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Everything posted by callmesarge

  1. callmesarge

    [wip]rok armed forces 2035

    Agree, some great looking stuff in here!
  2. Tested and works like a charm! Zen, I cannot thank you enough!
  3. Hi Zen, I went through and implemented the code as you suggested, and re-tested. On my first test, I was able to clear grid 1 & 2 fine. Here is the RPT from the successful test. On the second test, grid 1 cleared and grid 2 did not once all of the enemy were dead. Here is the RPT from the failed test. I have reviewed the RPTs but I am afraid I do not really understand what I am looking at. I know this thread is keeping you busy right now (the more posts the better I guess!), but if you can spare the time to review and advise, I really appreciate it! Edit: I am excited about finishing this mission! Here are a couple of screenshots from in the game I am planning to use later on:
  4. OK, testing complete. I had all of the debug code in place as follows: I tested the mission for about 15 minutes. Krasnostav has two markers, InfMk1 & 2. I cleared all enemies spawned (using track infantry to double check this). I cleared InfMk2 around 18.00 - nothing is reported in the rpt. I cleared InfMk1 at 18:04:38 and it reported correctly. RPT file is here, all the action is at the bottom. What have I done wrong here?
  5. MP5's a re looking great. I am super stoked to hear you are considering M24/sniper rifles in the long term, as I feel there is no good default dedicated sniper pack right now.
  6. Thanks Zen - I just realised you had given me a similar debug code in post #120 and I had not implemented it (Herp de Derp) - will test further and report back!
  7. Hi Zen, The custom loadout changes work great - thanks! Re the unit selection, that kind of makes sense - I need a little help to understand this better. First off, the only way I could address this through custom loadouts would be to give all of the enemy units balaclavas! As you can see from the screenshot below, the enemy units look middle eastern, not european: So I understand I need a valid config combination. I am using the Swedish Forced Mod due to the large number of thematically appropriate units. This mod adds an EAST faction of russians - perfect for what I want to do. I have all of the class names for these units, and the custom loadout will take care of the gear - but how do I call them in? Their faction name is "sfp_rus_faction", in the editor they are listed as OPFOR units. When i use this code: _enemyGroup = [_spawnPos, ENEMY_SIDE, AI_SKILL, [4,8], "men", "sfp_rus_faction"] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; I get Zen_CheckArgument Error - Argument 2 is void 6.915 [[],<NULL-group>] Would I be better served using Zen_ConfigGetVehicleClasses to pull their classnames into an array - but how would I target just the sfp_ units? Any advice would be gratefully received! // EDIT ///////////////////// So I finally got time to do another group playtest tonight, with Zen_TrackInfantry enabled. After hitting a couple of towns, 2 grids failed to turn green (the other 6 DID turn green). How do I go about isolating this bug? I examined the rpt file from the server, but I could see no reference to the framework in there... I am not sure how to proceed from here, can you advise me please? Aside from this issue, the mission played great! As soon as I clear these last bits up I will be ready to release.I
  8. Awesome, cannot wait to try out the new custom loadouts tonight! Zen, another question for you: In my mission, I am using the variable ENEMY SIDE which is set to East. This means that all of my enemy soldiers are middle eastern - but my mission is set in Europe, so it does not look right. I know I could use RESISTANCE to make them all independent (which has a less middle eastern looking player model) but ideally I would like to keep the enemy as Opfor but switch the player models. Reading the Zen_SpawningFunctions.txt, I think I could do it like this? // Example 1 - current spawning code _enemyGroup = [_spawnPos, ENEMY_SIDE, AI_SKILL, [4,8]] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; // Example 2 - modified spawning code _enemyGroup = [_spawnPos, ENEMY_SIDE, AI_SKILL, [4,8],"Men", "IND_F"] call Zen_SpawnInfantry; If I understand correctly, the side would be opfor but the unit would be an independant model, but appearing as an opfor unit - is this correct? Is this the best way to do that?
  9. Hey Zen, Real life has stopped me from getting much done on the mission, but I am hoping to do a play test sometime this week to dig into the issue of grids sometimes not clearing. Aside from that I am really close to completion now :D - more on that to follow. I have another loadout question. I really like using the loadouts to randomize what weapons the opfor will carry. But when it comes to launchers, it means that if a unit gets the "launcher" loadout, they then have no primary weapon, and are forced to fight other infantry with their pistol! Is there any way around this? I am still using the code you helped me out with back on page 8: ["weapons", [["arifle_TRG21_MRCO_F", "arifle_TRG21_GL_ACO_pointer_F", "LMG_Zafir_F","srifle_EBR_DMS_F","launch_RPG32_F"],"hgun_Pistol_heavy_01_F","Rangefinder"]], ["magazines", [[["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 9], ["30Rnd_556x45_Stanag", 9], ["150Rnd_762x51_Box", 4], ["20Rnd_762x51_Mag", 8], ["RPG32_F", 4]], ["11Rnd_45ACP_Mag", 2], ["HandGrenade", 2], [["SmokeShell", 4], ["SmokeShellBlue", 4]]]],
  10. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    Worked like a charm mate - I think I owe you a beercan or two! Don't spose you are anywhere near essex?
  11. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    Will try that when I get home tomorrow, thanks beerkan!
  12. callmesarge

