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Everything posted by spookygnu

  1. spookygnu

    Terrain Processor

    does this look like it should for an outcome? my concern is the "objects created; 0". https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwGVkyqKfsc0UkktbXhLc0VpMnc/view?usp=sharing my shapefile is in the path "p\spooks\machloop\data\roads\roads.shp My DEM is Input file name: "p\spooks\machloop\source\heightmap.asc My output file name is : "p\spooks\machloop\source\heightmap1.asc I click ok, this then sets the task ready to run. I run it and I get the result in the image above. there has to be a mistake somewhere in this because I can not seem to see any change in the heighmap regarding smoothness where there are roads.
  2. He made it available a good few months back. You need a devheaven account to get it and you can pay for it through paypal.
  3. You can obfuscate your mod when you pack it with pboproject pro. Which means no one can unpack it and rip it off.
  4. Wtf! Is he really asking that? I hope what ever map he trys the author subscribed to mikeros tools.
  5. spookygnu

    Map Maker

    Mallorca is over 3000km sqd. You might have a job getting that in game and looking real enough. I think i do know a way to do it though. Why are you specifically asking it to be 13x13km?
  6. spookygnu

    Looking to create a big island

    Hardcode, you really are asking for something that is not worth asking for if you have not embarked on any kind of map making or modeling yourself yet. This kind of thing would be best undertaken with a bunch of your friends or you putting money up for it. Which probably isn't gunna happen. Your best solution is to either start learning to map make yourself and start on a small island so you at least get the basics down. then try your hand at modeling. Or get a bunch of mates together and learn it all together and make the map you want. You will find that many, if not all, the current active modders are very busy with their own projects and may not be willing to devote much of their "own time" to creating a 200km squared island complete with cities that you so desire. this to me sounds like a bit of a pipe dream and that you are wishing upon a star for someone to drop it into your lap.
  7. spookygnu

    Looking to create a big island

    Sounds about right! Maybe a lifer???,
  8. spookygnu

    F-14 Tomcat Series Standalone

    OH YES! MACHLOOP HERE I COME! Thanks Firewill. Would love to see you guys dogfighting in one of these and against a Buzzard. Any videos made using the loop please post in that thread and I'll use it on Armaholic for the map in the next update.
  9. To get terrain definition such as rocks, you can open your image in photoshop then posterise it to 4-6 colours. Then index mode the image to get solid colours. This might need tweaking depending on the coloured areas you want. Once you are done the switch the image/mode back to rgb and then export as a bmp.
  10. spookygnu

    L3DT Help and Advice

    Check here: https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/176836-fantasy-world-and-satellite-image/?p=2775702
  11. spookygnu

