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Everything posted by doctorsheep

  1. The Action Button Mod aims to move time critical actions to a simpler, quicker, and more efficient one button context sensitive interaction method. Why? It's simple, we kill the action menu. Or, at least offload time critical actions to a system that is easy to use under duress. Who? This is my first go at writing anything for the Arma series, let alone releasing a fully fledged addon. Please be patient as I figure out what I'm doing. Features: Get in specific vehicle seats (Armored vehicles follow this method of seating) Drag things (Boxes, CSW, objects and gear on the ground) Open backpacks/gear of dead soldiers/gear boxes/doors Incremental opening of doors/hatches Mount/dismount ladders Light/extinguish fires CBA keybinding menu integration Options menu via CBA Fleximenu Compatibility with Arma 2 assets Known Problems: To Do Concept of Operation -While in mission, you can configure what key you use through the CBA Keybind Menu. Controls>Configure Addons>Action Button Mod. The default key is Space. Keep in mind that "Use Default Action" defaults to Space, you'll have to unbind it if you want to use the Spacebar. -A single tap of the Action Button (<0.5 seconds by default) will perform most actions. Looking at a seat in a vehicle will put you in that seat, looking at a backpack or ammo box will open the gear menu, you can open doors and hatches as well. -If you hold the Action Button for longer then 0.5 seconds while looking at a CSW, box, or gear you'll start dragging the respective object. You can also do a hold action to incrementally open doors and hatches using the scroll wheel. Ejecting from a vehicle is activated this way as well. -There is an alternative method of operation available via the options menu (Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I by default) titled "Hold use timeout". With this deactivated the 0.5 second timeout is disabled so you can hold the Action Button to your heart's content and look at all of the pretty icons. When you release you will do a tap-use action. To do hold-use actions, hold the Action Button down and tick the scroll wheel in any direction. -You don't have to be looking right at a specific icon to use it. The code will take at shot at "figuring out" what you want to do. What gigantic flaw does this mod have? At the moment, I don't have any way of finding the physical seat locations in any given vehicle in real time. Why do I need to know where all of the seats are? Having that info lets me draw icons on seats enabling precise seat selections. Look at the left bench seat? You get the left bench seat, instead of trying to guess with some proximity based weirdness. How am I getting around this right now you ask? I wrote a script that cycles a player through all of the seats in all of the vehicles in vanilla Arma 3 and records all of that data in a giant array. Any new vehicle packs/mods added later will have to be trained separately using this same method before they can be used. Either the player, the mod author, or myself would have to go through that process to make the units compatible. How do we solve this? I've put in this ticket requesting a new scripting command that would output the locations of all seats in any given vehicle. Pulling all of that data directly from the model is the most efficient solution. Download: 26JUL15 v0.6 Requires CBA Change log: How can you help? If you run into any issues please post them here with steps to reproduce and video/screencaps if necessary. If you have any suggestions or feature requests feel free to post those, too. Vote up these tickets: 0021237 0021238 Check out my MANW page. Media
  2. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Make sure you have Steam update your game to the latest version, 1.52 as of this post. Let me know if the problem persists after you do.
  3. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    You can't interact with ACE interactions using ABM. Sorry.
  4. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    (Apparently the new BIS forum software upgrade reset all of my forum topic subs so I didn't see this until now.) That's a bit out of the scope of this mod. Your best bet would be to have someone in your group (if you're in a group) write a small script to either: A) force the sliding doors to stay open, D ) Prevent players outside of the helicopter from using the sliding doors, or C) Only allow the crew chief/doorgunner/pilot/group leaders in cargo to mess with the doors.
  5. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    New Version: 26JUL15 v0.6 Changelog: Updated to A3v1.48 .sqf file references for opening doors and hatches Updated options menu to use the not-so-new-anymore CBA keybinding API.
  6. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Thanks for the reports, I'll look into them this weekend.
  7. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    I'll take a look into it. Thanks for the heads up.
  8. doctorsheep

    Scripting Discussion (dev branch)

