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Everything posted by PiZZADOX


    Cold War Rearmed III

    Great news, good to see some old faces around. Vilas, W0lle... now where's sickboy, xeno, rocko, etc? 😎 Very excited for CWR content for A3 and glad to see it is based around an already popular addon for config balancing / inheritance concerns. I for one am starving for Cold War content, despite GM's quality we simply cannot get enough of a playerbase with the CDLC to play regularly with it. Being W0lle I assume this has no chance of being a CDLC right? 😄
  2. Hello, does anyone have experience in editing the 3den attribute menus? I am specifically trying to have the effect of resizing attribute category controls based on the state of shown controls. I would like the ability to resize "Object: Gear Options" to what it would be if only the active controls were considered. Has this been done before? I can't find an example of this in the editor.


    Do you mean the version for the newer script interpreter? ArmA 2 OA 1.64? I have the updated CBA/ACE/ACEX as well as ACRE and the TS3 v.3 dll
  4. This bug/weird action is a result of a specific behaviour in the stance handling with a launcher. You can override the stance change via player action key and force into stances and cfgMove states and it works fine, you can use your launcher in prone as you do in real life and this bug does not occur. It is the result of a change in the stance change state machine and it seems purposely made. Either fixing the float problem with actionKeys or removing this behaviour in the stance state machine would be a solution we could work with.
  5. I am attempting to add Launcher animations and transitions for the prone stance. Selecting a launcher in prone only to make your character stand or crouch, revealing yourself to enemy fire or sight, is unacceptable. Not being able to ready a launcher or even fire one from the prone position is unacceptable. ACE 1 and 2 did this by creating new States in the animation config, and altering the Actions for transitions. As ArmA 3 has added more actions and made some animation config entries defunct, I am having difficulty porting this feature over. Currently the animation state works correctly when switching from a rifle in prone to a launcher in prone. Attempting to switch to a launcher without a weapon (civil Lying) goes into multiple animations ending up in civil standing, and it does not work when switching from launcher standing or launcher kneeling. Can someone assist with this animation config? class CfgPatches { class pizza_launcher_prone { units[] = {}; weapons[] = {}; requiredVersion = 1; requiredAddons[] = {"A3_Anims_F", "A3_Anims_F_Data","A3_Anims_F_Config_Sdr"}; version = 1; }; }; class CfgMovesBasic { class Default; // External class reference class Actions { class NoActions; // External class reference class CivilStandActions; // External class reference class CivilProneActions : CivilStandActions { SecondaryWeapon = "ACE_LauncherProne"; }; class PistolStandActions; // External class reference class PistolProneActions : PistolStandActions { SecondaryWeapon = "ACE_LauncherProne"; }; class RifleBaseStandActions; // External class reference class RifleProneActions : RifleBaseStandActions { SecondaryWeapon = "ACE_LauncherProne"; }; class LauncherKneelActions : NoActions { down = "ACE_LauncherProne"; up = "AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; Lying = "ACE_LauncherProne"; PlayerProne = "ACE_LauncherProne"; EvasiveBack = ""; Stand = "AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; PlayerStand = "AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; Crouch = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; PlayerCrouch = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; }; class LauncherStandActions : LauncherKneelActions { down = "ACE_LauncherProne"; PlayerProne = "ACE_LauncherProne"; Lying = "ACE_LauncherProne"; }; class ACE_LauncherProneActions : LauncherKneelActions { stop = "ACE_LauncherProne"; default = "ACE_LauncherProne"; binocOn = "awopppnemstpsoptwbindnon_non"; binocOff = "ACE_LauncherProne"; handGunOn = "AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon"; ReloadRPG = ""; GestureReloadRPG7[] = {"", ""}; down = "AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; up = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; PlayerStand = "AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; PlayerCrouch = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; PlayerProne = "ACE_LauncherProne"; Combat = "ACE_LauncherProne"; Lying = "ACE_LauncherProne"; Stand = "AmovPercMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; Crouch = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon"; die = "AdthPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_1"; Civil = "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon"; CivilLying = "AmovPpneMstpSnonWnonDnon"; walkF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlF"; walkLF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl"; walkRF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr"; walkL = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawll"; walkR = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr"; walkLB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl"; walkRB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr"; walkB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb"; slowF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf"; slowLF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl"; slowRF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr"; slowL = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawll"; slowR = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr"; slowLB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl"; slowRB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr"; slowB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb"; fastF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf"; fastLF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl"; fastRF = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr"; fastL = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawll"; fastR = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr"; fastLB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl"; fastRB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr"; fastB = "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb"; EvasiveForward = ""; EvasiveLeft = ""; EvasiveRight = ""; EvasiveBack = ""; turnL = ""; turnR = ""; turnLRelaxed = ""; turnRRelaxed = ""; getInCar = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon"; getOutCar = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon"; getInTank = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon"; getOutTank = "AmovPknlMstpSrasWrflDnon"; upDegree = "ManPosWeapon"; leanRRot = 0; leanRShift = 0; leanLRot = 0; leanLShift = 0; turnSpeed = 2; }; }; }; class CfgMovesMaleSdr : CfgMovesBasic { class States { class ACE_LauncherProne : Default { actions = "ACE_LauncherProneActions"; duty = -0.7; file = "\ace_anims\movement\ACE_Launcher_Lying.rtm"; collisionShape = "A3\anims_f\Data\Geom\Sdr\Ppne.p3d"; showWeaponAim = false; disableWeapons = false; disableWeaponsLong = false; enableMissile = true; canPullTrigger = true; aimPrecision = 0.3; speed = 1e+010; relSpeedMin = 0.7; relSpeedMax = 1.1; aiming = "aimingLauncher"; looped = true; soundEnabled = false; connectTo[] = {}; connectFrom[] = {}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.04}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.04}; enableBinocular = true; preload = false; headBobStrength = 0.20398; headBobMode = 2; leftHandIKBeg = true; leftHandIKCurve[] = {1}; leftHandIKEnd = true; rightHandIKBeg = true; rightHandIKCurve[] = {1}; rightHandIKEnd = true; weaponIK = 4; legs = "legsLyingAimingPistol"; visibleSize = 0.15; onLandBeg = true; onLandEnd = true; leaningFactorBeg = 0; leaningFactorEnd = 0; enableOptics = 4; }; class TransAnimBase; class ACE_LauncherKneel_LauncherProne : TransAnimBase { actions = "ACE_LauncherProneActions"; file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\mov\knl\stp\ras\lnr\amovpknlmstpsraswlnrdnon_amovppnemstpsraswlnrdnon"; speed = 0.33; weaponIK = 4; aiming = "aimingCivil"; aimingBody = "aimingUpCivil"; onLandBeg = false; onLandEnd = true; interpolationSpeed = 1; soundOverride = "laydown"; soundEnabled = true; enableMissile = true; interpolateFrom[] = {"AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon", 0.01}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.01}; }; class ACE_LauncherProne_LauncherKneel : TransAnimBase { actions = "LauncherKneelActions"; file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\stp\ras\lnr\amovppnemstpsraswlnrdnon_amovpknlmstpsraswlnrdnon"; speed = 0.31; aiming = "aimingCivil"; aimingBody = "aimingUpCivil"; onLandBeg = true; onLandEnd = false; enableMissile = true; interpolationSpeed = 1; soundOverride = "standup"; soundEnabled = true; leaningFactorBeg = 0.5; leaningFactorEnd = 0.5; weaponIK = 4; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.01}; interpolateTo[] = {"AmovPknlMstpSrasWlnrDnon", 0.01}; }; class ACE_RifleProne_LauncherProne : TransAnimBase { actions = "ACE_LauncherProneActions"; file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\mov\pne\stp\ras\rfl\AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_AwopPpneMstpSoptWbinDnon"; speed = 0.66; disableWeapons = true; aiming = "aimingCivil"; aimingBody = "aimingUpCivil"; interpolationSpeed = 1; leftHandIKBeg = 0.0; leftHandIKCurve[] = {}; leftHandIKEnd = 0.0; rightHandIKBeg = 0.0; rightHandIKCurve[] = {}; rightHandIKEnd = 0.0; soundEnabled = false; leaningFactorBeg = 1.0; leaningFactorEnd = 0.5; interpolateFrom[] = {"AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon", 0.01}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.01}; weaponIK = 4; onLandBeg = true; onLandEnd = true; }; class ACE_LauncherProne_RifleProne : TransAnimBase { actions = "RifleProneActions"; file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\stp\ras\pst\AmovPpneMstpSrasWpstDnon_AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon_end"; speed = 0.16; disableWeapons = true; aiming = "aimingCivil"; aimingBody = "aimingUpCivil"; interpolationSpeed = 1; leftHandIKBeg = 0.0; leftHandIKCurve[] = {0}; leftHandIKEnd = false; rightHandIKBeg = 0.0; rightHandIKCurve[] = {0}; rightHandIKEnd = false; soundEnabled = false; leaningFactorBeg = 0; leaningFactorEnd = 0; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.01}; interpolateTo[] = {"AmovPpneMstpSrasWrflDnon", 0.01}; weaponIK = 4; onLandBeg = true; onLandEnd = true; }; class ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf : ACE_LauncherProne { actions = "ACE_LauncherProneActions"; file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\run\non\non\AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDf"; speed = 0.9; collisionShape = "A3\anims_f\Data\Geom\Sdr\Ppne.p3d"; duty = -0.3; leaningFactorBeg = 0; leaningFactorEnd = 0; disableWeapons = true; disableWeaponsLong = true; soundEnabled = true; connectTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf", 0.02}; connectFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf", 0.02}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl", 0.025}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl", 0.025}; weaponIK = 0; }; class ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl : ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf { file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\run\non\non\AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDfl"; speed = 0.9; connectTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl", 0.02}; connectFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl", 0.02}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawll", 0.025}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawll", 0.025}; }; class ACE_LauncherProneCrawll : ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf { file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\run\non\non\AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDl"; speed = 1.2; connectTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawll", 0.02}; connectFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawll", 0.02}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl", 0.025}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl", 0.025}; }; class ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl : ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf { file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\run\non\non\AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDbl"; speed = 0.9; connectTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl", 0.02}; connectFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl", 0.02}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb", 0.025}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb", 0.025}; }; class ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb : ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf { file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\run\non\non\AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDb"; speed = 0.9; connectTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb", 0.02}; connectFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb", 0.02}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr", 0.025}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr", 0.025}; }; class ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr : ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf { file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\run\non\non\AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDbr"; speed = 0.8; connectTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr", 0.02}; connectFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr", 0.02}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr", 0.025}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr", 0.025}; }; class ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr : ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf { file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\run\non\non\AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDr"; speed = 1.2; connectTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr", 0.02}; connectFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr", 0.02}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr", 0.025}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr", 0.025}; }; class ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr : ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf { file = "\A3\anims_f\Data\Anim\Sdr\Mov\pne\run\non\non\AmovPpneMrunSnonWnonDfr"; speed = 0.75; connectTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr", 0.02}; connectFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr", 0.02}; interpolateFrom[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf", 0.025}; interpolateTo[] = {"ACE_LauncherProne", 0.02, "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlf", 0.025}; }; }; class Interpolations { ACE_LauncherProneMove[] = {2, "ACE_LauncherProne", "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlF", "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfl", "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlfr", "ACE_LauncherProneCrawll", "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlr", "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbl", "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlbr", "ACE_LauncherProneCrawlb"}; }; };

