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Everything posted by DJankovic

  1. DJankovic

    Ghillie concept

    X this baby would defenetly be cool to fly :D but Gillie suit is what we need diferent types of branches etc.. :D
  2. Ohhh damn....ohh damnn... I want that :) niceee pict man LOVE IT!!!
  3. Konyo can u check with Raven and mybe tell him how u did manage to leave load centralised even when u turning helicopter and cant wait to lift stuff with his script your chinook :)
  4. DJankovic

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    I can see this to be used in Roof extract,Somewhere where helicopter can`t land (example forest,tight landing places) I admit that there will not be a lot of usage of it,but when time comes it will come in handy and i know i already lost because i dont have strong argument but sometime in future you can suprise us :)
  5. DJankovic

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Raven...can we get this http://www.militaryaircraft.de/pictures/military/helicopter/UH-60/AP13/FRIES_AP2013_0418_800.jpg (115 kB) in next update??? hehhe It would be cool to see something like this in arma 3 heeh mybe when pilot drop rope if u scrol on it you will get option attach slot 1,2,3 and guy will be atached on rope :D
  6. DJankovic

    ArmA3 performance survey

    I feel you man..same here.. hahah Singleplayer fine but mp.. damn 20+ FPS in cities outside is some 40-50 fps :D
  7. DJankovic

    astast: WIP Thread

    Well astast this is best update off all times.. it is so cool to see in first hand what did u do and even look around it :) Thank you..love it
  8. DJankovic

    Speed Of Sound

    Same reasons i am not using SOS but i admit doing some night missions that whistling scared the shit out of me hahahahah i thought there is enemy behind me(whistle) and want me to turn around hahahahah realy cool stuf but it seems it is going globaly or what? I love SOS and will get back to it soon or later sounds are just amazing but still not where it should be. Bigpickle THANK YOU One more question "Did plane sounds made it in SOS or still WIP?"
  9. I love it!! Cant wait for more :)
  10. DJankovic

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Hey man... so i today i saw you updated and gived us the best thing for insertions thank you on that. But i would like to report some stuff. So I spawned empty CH47 and me and 4 AI enter it on water Assault boat witch AI is controling..i hovered over it and deployed sling now i attached it and take off. I get option to deploy ladders and here problem occurs only guys in helicopter are getting option to get OFF the boat even if they are on helicopter and guys in boat are not getting any option to get on helicopter. Now i mistakenly presed drop cargo but forgot to detach ladders and there is bug where slings and ladders are staying on attached on boat but i am getting new deploy slings. Or that is mybe because i was switching AIs. Thank you again for great addon i am big fan of the Act of Valor and my favourite scene is that boat insertion and extract.
  11. DJankovic

    Episode 3, "Game Over" mission

    Anyone manage to escape from altis??? Or it is maked like that so there is no way exept die? And if u did how? small explain with SPOILER thingy. Second thing. I played Episode 3 and evrything was great i realy like it evry mission until end is near..first thing that bothered me was Episode 1 & 2 have like 10-12missions if i am not wrong,and Ep. 3 only 6-7 WTF?? And there was 2 months from Ep.2 to Ep.3 So plenty of time... Now for the ending i chosed to go with NATO and i finished mission and CREDITS... Damn..i was disapointed..i canceled credits and boom another mission yeeyyy... played it..it was little bit cool :) But then i wanted to know what happen with Miller then i replayed the mission where i chose to go after miller and bam i stole a truck and got it to miller now there goes CREDITS.. and Game Over mission..tryed it few times Died(No save for me) It was cool in beggining because it was ofc last mission either you survive and escape or die :) but now i want to finish it but evry time i get killed at some point...didnt know about unlimited saves got to check it out :) So that is my opinion..TO SHORT. I WANT EP.4 Remove Campaign COMPLETED :D :D
  12. http://i.imgur.com/lt3271v.jpg (802 kB) Doing some rutine check after flooding happened,checking for damage :) :)
  13. My WISH!!!! No more ports...please!!!!!! Tell 3D modeler to get some new ideas please!!! Arma 2 ACR DLC http://media.pcgamer.com/files/2012/06/Arma-2-DLC-2.jpg (279 kB) Arma 3 First row far Please!!! Please!!! I want to see something new and interesting
  14. http://i.imgur.com/u1vLmKP.jpg (151 kB) http://i.imgur.com/Jb8RCNb.jpg (169 kB) http://i.imgur.com/osH1Res.jpg (167 kB) http://i.imgur.com/7Zc9qS0.jpg (240 kB) http://i.imgur.com/7xBmVvZ.jpg (115 kB)
  15. DJankovic

    Would you pay for "modern warfare" dlc

    21st Century..Hell yea..I woudnt love to see any more arma 2 changed ports..dont realy enjoj to see that. but i have trust in bis and i hope it will be great. PS. I WANT CARTS :D
  16. DJankovic

    LIFTER for ArmA 3

    Ohh cant wait for next update :) this is some amazing work man :) Thank you i am realy gonna enjoj lifting things
  17. DJankovic

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

  18. DJankovic

    Mobile Arma 3 Map Viewer

    This is nicee... in my head there is one thing i would love to do.. if i have quadrotor in my gear that i can send it to scout vidouth setting my caracter to wait until i finish :D it would be cool if you could use UAV terminal on android or iphone :)
  19. DJankovic

    SOC WIP Thread

    Is SOC Team planing to make only units or we will see some vehicles latter on?
  20. Konyo is there any chance you can add in the back of the chinook red light green light?? for disembarking mybe i saw Yura Petrov did that amazing thing with formation lights mybe you can put them inside :) or some your trick if u even planed it?
  21. DJankovic

    Arma 3 Kart DLC

    So i wake up and what i see a coolest Arma 3 video hahahha it is so EPIC that i shared it with evrybody and it made me laugh :) Thank you Bis :) you made my day and I just got Punk`d heheh
  22. Ohhh ohhh..you was silence all this time and boom here comes the best thing i can fly in arma 3 :) Thank you so much cant wait
  23. I remember there was mod somewhere for arma 2 but i found this better :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ugAGzrEEt-M https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v-jz_2YfTvQ
  24. DJankovic

    [WIP] USAF Air Asset MOD

    Hey Fullerpj There is some amazing work you did...realy i cant wait for it finaly some big planes to fly :) But i have little thing to say.. :) I am interested is there any way you can setup vehicles when droping to drop from the ramp of the aircraft?? and not under the ramp of airplane mybe iggy script whitch is slowly moving object to the end of the ramp and then drops it? I read that you will get in touch with him will this vehicle droping be final work or? Thank you.