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About achilleasp

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  1. Come on guys, anyone here can help me with the Qt part of the tutorial? The tutorial really doesn't provide any information on how to use Qt. Any help would be much appreciated.
  2. Update on the progress: So I am up to the qt compile stage of the tutorial. I have qt but when i click to build or to run the tool from Github, Qt gives me :-1: error: Qt Creator needs a compiler set up to build. Configure a compiler in the kit options. How do I fix this issue?
  3. I'm getting GRASS init error: GRASS was not found for QGIS so i cant use the v.transform function. I've tried unistalling but nothing seems to work :/ Has anyone had this error before?
  4. Thats what the guide says. I'm on step QGIS Transform https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:real-world-data-tutorial I got QGIS to work by downloading the 32bit version (weird my system is 64bit). Moving on!!
  5. ugh, getting a 0xc000007b error when i launch QGIS, anyone know how to fix? I've done all the steps from this guide https://www.techadvisor.co.uk/how-to/windows/how-fix-application-was-unable-start-correctly-0xc000007b-error-message-3613164/
  6. I see... That is a shame. I thought that once you got the map into the in-game editor things would get a lot easier to work with... From what you are saying I am guessing Terrainbuilder does not do terraforming. Oh well, if thats what it takes to see my country freed (at least in game lol) i will do it lol! I've got a question. Does the game allow non-square map sizes? The map im trying to make would benefit more if it was a rectangular shape. For now I am making a square one just like in the guide with same size too
  7. Yeah I got frustrated because I got stuck. I still don't understand why some got upset.. I figured now the issue and I'm doing it I'm half way through I've just removed a couple of roads to be less than 9000 (now 5446). Cosmo I am not sure what the issues that you are discussing are, but I guess I'll find out in the near future! I'll keep this thread updated on my project. Hopefully someone will answer my questions...
  8. Thank RoF for your response but i don't understand your comment. Why is it an issue that i am looking for the easy option? If someone credible (e.g., experienced map maker who has uploaded work etc) is willing to do it for me i fail to see the issue??? I'm more interested in learning and working at the part after the tutorial which is scripting missions, placing objects etc. If noone is interested, i will try and do it myself. In fact, thats what I've been trying all day today. But I can't continue unless i know that the map size i described above will run with no issues and unless i have answers to the questions i posed above (and many more to come i imagine). Would you happen to know the answers? I need to know I'm doing the initial steps right. Thanks
  9. I am also willing to pay someone experienced and credible 50 euros to complete the tutorial and make the map for me. From the videos and other tutorials, placing objects, such as buildings, props, armies etc and making missions seems pretty straightforward to me and i will take it from there I will show you a map picture of the area i want to be completed and then you can upload it somewhere (i imagine it is a large file) and i will pay for uploading costs if needed. If anyone is interested please contact me
  10. EDIT: Okay i am scratching the whole of cyprus idea and, I'm interested in an area of the occupied lands. I've started on the https://pmc.editing.wiki/doku.php?id=arma3:terrain:real-world-data-tutorial tutorial. It seems a bit confusing at points/not clear enough. I am looking at an area of 30km so according to the guide it needs to be 30720m x 30720m, so grid Cell Width 30720 x Grid Cell Height 30720 in global mapper. I wanted it to be exactly 30000x30000 but apparently 1km is 1024m in the guide as he says 40960 is 40km size for terrain. I am not sure why he says 40km its 40.96.. Regardless (taking into account that in the guide 1km is 1024m), this would make the map i want to make (30720m x 30720m) 943.71840 km^2 (according to http://www.calculator.net/area-calculator.html?reclength=30720&reclengthunit=meter&recheight=30720&recheightunit=meter&calctype=rectangle&x=82&y=27#rectangle). Would this present me with any issues? Also how exactly is one supposed to eyeball the exact dimensions from globalmapper to terra incognita? Is it okay if I make terra incognita's selection slightly bigger to make sure it fits inside it the globalmapper selection?
  11. Also I will populate the map fully. Every single town and village and then feel immense joy as I liberate each one. This is a big project that I will finish after a year or so. For the time being I just want to make the shape and size of Cyprus. I do not need to use Google map texture. I'm also willing to cut the size into half, if it will help.
  12. Hello ROF, What if I didn't use the Google maps texture tapestry? I'm only interested in getting the size and the shape of the island. I can retexture it using in game textures. Island is super similar in morphology of the arma 3 island
  13. It would be amazing Alex. Trust me i'm gonna make this map the absolute fucking bomb, i just need to get there. Theres already big maps with like Take on Helicopter's "South Asia" Terrain. With 122km X 122km which it is is 14884km². I have a good computer to play this and i don't care how many GBs this map is going to be. Also Cyprus map would be slightly smaller than that. Any help on making this map would be greatly appreciated.
  14. Hello people, I want to make a custom map of Cyprus. Cyprus has been divided in 2 since 1974 turkish invasion of the island. It is split into a greek cypriot side (the internationally recognized Republic of Cyprus) and the turkish cypriot side, a pseudo puppet state of Turkey. Its a really interesting island to make war scenarios on. I would love to make a custom map of Cyprus. I'd love to do mission scenarios or even do huge all-out war scenario between Greek-Cypriot and Hellenic Army vs Turkish army. Do you think making such a big map is possible? Do the editing tools allow for this? Cyprus is 9,251 km². If not i am willing to minimize it as little as possible. Can this be done? I sort of tried making a smaller version of Cyprus back in Arma 2 but i got stuck at one point. After years of dreaming about it and now with a new pc coming in a few days (that can finally play arma 3) I would like to restart this project but i have forgotten everything. Could someone point me to the steps i need to take to make this dream of mine a reality? Guides seem to be for arma 2 not 3...
  15. What kind of bugs are we talking about if i go beyond 20.48x20x48km? I think I'm beginning to get it now! I took a 20480x20480m piece of land from Cyprus and now i'm at the universal map downloader part and it crashed on me so redownloading:/ But i think it's going ok up to now... Update: Google Maps banned me for 1 day hopefully. Downloaded too many map tiles :P