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Tex Willer

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Everything posted by Tex Willer

  1. Hi, first of all thanks for keeping on updating these amazing addons :) I found a little bug in tpwlos_dsc.sqf @ line 131: //Check whether unit stands, kneels or lies' _upos = 1.55; // standing _GetNeckPos= _unit selectionPosition "Neck" select 2; if ((_GetNeckPos < 1.39) && (_GetNeckPos >= 0.5)) then {_upos = [color="#FF0000"]"kneel"[/color];}; // kneel [color="#FF0000"]<--- should be number[/color] if (_GetNeckPos < 0.5) then {_upos = 0.10;}; // lying _cover = (_camo * _camo * _upos); Server RPT below: 2012/11/21, 7:39:11 Error in expression <os = 0.10;}; _cover = (_camo * _camo * _upos); _tpwlos_cansee = (_vm * (tpw> 2012/11/21, 7:39:11 Error position: <* _upos); _tpwlos_cansee = (_vm * (tpw> 2012/11/21, 7:39:11 Error *: Type String, expected Number 2012/11/21, 7:39:11 File tpwcas_dsc\tpwlos_dsc.sqf, line 134 Keep up the good work :)
  2. Could this please be updated relatively soon? Thanks :)
  3. Really nice tool, firefly, thank you! Testing it on my local machine because (as you said too) web hosts are usually too restrictive on PHP functions :) Question: is it possible to fetch the player scores as well? That would be really nice if possible ;)
  4. Are you logged in as admin on the server?
  5. I noticed Sangin (hellskitchen) is not anymore in the classes (version from 120906), could you please add it again in the next update? Thank you :) Edit: the old settings (posted in this thread) seem to not be optimal. I played around a bit and got this ones, should be good. Can anyone please try them as well and confirm? Thanks :) Edit2: Settings are good, circle lines match the distance of 15, 30 and 45. class hellskitchen { Centre[] = {150, 150}; Scale = 0.7; Zoom = 0.093; };
  6. Hello there :) This is a great tool, i was wondering if there are any updates on the process monitoring / restart on crash functionality. Thanks!