    UTS-15 Tactical Shotgun

    Stoked! I cannot wait to get home and try this out, definitely adding to my next mission.
  13. You can see my init SQF linked to on pastebin in a recent previous post. In order to finish my mission, I am mesing with revive and MHQ functions (outside of the Zen Framework), once this is done I intent to post 2 versions of the mission. One version will be no mods, the other will use an array of mods to attempt to simulate units and materiel in use in the recent Ukrainian conflict. The Zen Framework is great though, i reccomend going slowly through the tutorials and then getting stick in.
  14. Voted Lingor but to be honest I don't care what you put out, I have loved all of your maps! Stoked this is happening!
  15. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    Thanks Beerkan - the respawn script runs now, but I still cannot teleport to the mhq after it has respawned. Do you think it could be something wrong with the teleport code? _id = mypole addaction ["Teleport To MHQ1",{(_this select 1)setPos getPos MHQ1;(_this select 1) moveInCargo MHQ1; },nil,6,false,true,"","alive MHQ1&& {speed MHQ1< 1}"]; _id2 = mypole addaction ["Teleport To MHQ2",{(_this select 1)setPos getPos MHQ2;(_this select 1) moveInCargo MHQ2; },nil,6,false,true,"","alive MHQ2 && {speed MHQ2 < 1}"]; _id3 = mypole addaction ["Teleport To MHQ3",{(_this select 1)setPos getPos MHQ3;(_this select 1) moveInCargo MHQ3; },nil,6,false,true,"","alive MHQ3 && {speed MHQ3 < 1}"];
  16. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    Whoops, sloppy on my part. I tried this out, but I am still doing something wrong. If I comment the three lines out like this: //if (_veh iskindof "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ1";}; //if (_veh iskindof "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ2";}; //if (_veh iskindof "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ3";}; the script runs fine. With them in, it stops the respawn from happening. What have I done wrong here? /* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- File: vehRespawn.sqf Author: Iceman77 Description: Respawn destroyed and abandoned vehicles Parameter(s): _this select 0: vehicle _this select 1: abandoned delay in minute(s) - Required _this select 2: destroyed delay in minute(s) - Required How to use - Vehicle Init Line: _nul = [this, 2, 1] execVM "vehrespawn.sqf"; << 2 minute abandoned delay, 1 minute destroyed delay. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ private "_veh"; _veh = _this select 0; _abandonDelay = (_this select 1) * 7200; _deadDelay = (_this select 1) * 10; _dir = getDir _veh; _pos = getPos _veh; _vehtype = typeOf _veh; if (isServer) then { While {True} Do { sleep 1; if ((alive _veh) && {canMove _veh} && {{alive _x} count crew _veh == 0}) then { _abandoned = true; for "_i" from 0 to _abandonDelay do { if (({alive _x} count (crew _veh) > 0) || (!alive _veh) || (!canMove _veh)) exitWith {_abandoned = false;}; sleep 1; }; if ((_abandoned) && {_veh distance _pos > 10}) then { deleteVehicle _veh; sleep 1; _veh = createVehicle [_vehtype, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setDir _dir; _veh setPos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1,0]; }; }; if ((!alive _veh) || (!canMove _veh)) then { _dead = true; for "_i" from 0 to _deadDelay do { if (({alive _x} count (crew _veh) > 0) || (canMove _veh)) exitWith {_dead = false;}; sleep 1; }; if (_dead) then { deleteVehicle _veh; sleep 1; _veh = createVehicle [_vehtype, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setDir _dir; [_veh,"Fnc_MPAddVASAction",nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; if (_veh iskindof "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ1";}; if (_veh iskindof "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ2";}; if (_veh iskindof "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ3";}; }; }; }; };
  17. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    Thanks Beerkan - I tried this, but it did not work - is the position of the code incorrect? if (_dead) then { deleteVehicle _veh; sleep 1; _veh = createVehicle [_vehtype, _pos, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE"]; _veh setDir _dir; _veh setVehicleVarName "MHQ1"; [_veh,"Fnc_MPAddVASAction",nil,true] spawn BIS_fnc_MP; }; if (_veh iskindof "B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ1"}; if (_veh iskindof "B_APC_Tracked_01_rcws_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ2"}; if (_veh iskindof "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F") then {setVehicleVarName "MHQ3"};
  18. callmesarge

