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Everything posted by BadHabitz

  1. BadHabitz

    Play SP Scenarios with friends (COOP)

    I don't think so. Players load into a mission and fill slots that are created during scenario construction. The only way to add a player slot is to rebuild the scenario.
  2. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    There is no new version. A few weeks ago there was an unofficial release with some fixes. I'm not sure which version is on PW6, because they never ask to host your mod, they just do it without communicating with you. I've always had a great relationship with Foxhound at Armaholic, and I appreciate that greatly. My last few revisions were sent to both Armaholic and someone at PW6. The person at PW6 never replied, and I've never had direct contact with anyone representing that service. The only reason I tried to send them my revisions is because I only wanted the latest and most correct version out there. At certain points people have had problems running the mod from their PW6 download. So there shouldn't be any new version on PW6. When it was asked if someone could share their config update, I stated "Anyone can post links to updated configs. They're just not official, and are to be used at your own risk.". So, if PW6 is distributing the unofficial edit, then it's really not authorized. If it's my latest version, I know there's some problems with it, including the signature/key. It would all be alleviated if PW6 actually communicated with me, instead of hosting shit whenever they feel like it.
  3. BadHabitz

    Ability to clear vehicle arsenal

    I second this. Should be a button to clear vehicle inventory, and also container inventory. Common sense item that should've been there from the start.
  4. BadHabitz

    US 75th Rangers

    Yes https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/172680-us-75th-rangers/page-41#entry2981969
  5. BadHabitz

    US 75th Rangers

    Good job. I was also going to comment on the dark vests, but I guess that's been covered already. I'm really looking forward to new additions and tweaks, and I'm sure we'll all appreciate it.
  6. BadHabitz

    Eden controls?

    I'm also having this problem. I have movement re-mapped to the arrow keys and I can not move around in Eden. I can move the camera around, but I can not move forward or backwards.
  7. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Anyone can post links to updated configs. They're just not official, and are to be used at your own risk. Once jonpas is done I will be asking Armaholic and PwS to discontinue the dissemination of PG Services entirely. If it's mildly broken now, and no work is to be done in the future, there's no need to have a broken product (that will continue to be more and more broken as A3 progresses) having a download available.
  8. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Update: I am no longer developing this mod. Arma 3 is my favorite multiplayer game. Unfortunately, due to my work/life schedule, it makes it difficult to attend scheduled milsim activities. When I do find a group that I might be able to swing some time with, there's always something that turns me off to them. I think it comes from leading my own groups on two different occasions, where I don't put up with choices I don't agree with. As a result, I am no longer playing A3 regularly, if at all. I'll probably jump back in when Tanoa hits, but to what extent I don't know. This also means that I don't want to continue working on PG Services. Like I said before, it's been a long time since I even actively used my own mod in my game sessions. My last few milsim groups were military units who don't use PMC mods. So all of my updates for the last 6-9 months were done only for you, the end-user. But do not fret... I've given all of the PG Services assets to jonpas, and he is going to fix errors and bring the mod up to the current version of Arma 3. Although, he will rebrand the mod with a new name, which means the PG Services brand will be no more. The release of the rebranded mod will be according to his schedule, so I can't give you an estimate. Thanks again for following and using this mod. I have always appreciated the kind words and honest feedback.
  9. BadHabitz

    EricJ Release thread

    He had at one time had both mods uploaded on Steam. Now he just has links to Armaholic.
  10. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I did see Armaholic links when I looked. Maybe it was too difficult for his followers to load mods outside of Steam.
  11. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Looks like he uploaded some files... http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=590119681 http://steamcommunity.com/workshop/filedetails/?id=590098896 Probably PG Services and EricJ's mod. I'm at work, so I can't see which is which. I'll have to figure out and report it. edit: Situation addressed
  12. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I haven't. Please provide a link.
  13. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Doesn't look like it was uploaded. Wee-B just provided links to the mods that are hosted on Armaholic. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=582198198 If I'm wrong, please post a link.
  14. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Expect an announcement in the near future. Thanks to everyone that still uses this mod. I personally haven't even used PG in about 9+ months, so I do all of this for you. :m:
  15. I like the IR lights. Of course, never stop looking for a solution to include both, but if you're going to go with just one then I'd roll with the IR.
  16. BadHabitz

    Crye Airframe WIP

    If you look close it says "Hillary For Prison 2016".
  17. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    I just want to fix it all correctly this time. My motivation has been missing lately, and more of my time is being spent outside of games and computers.
  18. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Yes, I'll see about fixing those. Hopefully that will also fix some other issues.
  19. BadHabitz

    Vest Armor Values

    I would add the ItemInfo:VestItem from the lite version to your first vest.
  20. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Today is the first day in a few weeks that I've been able to spend any time on the computer. Just finished up a household move. I'll be working on getting a new revision out as soon as I can. It's been tough to get motivated to do modding lately, so I'd like to get a stable version and leave it be for a long while.
  21. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Thanks jonpas, I'll take a look at all of that.
  22. BadHabitz

    To the modders

    A few things... You have no idea how many other people are also contacting mod creators behind the scenes with questions or asking for advice. You get asked for some help, and then a little more, and even more then, and it feels like like you're the one doing the work for someone else. Some modders just don't bother to help others, and that's their right. If they were kind enough to give you at least a little help then you should be appreciate, and it doesn't mean that they need to continue further. Also, this is not the correct area of the forums for this type of discussion.
  23. BadHabitz

    PG Services (PMC)

    Thanks for using PG Services! I thought someone would have released a version of the A2 SUV/Suburban by now. I gave it a try but ran into the limits of my knowledge. Right now I don't have the time to go back and start that process over again. As far as the teased picture of a custom vehicle, that's on the shelf indefinitely. My partner in that project has too much on his plate to work on that until well into next year.
  24. BadHabitz

    ASDG - Mk. V SOC (WIP)

    Glad this is being worked on and progressing. Even more glad to know that your health is improved.