    AT Launchers While Prone

    After years of Hiatus and going back to play ArmA 2 instead, I've ported this feature over to ACE 3, it is currently in a PR here: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/pull/7002 Nearly all the issues I faced before were do to what seems to be purposeful engine changes to prevent prone launchers in AT, not config issues.

    3den Enhanced

    Great job with the count bar, looks really clean.

    3den Enhanced

    Yeah i know, putting an image inside of text... bad times. Maybe having them all as separate controls with the alignment keeping them separate when the counts get larger?

    3den Enhanced

    It would be more helpful inside the count element, like this:
  10. PiZZADOX

    3den Enhanced

    Mission attributes import/export feature works great. Object/Selection counter works as well. Perhaps small icons next to the count number would be helpful. There is a tooltip explaining the format of the counter, but it would a nice quality of life improvement if you want to glance at the count without having to recollect the count arrangement.
  11. I am very impressed by the power of this script. I am using it for a quick and easy way of locally spawning AI on the HC machine, getting around any of the numerous issues with setowner transfer between server and HC. The only thing is that for live spawning the performance is quite poor due to direct cfg reads. Wouldn't the script would be much faster and less intensive to run if the cfg data was stored in arrays (server or HC local) so that the spawning portion of the script read only from other sqf and missionconfigfile data instead of sqe every time? Or is there a way to preload sqe data to make it quicker to access I am missing?
  12. PiZZADOX

    AT Launchers While Prone

    Thank you for your response So if I am not mistaken, I can create entries that only connect to the specific path i want to create, and make a lower cost value for them to make sure they are used instead of other transition entries? IE, defining an "ACE_Launcher_Standing_to_Prone" transition entry that has a low cost but only connects to the "ACE_Launcher" state and which is only connected to from the standing launcher state? And yes, this is a port from ACE 2, which of course was a port from ACE 1, which animations originally came from SLX.
  13. PiZZADOX

