on PW6 the mod is a straight like for like copy of the original CAF_AG with his name added to the credits and the sound patch and bisign added to the Addons folder. This is a straight re-release.... Ok the steam workshop version also includes Aplions HAFM ISIS https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/173768-hafm-isis-addon/?hl=hafm and the Iriaqi warefare mod https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/172818-the-iraqi-warfare-mod-alpha/ Both presumably stolen too I've sent a message to PW6 and Steam - suggest others do too.
  18. serjames

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    I too asked him, and he's got a comment on there (JSF 15TH SOB) AlterMann my last words on the Info Special thanks go to CAF Team and ohally for some skins so all its ok
  19. serjames

    3CB BAF Weapons

    lol, you know we've never tested with blastcore.... I need to try that...
  20. serjames

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Fair enough, but give them a chance - the bug has only been identified this afternoon guys....
  21. serjames

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks for investigating mistyronin
  22. serjames

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    It does look like the latest release has broken CBA somehow... Our event handlers have stopped working.
  23. serjames

    Arma3 - AGGRESSORS

    That's a bummer... It's already on PW6 I see too.... Hope it is legit..