    Animating without sound is a step in the right direction for quietly incrementally opening a door, but, the "animated instantly" part makes it unusable for that purpose. Why not make the third parameter an integer with the following values: 0==Animate normally with sound, 1==Animate normally without sound, 2==Animate instantly without sound.
  9. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    That should be pretty easy to do. I'll look into it for the next release. Additionally, I noticed that I forgot to update the options menu keybinding for the new CBA keybinding API changes. You wont be able to change the bind for the options menu for now. But, I feel like Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I is sufficiently obscure and infrequently used to force an update just to fix it.
  10. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Try out this new version, let me know if the issue persists. After having to deal with unexpectedly building a new computer and not having a working modem for 3 weeks, the new version is finally ready. New Version: 15APR15 v0.5 Changelog: Slightly modified the position of icons relating to jet pilot seats to make them easier to hit. Added checks for locked vehicles. Added an eight segmented ring for indicating key hold time and relevant options. Prevent a script error resulting from using the action button when there is nothing to action. Prevent a script error when attempting to use the action button to dismount a vehicle you spawned in. Add new version of the proof of concept background updating script. (This new version does not display icons in doorways due to a change in how we draw icons. HOWEVER, this new version is significantly more efficient.) Implemented new CBA keybinding API Added the ability for dragging and incremental opening to be disabled by admins. Logged in admins can use the actions in the ABM options menu to toggle these features on and off for players in the server. Additionally, the public variables "ABM_pub_enableDragging" and "ABM_pub_enableIncrementalDoors" can be set to false in conjunction with the publicVariable command to disable the respective features in mission scripts.
  11. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    The code presented in that error isn't in any of my files. I don't know what's causing it, but, it shouldn't be me. Also, the error in post 81 has been fixed in the next version to be released. It's caused by hitting the action button with nothing to action near the player.
  12. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    The update is finished, including the ability for the server/mission makers/admins to disable features using a public variable. Just waiting on CBA to release their next version that changes how custom keybindings are done. The ETA on that was "shortly after the Marksman DLC launch", so, shortly after the Marksman DLC launch!
  13. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Sorry, no. Thanks for the report, I'll look into it. Is there any more information you can give me to help reproduce the error? What actions did you take leading up to that screenshot?
  14. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Absolutely! Serverside options are in the works.
  15. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    I haven't been able to reproduce this unfortunately. Is there anything else you can think of that may have contributed? What kind of weapon were you using? Any other mods running? Going up the ladder or down? This has been added and will be included in the next release. I'll work on your other suggestions too.
  16. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    What island? What building? Singleplayer or Multi? Can you provide grid coordinates or a picture of the building?
  17. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Yes, 100% client side.
  18. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    I'll download AGM and fiddle around with it. I haven't actually used any of the total conversion mods in development for A3 yet. Thanks for the report. With RE to vehicle mods, seat locations need to be trained for each and every vehicle currently. There is no way to pull the seat coordinate data automatically. I've put in a ticket requesting a command to pull that data from the model, but who knows if it will ever happen. Is there a way to detect direct vehicle inheritance? I'll work on support for locked vehicles and doors. You're just using the "lock" scripting command in your implementation, correct?
  19. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Sure, I'll look into interacting with explosives. I haven't done any testing personally. There were a few reports that my dragging system interferes with the AGM dragging system, however, you can disable the Action Button Mod dragging system to prevent any incompatibilities. Other than that there shouldn't be any thing to make it incompatible that I can think of. I'm going to be looking into how to better integrate with the large total conversion mods (AGM, ALiVE, ACE3 if/when it gets released) for future patches. For example, long pressing on a box or CSW might open an interaction menu from the total conversion mod. Oops. Thank you for the kind words everyone! And, thanks to the Armaholic and SIX teams too.
  20. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    New Version: 27Jan15 v0.4 Changelog: SIGNIFICANTLY improved interacting with dead units. Gone are the days of struggling to find the sweet spot on a dead unit just to access his gear. (If a WeaponHolderSimulated (a dropped weapon) is selected, we check for dead units within 5m. This should also prevent the player from getting the inventory screen containing only a weapon from the fallen unit) Incremental opening of Takistan doors Added support for aiming deadzone. Simply enable "Aiming deadzone support" in the "Toggle features" section of the options menu. Selecting an FFV position already being used will move the player to the next available FFV/cargo position Prevent players from mounting ladders through walls/glass Added a and relevant settings. When enabled, transparent icons will display automatically when near objects you can interact with. Disabled by default. This is safe to use, but may cause a performance hit. Fixed incremental opening on upper floors Change to only allow accessing a unit's backpack in a 200 degree arc behind him. Additional compatibility with Chernarus doors. (Specifically, dealing with using the Czech word "Dvere" on certain double doors instead of "Door".) Improved handling of dragging items and preventing them from getting stuck underground. Added provisions to prevent locality issues when a player tries to drag an object already being dragged by someone else Added the ability to choose how you use the action button to dismount a vehicle. Tap, hold, or both. Added an indicator when an action can't be performed or is rejected. For example, if there are no more available seats in a vehicle. Sorry this one took so long to push out. Enjoy!
  21. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Still active, but, life stuff takes priority. The next update is finished aside from a few bug fixes/tweaks. The main fixes and additions are: SIGNIFICANTLY improved interaction with dead units, aiming deadzone support, and a .
  22. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    New Version: 05Nov14 v0.3 Changelog: Support for Takistan building doors (Only directly selecting these doors works ATM, the memory point used for non direct selection doesn't exist in these models) (To-Do: Incremental opening of these doors) Added support for new helicopters Added support for vehicles that had FFV added to them (To-Do: Have FFV (turret) positions move the player into another open seat if occupied similar to how cargo seats behave)
  23. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    I don't have any way of figuring out what direction a door opens right now. Several people have requested this, I'll look into it. Do you run any other mods? Does it happen on a specific island? Does it go away after pressing your action key?
  24. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    Do you have anything specific that you know is causing problems/slowdowns? What would be the best way to go about this? Would checking for icons where the weapon crosshair/aim direction is on the screen be the best solution? Currently the lighting and extinguishing fires feature only works on fireplace/pit style objects. As far as extinguishing vehicles fires, I don't know if it's possible.
  25. doctorsheep

    Action Button Mod

    I was able to write some code to handle this. It turns out the doors on Takistan are named "door_1" but you have to translate it to the Czech word "dvere1" to use the animate command on it. Strange. It'll be included in the next release, thanks for the report! Ah, not as fixed as I thought then! A video would be helpful, thanks. To everyone else, thanks for the support.