    22nd MEU Milsim Unit

    Just letting everyone know that we continue to be active, have a squad+ of players on weekend operations, and maintain a dedicated server as well as a completely custom modpack tailored to our unit, with custom addons and missions. We play a mix of pvp and coop missions.
  14. Who we are We are a semi-serious group that relies on assigned roles and chain of command, but a casual attitude out of game with respect for the operation of the unit, not the online ranks themselves. Many players are military or veterans, and some are just civilians who are very interested in tactical gameplay. As of this post we have 30+ members. What we do We play regular operations on Saturdays at 1900h EST and weekly training on Sundays at 1700h EST. We play as USMC in a variety of situations including 1980s cold war era and modern War on Terror organization during these trainings and operations. We typically have a less serious operation on Friday nights around 1900h when we will play an operation as either a different organization (say an 80s russian motorized rifle platoon in afghanistan) or a simple fun mission to blow off some steam. What Mods we use We use an updated version of ACE/ACRE that fixes some bugs and adds some new features. This new version of ACRE can be used with the newest version of teamspeak, no need to downgrade to play with us. We also use a modpack of select RH weapons, marine corps skins, and custom humvees. We have many optional mods for members to use such as a fast grenade system and a vehicle music mod. Our mod development and mission creation team is fully active and constantly working on updates. How to join You can find us at Our Forums or on our teamspeak 3 server. Talk to any of our members who should be able to direct you to a higher up who can set you up with your mods and role.
  15. To keep object objectively level to the sky: this setVectorUp [0,0,1]; To keep object objectively level to the terrain slope: this setVectorUp surfaceNormal position this;
  16. The effectivecommander behavior, especially in MP with players inside your group inside your vehicle, is very, very strange. So far I have not found a way to set the effectivecommander of the vehicle when players are in the vehicle. In singleplayer you can force the effectivecommander by ejecting the player, making the player the group leader, and then loading the player in. Changing the group leader after the player has reembarked the vehicle has no effect on the effectivecommander. This technique does not work at all in multiplayer with a player already inside the vehicle. In multiplayer, the first person in the vehicle will be the effectivecommander, but a gunner or commander turret will overwrite the effectivecommander status and will take control of the vehicle. Is this config based, or hardcoded? The intent is to get the driver of all armored vehicles as the effectivecommander, for purposes of dictating the turnout/in of the vehicle to stop the disabling when a commander/gunner turns in.
  17. Can't really blame or expect comments from Dwarden, I doubt the corepatch project occupies more than 1% of his attention right now.
  18. Unless someone puts a lot of work into it again (which is unlikely, unfortunately) then it is broken. You can blame BI's script interpreter update and Corepatch.
  19. Try setting a different memory allocator. Via the new corepatch my server was crashing until i used "-malloc=tbb3malloc_bi" in the launch options
  20. He wont listen, our only hope is for Bohemia to take away his update privilege.
  21. Corepatch is to fix the common core parts of the game that we all use (like the gear menu errors and such) Those BI scripts affect everyone playing the game and should have been changed. Didn't interfere with any mods and improved the game in every aspect. Fixing the mission specific scripts also was necessary and good for the entire community. I am not disagreeing with the principle of fixing bugs. I am saying you are too overzealous in your desire to fix random barely useful things that impact compatibility with mods, the thing that keeps arma 2 alive. I suggest you work on modules and scripts, not on Cfg values. Let's fix the civilian modules.
  22. Many of those tickets were created ages ago. I'm not saying they shouldnt have been addressed, but we are not an large active community anymore, and we have a wealth of mods to supplement the game and solve many of the games few drawbacks. Bohemia didn't fix a lot of tickets because they were either too unrealistic in the amount of time to fix them, they were a design choice, or they would have broken mods. The few major updates they did push were in line with and communicating with mod developers and server hosters. If BI was in your shoes, they wouldnt have made those choices; they knew the impacts of changing configs and the structure and importance of mods in the community. Arma is a platform, and the platform should be enhanced of course but the content is in fact less important, especially when the development cycle of the game is long over and mod support is almost nil.
  23. I guess Bohemia doesn't care about ArmA 2 and has no reason to continue satisfying their clientbase, but I sometimes wonder if they would want to ruin both DayZ and ACE for the ability to zero a weapon with their simplistic zeroing computer system. If you are working on Corepatch in the hope for any future development portfolio, people usually look at the outcome and satisfaction of your customers, not just the work you put in. Now I have to spend extra time out of my day to work reverting stupid changes to make to continue the community I play with survive and utilize ArmA 2. Completely unnecessary changes that do not improve realism or gameplay now affect an actual group of customers and players in a drastically negative way. If I wasnt there to revert and update ACE, they wouldnt be able to use these features and the mod would be completely broken. Here's a couple mods I made in my spare time. They add some stuff to the game, especially the base game, and they don't break a lot of stuff for almost no gain whatsoever. Maybe we should add these to the game in a corepatch, dont you think?
  24. That is what I am saying; I am saying Corepatch has overstepped its bounds (and not even fully delivered on its original mantra) I appreciate very much continued community patching, but lets not kid ourselves, you are also creating necessity for people to update mods and fix their missions, work that might never be done. Why dont we do more work on things that expand usability and fix errors such as fixing the civilian and civilian vehicles module (which are broken as hell and cause numerous problems since 1.63) instead of creating more undue work that really has a tiny effect on the gameplay but a large effect on usability of mods, mods which are the basis of the game's community? CPP is all inhereted in order, If I want to use some of the changes but then revert others, I need the more recent patch, specifically the one I want to revert later. If I want to change discretedistance on a vehicle (a feature that breaks the more realistic ACE range adjustment) but keep the maxelev for some of the helicopters as well as some of the new turret names, I need to first load the dependency of corepatch in order for corepatch_vehicles to load, and then load the dependency of corepatch_vehicles for my corepatch_vehicles_ace_compat to load. There is no guarantee that corepatch_vehicles would load if I was to only put corepatch as a dependency, as I tested a few times. Does that make more sense?