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Everything posted by warlord554

  1. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    The helos will be tough. Mission success and survivability are key to special operations aviation and will be very important regarding ingame feature designs
  2. warlord554

    SOCMOD Release Thread

    ^^ yessir. All equipment and gear will have correct armor thickness and penetration values. Including actual plates. Everything is accounted for. So a helmet battery will provide more ballistic protection than not having one attached for example. Have spent many long nights getting various material penetrations as accurate as possible. That was a biggie to us
  3. warlord554

    US Army aims for positive improvements with M4A1+

    Standard issue of the Block II program pretty much
  4. warlord554

    basicbody remove the underwear

    Underwear is currently part of human body model. You need to make a whole new one without shirt
  5. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    All is fine bates knows hes loved :p
  6. Odd ive never had luck with = 1 before :confused:
  7. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Ive got several posts a couple pages back trying to keep everyone informed :j:
  8. warlord554

    EricJ Release thread

    Check your hellfire alpha layers in O2 mayne
  9. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Yes you'd have to define it as a weapon turret and define rotation/incline values
  10. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    It will have "landing lights" on its belly. But not an actual search light. Most likely will be put on the mh60 usaf pavehawks though
  11. warlord554

    Too many vertices

    It depends on the p3d genre. Helos and planes can usually handle around 29k vertices, 17k polys (roughly). Its possible you have something hiding in the model perhaps, and convert what you can to quads, as this will save you polys. There are several ways to cut down on count, most of which you should be doing inside 3ds max (or whatever program) rather than O2 which isn't very user friendly
  12. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    The new Hawk models (current pics on first page) are in full blown texture/mat mode as we speak. I will keep you guys updated with WIP pics as we test them. @Rabbit403 I have several really cool ideas for navigation and instrument lighting, so we will test and see what we come up with. As far as warning lights that will be another area we will test and attempt to reproduce, especially the RWR incoming missile warning system regarding direction of threat, and automated or manual countermeasures(Flare, Chaff, Electronic Jammers). These helos have very sophisticated countermeasures and avionics, so we will do our best to push the engine limits to reproduce as much as possible. Another one I really want to incorporate is the terrain following radar (functional) in both HUD and on dash screen. We will see ;) All helos will incorporate tactical cabin lighting, which can be turned on/off. (Red) May run some additional lighting inside the 47G, again, we will see. We do not have an official date for release. But trust me no one is more restless to fly these ladies as we are. I like to set goals, not dates. Quality and attention to detail take time We all at SOAS appreciate you guys sticking with us throughout development, it makes the long nights worth while :)
  13. My only real concern would be what performance impacts would it have? If it went along with current ingame quality settings and was enjoyable for those that can use it, or turned off by those lower end rigs then I'd be all for it
  14. Or just make your own. Fairly simple
  15. As Fennek stated its way too complicared for a geo lod. Also needs to be closed, convex, and triangulated. I also notice you have a fire geo lod, and according to BIS wiki it will always override for collision if present, unless a physx lod is present
  16. warlord554

    Scope Mod A3

    Optics will not show on my rifle. ASDG JR is setup correctly. Spectre shows equipped in my inventory, flips my buis down correctly, actual model not showing ingame. If it matters i DL'd from mediafire because my DL from armaholic keeps failing when complete. Any ideas?
  17. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    We have discussed various other aircraft however full current focus is on these atm. Our main focus has been Special Operations Aircraft, so if we do one, it will most likely be a MH53 Pave Low or maybe a "modernized" version. But as bates stated anything made will be the latest models. (With the exception of the SOAR birds which contain L and M) . But who knows, whatever our crew wants to do we will do it :) no promises but anything is possible ;)
  18. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    Yes i dont see why not
  19. warlord554

    Scope Mod A3

    Does the mediafire DL reflect the current version?
  20. warlord554

    1stBN/160th SOAR Mod ArmA III WIP

    We continue to work hard atleast weekly. Real life stuff keeps us busy, but make no mistake about it, they are coming..... ;)
  21. warlord554

    Mikero's Dos Tools

    Alright ive got tools working, but trying to pack using pboproject produces error when it comes to a custom .rtm file Premature EOF preprocessing files produced an error It does not create binlogs Only Sign PBOs checked and workspace default P setting All tools installed in correct place
  22. warlord554

    Scope Mod A3

    Not using MRT to make it "switchable" zooms Rob?
  23. warlord554

    Need help with Modelling weapon in Blender

    Then you will have to do 2 seperate p3ds for use in arma, one with box mag and other with standard. Hopefully BI brings over the mag proxy theyve used in other titles
  24. warlord554

    EricJ Release thread

    Haha leave it to PMC to wear "hollywood" sunglasses ;) catchy name though
  25. You could simply write your own config for a weapon, and adjust values, or add fire modes, etc. Problem solved