    Terrain Processor

    BI Guy #1 - Hey lets make a road smoothing tool to help with terrain building BI Guy #1 - We'll make it super easy, export from TB into TP, job done BI Guy #2 - Hang on, company policy dictates we make life super hard for the community BI Guy #1 - Damn yeah, ok lets make it 100% not compatible, that'll really fuck with them <insert evil laugh> BI Guy #2 - Hey boss we made a tool that is not compatible with any of the tools, it requires a non-BI 3rd party tool to work BI Boss - Perfect, let's release it and make a big song and dance about it
  12. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    I have fixed the charion error, Nobody should get that now. I have started working on the concrete areas around the buildings and so far they look pretty good. Got them in game and very sweet looking around the buildings. Feels like a mini town. Some proper areas for the larger groups about. The way I am heading looks like I might end up putting the full map together with objects. I think it would be an oppurtunity not to miss. So for the future. I may be releasing updates with zones "persay" hopefully completed, so not only the flyboys, but boots on the ground can enjoy the map too. Still a lot of work to be done if that is the case so don't be asking "when is it ready?" or "when is the next update planned?" or words to that effect. I'll get pretty pissed and might give up on it. Take note! This is a big map, I've spent the past year learning how to build terrains and this is my first release. Be patient with it. I want it to look as close to real as possible and I would hate for people to nagg at me only to have the reverse effect. Seen it all and read it all. Be warned. Thanks to all the those that have already downloaded it, hope you are enjoying it. I'm actually enjoying building it. especially the way the airfield looks at moment. Stay tuned! Spook.
  13. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    Think i know what it might be now. Just had a lightbulb moment. I'll take a look tomorrow and see if i am right. Pretty sure the scripts folder associated with roads in my pdrive still says charion. edit: I was wrong. I hadn't deleted my temp folder in pdrive when I packed it and it had a texture from that map in there. One of those minor details you need to do as part of the process. Wrong again. Still working on it. But hopefully closer.
  14. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    there's always something isn't there?? You must be doing something wrong matey, there is no airport as such. It's just hangers and a control tower, which are default objects from the game. Is there anyone else getting any errors. I heard one about Charion the other day, but that is from a basterdised config from one of my own maps. I have looked through the config and I cannot see anything relating to my other WIP map called "Charion". EDIT: I just ran vanilla plus the machloop, no clientsides either. Mine loads fine. This was a fresh download aswell from armaholic to see if I would get any errors. I didn't. Loaded fine and was in game sat in a heli perfect! Sorry if anyone is getting errors, but if I can do a fresh DL and load with default game no other mods including clientside on the Alpha release, then errors must be user error. The Charion one is still a mystery though?????
  15. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    Create @machloop/addons/machloop.pbo file structure. At the moment there are no requirements. Why others cannot make it work must be user error. plenty of others have it working. There is no other place to get it from except armaholic and my pc. But ya not getting in there!
  16. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    Just to keep you all in the loopl haha, Pun was intended. I have started placing more models on the airfield now and began the next update. Atm there are a few trees close by, that may grow larger in area but my main concentrated part is the airfield being finished first before I go further. The airfield is densely populated and I would like it to look as close to real as possible, within the limits of the buildings I have available. I have had to begin using the Jbad objects, because it is a smaller download than AIA and has more versatile buildings than the standard a2 ones. So for the next release, Jbad buildings will be a requirement. I have also used some of the vegetation to be as close to UK flora(not the spread on ya bread) as possible. the default stuff is all only limited to the fraxinus and Quercus models. Types of tree for those that don't know. they look like oak trees! anyway. Watch this space for the next update planned soon.
  17. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    Probably because he contraviened the licenses. I know for certain where the tornado came from. Which reminds me, can you all not post pics of the tornado on the mach loop please? Buckfastwine sorry, i know your video has it in and i know the mach loop is a regular haunt for tht aircraft, but i know the original author of that model and i would like to wait until a licensed and proper original model of the tornado is released. Only out of respect for him, i'd like to promote original models from original authors. A2 ports i am fine with but not hacked models. What you guys do in your missions on the privacy of your own computers on my release is your business, but like i said out of respect of original authors work leave the hacks out please. Only causes upset.
  18. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    We'll see. @Jeza; is that F15 from the AIA port?
  19. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    I'm a fellow looper dude. Might see you up there. Lol totally read that wrong. This is an edit. I post the first two sentences after reading your post as if you actually went there. Not on my map. I like that vid dude. Nice work thanks.
  20. spookygnu

    [Terrain] Mach Loop

    thanks! For all who want to know the route to take whilst flying and planning your training missions. This is the actual route the aircraft fly. It takes 4.5 mins to ffly round in real life and in game I have come pretty close to flying this timing aswell.
  21. spookygnu

    The Mach Loop: LFA7

    Been wondering how long it would be before someone asked me that question. didn't know it would be within a couple of hours of release though. My stance on it is still "MAYBE!" . My intention for the map was to be for the flyboys in the community. I was part of a GU that had a flight division and I was one of the pilots. After being bored of seeing the same terrain and getting used to it all the time, I began to look for other terrains that had variation like this one does. The problem I was finding was the objects slowed down the fps to a point where I was not enjoying the flight experience I wanted. I had to reduce view/object distance, this would make the flight boring in the end and things would just pop up and appear right in front of me. Not good as you can imagine. I built this out of inspiration from visiting the area and taking photos of the jets flying literally 50/60 meters of the ground. Telling ya, those tornados can fly bloody low. Anyway. I came to the decision to release it as a flight only map due to the issues people may have with fps etc. I have had the map at 12km view distance and had no issues at 35fps. Then I began putting the airfield together and began to notice a slight drop. So even with a few objects on it and the size of the map it can affect things at my end. Obviously people with better GPU's and processors wouldn't find too many issues. But for me I'm in the medium range of gaming machines, so I had to come to a compromise. I may decide in future to cut my losses and release various updates with trees and rocks on it, maybe a few towns but at this stage of the process I want to concentrate and getting things right that are not in it's current state. It is releasable as you can see, but I need to tweak a few things and updat a few others to make it how I originally intend it to be. @Jeza: the Charion requirement is a bit odd. Probably because I stole the config from one of my other maps and updated it suit. I'll have to have a look to see what is causing it to do this. Thanks for the feedback and nice comments. I have made a release thread on the "Completed" section of the BI forums now. So if you download and play on it, please post your comments on there. Cheers Spooky
  22. spookygnu

    The Mach Loop: LFA7

    Foxhound has released it on armaholic now.i am in work. I will setup another thread in the release forum later tonight.
  23. spookygnu

    The Mach Loop: LFA7

    This has been submitted to armaholic now. Just waiting admin approval.
  24. spookygnu

    The Mach Loop: LFA7

    cheers mate! Almost there! I think I could have this out by the end of the day today. Watch this space!