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Everything posted by ozdeadmeat

  1. I am finding lots of issues with GOM's Loadout Script. I really wish BIS had implemented a vanilla UI for this when they brought it out. So farking annoying that they didn't. If you need a beta tester let me know.
  2. ozdeadmeat

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    yeah, it would be good to have maximum weight restrictions on aircraft also. Something that affects the aircrafts handling. That said, there should be a dump ordinance button also incase pilots take some damage and need to limp home.
  3. ozdeadmeat

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Latest Dev patch confirms Jets and Helo's are getting this feature with Dynamic Loadouts becoming available on AH-99.
  4. ozdeadmeat

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    Correct Chortles, I was considering some ability to stop players from equipment certain types of weapons. Similarly to the way Arsenal works currently where you can limit the weapons a player can select based on a whitelist. The Garage thing would be awesome but the last time i tried that in a multiplayer game it only spawns the vehicle local to the player and not on the server. If this has been fixed, awesome, if not, i don't see the point of using Garage for that kind of thing.
  5. ozdeadmeat

    Dynamic Vehicle Loadouts feedback

    This is gonna be so freaking awesome. Will there be an interface created to allow for vehicles to be loaded in game? Also, a white/black list function for various ordinance would also be good to implement. I can not wait for this to be implemented on the main branch. Are there scripting command that can import and export vehicle ordinance / weaponry loadouts? Thank you BIS, I am seriously looking forward to seeing this in game.
  6. ozdeadmeat

    UAV Restrictions

    So this is being run locally cause your using 'player'. How are u running this code? Why are you checking if the player is different? What is the expected outcome?
  7. How are you declaring the function? Have a look here specificly the attribute section. There is an option called preInit. Make sure when you declare your function that you enabled that switch and you should be all good. Let us know if your still having problems.
  8. Hi everyone, I run the dedicated Server from my Arma3 folders as I find it easier to keep the workshop data up to date by using this method. I am however having difficulty running Arma 3 DS with mods now with the old -mod=@modname in the batch file i use to execute the DS. Does anyone have a fix for this, I haven't seen this issue mentioned anywhere else so I guess i am running a different config than most. If there is a better method for keeping DS mods up to date via the workshop can you please enlighten me.
  9. ozdeadmeat

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    Is there any planned support for Discord instead of TeamSpeak?
  10. Hi Everyone, I am sure there is a simple way to do this but I am stuffed if I can work it out. I am using the respawn module in Arma 3 and have the following expression for the vehicle respawn module param [0,objNull] call OZDM_RESPAWN_SUPPORT_VEHICLE The OZDM_RESPAWN_SUPPORT_VEHICLE is the following: OZDM_RESPAWN_SUPPORT_VEHICLE = { private ["_vehicle", "_vehicleType"]; _vehicle = _this; _vehicleType = typeOf _vehicle; if(IsServer) then { clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle; _vehicle setVehicleAmmo 0; _vehicle setfuelcargo 0; _vehicle setrepaircargo 0; _vehicle setammocargo 0; _vehicle setfuel 1; }; if (_vehicleType In OZDM_FUEL_VEHICLES) then {0 = _vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this spawn OZDM_FUEL_SUPPORT_REPORT}]}; if (_vehicleType In OZDM_AMMO_VEHICLES) then {0 = _vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this spawn OZDM_AMMO_SUPPORT_REPORT}]}; if (_vehicleType In OZDM_REPAIR_VEHICLES) then {0 = _vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this spawn OZDM_REPAIR_SUPPORT_REPORT}]}; if (_vehicleType In OZDM_REPAIR_VEHICLES) then {0 = _vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this spawn OZDM_REPAIR_SUPPORT_REPORT}]}; if (_vehicleType In OZDM_TRANSPORT_VEHICLES) then { 0 = _vehicle addEventHandler ["GetIn", {_this spawn OZDM_TRANSPORT_SUPPORT_REPORT}]; _vehicle setVariable ["CARGO","EMPTY",true]; _vehicle lockcargo true; _vehicle lockcargo [0,false]; }; exit }; I have another respawn module for some quad bikes that respawn quickly around the base. I have another respawn module for some quad bikes around the base that respawn when players are outside of 50m away. OZDM_RESPAWN_BASE_VEHICLE = { private ["_vehicle", "_vehicleType"]; _vehicle = _this; _vehicleType = typeOf _vehicle; if(IsServer) then { clearWeaponCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearMagazineCargoGlobal _vehicle; clearItemCargoGlobal _vehicle; _vehicle setVehicleAmmo 0; _vehicle setfuel 1; }; If (_vehicleType == "B_Quadbike_01_F") then { _vehicle setObjectTexture [0,"\a3\soft_f_beta\quadbike_01\data\quadbike_01_civ_black_co.paa"]; _vehicle setObjectTexture [1,"a3\soft_f_beta\quadbike_01\data\quadbike_01_wheel_civblack_co.paa"]; }; exit }; I have noticed when joining a dedicated server that the getin event handlers aren't executing on the client and the object textures are not set correctly. For both modules the settings are as follows: Wreck: Delete Notification: Disabled Forced Respawn: Enabled Respawn when disabled: Enabled The code works 100% in singleplayer when tested in 3DEN but not in multiplayer Dedicated Servers. I would like this to be consistent for all players including JIP players. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks for your time.
  11. Including spawned vehicles via the respawn vehicles module?
  12. ozdeadmeat