    Light Vehicle Respawn Script

    Another question - I am using a vehicle as an MHQ, and a simple teleport script - but when the vehicle respawns, teleporting is no longer an option. I am using the teleport script described by Iceman here. Any advice would be gratefully received.
  19. Sorry to bump an old thread, but I have a question. In my mission, I have my MHQ respawn on a timer. But if it respawns, the teleport option no longer works - any idea why? I am using Icemans light vehicle respawn script to respawn the MHQ. Any idea what I can do to fix this?
  20. Hardcore Math! So, I reduced from 400 markers to 55 markers, and there was a marked improvement! I have now completed a first successful multiplayer test - and it feels great! I only have a couple more issues to resolve, and as usual, I need some advice. I am now placing 1 or 2 markers per town, spawning 2 squads of 4-8 infantry for each marker. However, some grids are not clearing when the area is "secure". Other times the grids clear fine. My supposition is that one lone infantry survivor has run to the hills and since he cannot be located, the grid remains uncleared. This is based on seeing infantry a long way from the spawning grid. I can see a few possible solutions here. I remember in the tutorials, there was a way to attach a marker to an infantry patrol, so you can see its location - I assume if all but one were dead, then this marker would show the lone survivors position - is that correct? The other approach would be to detect if a spawned unit is > 600m from its spawn area, then to clear the grid. Finally, would it be possible to force the infantry to stay close to the spawning areas? Any opinion of which method is easiest to achieve? In the multiplayer play test, the amount of enemies was perfect for 4 players. It would be useful if I could scale up the number of opfor in response to the number of players. Is this best achieved via a setting in description.ext that lets the admin select it at the start of the mission, or is it better handled in the init.sqf? Finally, I am still struggling with custom load-outs for players - for some reason, when the player respawns they do not work (repack and give mag works fine though). The respawn call is in line 46 and I have declared the loadout as a global variable in line 93. Any idea how i can resolve this? Init.sqf here. Any advice would be appreciated.
  21. Thanks, I will try that out. I have been thinking about this a lot this morning (2 hour drive to the office today) and I have a theory - cos everyone loves theory crafting, right? Here goes... So the loop is currently checking 400 individual markers to see if the player is close to them every 10 seconds, and spawning infantry if they are - 2x patrols of 1-2 men for every 50m2 grid. I notice in testing the spawning can be pretty slow. Perhaps I am asking too much of the loop every 10 seconds? So my thinking is (after I check the logs) maybe changing the way the spawning areas work. Using a 100m2 grid would reduce me to 100 grids total, probably reducing the processing overhead, whist still maintaining similarity to the original insurgency (Pogoman & Fireball & Kol9yN) - or maybe I just go back to using the original 200m elliptical grids centered on towns. I guess I am just thinking out loud now...
  22. This looks really good - will keep an eye out for this one!
  23. Looking forward to trying this again, I can see you have been busy since I last tried it! Do you have any plans to integrate Toadies excellent weapon pack? He (or someone) came up with a little something to ensure his AKs are used by CAF agressors: http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?172850-Toadie-s-SmallArms-and-Animations-for-Arma3&p=2757932&viewfull=1#post2757932
  24. Solve a problem, get a problem - no one told me mission making was gonna be so much hard work, lol! So the loadouts work ok now, thanks Zen! They are not working on respawn, but I think I can solve that. I hit a bigger issue when playtesting. The mission behaves differently on a dedicated server, to how it behaves when hosted locally. Hosted locally, everything works as intended (this is how I have been doing the testing). On a dedicated machine, I do not think the 10 second loop is running, as you can kill all of the enemies in a grid, but the grid does not go green. As I am pretty new to mission making, is there a difference between missions for local host vs dedicated that I need to accommodate for? As usual, any advice would be welcome.