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SGT Fuller

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Everything posted by SGT Fuller

  1. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Dont remove the USAF_SFS. I mean if you spawn the plane empty you wont get an error. Nothing in the mod depends on another plane,but the USAF_SFS, USFS_Vest are mandatory if you spawn them under BLUF
  2. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    I think you misunderstood the post. Im not going to be releasing anything standalone pertaining to this mod.
  3. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Im pushing for wednesday i said thursday to give me some wiggle room
  4. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Hello all i want to apologize for not releasing the update as expected. My new job working for a general and a deputy general has me very busy and sometimes i be to tired to come online but it will be out this upcoming week hopefully by thursday. Again sorry for the inconvenience .
  5. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    the AI is taking control of the Drone?
  6. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    already taken care of.
  7. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    It's worth the wait
  8. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Update is not out yet as far as the other thing I have no Clue
  9. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    I have no idea this mod has nothing to do with either one of those two mods
  10. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Yes i did ---------- Post added at 17:11 ---------- Previous post was at 15:59 ---------- @ALL I apologize that its taking me so long to release the update, but i can promise and guarantee that you will love this mod more and more with this update. This will be the biggest update i have released. I will be taking a break afterwards due to the time i have spent on this update alone. It will be out this month though i can promise you that.
  11. SGT Fuller

    The Username Change/Merge Thread

    Can i please have my name changed to SGT Fuller
  12. Basically anything that is inheriting from bo_mk82 and bombcore has been effected. When i launched my mod it was all kinds of messed up because some of my racks and such inherited from the bomb class. I changed the bombs to laserbombcore or M_Air_AA and it fixed the issue. So if you have anything that is inherting the normal bomb class that isnt a bomb just change it to the M_Air_AA. Then change the bombs to laserbombcore and have it not able to track laser in the normal config.
  13. Hey John just so you know the bo_mk82 parent classname is messed up and is causing the issue with the proxies.
  14. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    1. Already fixed 2. Already reported and Already Fixed 3. Already reported and Already Fixed 4. I didnt want mine to have moving map..and the TGP is WIP. 5. Already fixed. Ill look into the KC135 issue it might make it in this update..if not it will be in the next
  15. SGT Fuller

    A-10C for Arma 3

    The proxies have been messed up with the recent update. Bo_mk82 was messed up
  16. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Issue has been resolved thanks to firewill. I will be releasing the mod as a whole in the next couple of days ;)
  17. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    The year is 2035 thats not gonna happen ---------- Post added at 03:05 ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 ---------- update on situation: It appears only proxies were hurt with the update. I have tested everything else including the new features and we have zero issues..please stay tuned. If another modder has a similar issue and have found a fix please share it with myself and Firewill as his mod has been effected also. Thanks
  18. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    I am aware of the recent update breaking the Air Force Mod i am trying to figure out what happened and to fix it. Thanks for your understanding. As of right now the update is delayed
  19. Ya its like that on my mod also...
  20. Hey guys I'm trying to make Flir and NVG be available for my f35 helmet and at the same time not have any goggles appear. Same with my F-16 helmet the only catch to it is I want it the Flir to be tied to the Flir pod in my weapons pac for the 16. Any suggestions ---------- Post added at 08:25 ---------- Previous post was at 08:24 ---------- Sorry just noticed my title is wrong and should be Flir and NVG
  21. SGT Fuller

    Flir and Flir

    No I haven't
  22. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Make sure you put down the AC-130 Game logic init along with what jiang18 said
  23. SGT Fuller

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    Idk about having AI starting it through editor but if you put down the AI- AC-130 game logic you can do exactly how you want it.map click and ac-130 will attack targets in its range. You can also command it to go home
  24. SGT Fuller

    US Naval Warfare Pack [WIP]

    I have been trying to contact him for some time now and he hasn't responded