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    wow, so the most popular mod for this game wont use the steam workshop due to the EULA of the steam workshop....... Must admit, most of the time organisations ask for IP rights is to remove the opportunity of IP creators suing content distributors. But hey, what do I know, I am just a gamer who is annoyed that RHS isnt on Steam for download like every other mod for Arma 3.
  13. is it just me or is that guy a bit of a drama queen. I have not really noticed any improvements on my system with multi threading, thread one seems to cop the brunt of it with that core sitting around the 40% mark and the other cores are essentially idle. I would love to be able to use more of my 128GB of ram also, cant seem to get the game to use more than say 12GB of ram at any time. Frame rates are crap with setting objects and view distance to 12km also. My dual video cards don't get above 10% utilization either, so i can only assume the game doesn't know how to ask more of the hardware I have.
  14. Player == a real life person not an AI, If you have multiple people join your game it will execute for them on their PC also. You could try turning it into a function but i don't really see the point of this script because its spawning a dialog and the ai wont do shit with a dialog. DoStuff = { //put this in your init.sqf //Execute by putting this into the init for the units. "" this call DoStuff; private ["_x", "_grp", "_unit", "_dude", "_includeAI", "_handleRespawn", "_forEachIndex"]; _dude = _this; if (!hasInterface) exitWith {}; params [["_includeAI", false], ["_handleRespawn", false]]; BFD_includeAI = _includeAI; BFD_fnc_refreshList = { _grp = []; {if (alive _x && vehicle _x isEqualTo _x) then {_grp pushBack _x}} forEach units group _dude; if (!BFD_includeAI) then {{if (!isPlayer _x) then {_grp deleteAt _forEachIndex}} forEach _grp}; _grp = _grp - [_dude]; lbClear 3; { lbAdd [3, format ["%1 (Grid %2)", name _x, mapGridPosition _x]]; lbSetData [3, _forEachIndex, netId _x]; } forEach _grp; }; BFD_fnc_deploy = { _unit = objectFromNetId (lbData [3, lbCurSel 3]); if (isNull _unit) exitWith {hint "No unit selected!"}; closeDialog 0; switch (stance _unit) do { case "STAND" : {_dude switchMove "amovpercmstpsraswrfldnon"}; case "CROUCH" : {_dude switchMove "amovpknlmstpsraswrfldnon"}; case "PRONE" : {_dude switchMove "amovppnemstpsraswrfldnon"}; default {}; }; _dude setPos (getPos _unit); }; BFD_fnc_showDialog = { _bool = createDialog "BFD_Dialog"; if (_bool) then {[] call BFD_fnc_refreshList}; }; if (_handleRespawn) then {_dude addEventHandler ["Respawn", {[] call BFD_fnc_showDialog}]}; }; Got a mission we can look at?
  15. ok stupid question, where are you executing this script from? Is it in an Event script or a unit Initialization? Looking at all the 'player' variable being called I would recommend running it from the initplayerlocal.sqf and/or onPlayerRespawn.sqf if you plan on using it for multiplayer. NFI what your talking about with the CAS1 etc because the only variable mentioned is the player entity. Event Scripts can be found here. I think this is what you are after, you need to explain it better if its not.
  16. ozdeadmeat

    Task Force Arrowhead Radio

    How do we get the parent class name when we dont know what kind of object the radios are? Are they weapons? Vehicles? Items? Some code would be awesome, or better yet a function to do this for us cause this dynamic class name stuff is frustrating to work around.
  17. Myself and a few others I know do alot of DEV stuff with SQLite and some folks use it for simple stats tracking, leaving it it would be hugely appreciated. BTW, love your work and thank you for supplying IMO one of the most important extensions to the Arma 3 community. Life, Exile, Epoch, KOTH all wouldn't be as well received and as wide spread without your extension. Is there any way you can put the wiki back online for us peasants who were just starting out with your extension until your new extension is available? I need SQLite myself so can't transfer yet.
  18. ozdeadmeat

    Difficulty Overhaul

    The Ability to allow External View in Vehicles but not when player would be a brilliant addition.
  19. Kinda sucks you cant do this in 3den actually.
  20. Anyone know where the extDB2 wiki went? all i get is 404 errors.
  21. Looking for dialogue dev's to help out creating interfaces for in game character sheets. Please contact me on steam or here. http://steamcommunity.com/id/ozdeadmeat
  22. ozdeadmeat

    Looking for Dialogue Developers

    Ok, If you are looking to apply please have the following ready: Proof of your dialogue work as a small mission. Applicants will not be accepted without proof of work, a number of dev's have played the NDA card. If you have nothing to show me I am sorry but im not interested.
  23. ozdeadmeat

    Difficulty Overhaul

    Looking forward to this being on the main branch. Hopefully before Apex cause that seems so far away still.