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Everything posted by OckHAM

  1. I have a group of three AI units getting in an house with this init line: _script = group this execVM "PlaceInBuilding.sqf"; Now, I'd like to make this group respawn after 600 seconds that all three units are killed and go again inside the building using the PlaceInBuilding.sqf Someone could help me doing this? Actually I've been able just to make them respawning using UPS adding the following line to init: nul = [this, 1000, 1300, "S2","B3"] execVM "AI_respawn_UPS\AI_respawn_UPS_init.sqf"; Thanks in advance
  2. Thanks, I'm checking, but: - What if I want to use custom east units? Where do I define the class? - Why the east unit with 0% presence? - I have a lot of groups in my scenario, each with individual buildings, I'd need a marker and a script for each group with this? Thanks
  3. OckHAM

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    Wow Tonic, Wasteland is REALLY impressive as conception and features! Do you plan to implement some sort of persistence for player status, vehicles and objects location? This would really turn Wasteland in an incredibly deep experience :)
  4. OckHAM

    [TVT/CO-55] Wasteland

    When hosting as listen server (that makes possible saving the mission status with all players, vehicles and objects infos), the respawn of the host doesnt work and the game keeps respawning me in the middle of some sort of debugging plain. Food/water system doesnt work.
  5. The solution to launch a combined operations server with TA2DST would be REALLY precious man :) Please share with us.
  6. OckHAM

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    Hi Mikie, after some days of fixing and testing, I've been finally able to implent Persistent Database System (https://dev-heaven.net/projects/persistent-db) to your missions, that now are absolutelly "permanent" (you can run the server for x hours, shut it down, then restart it and find scores, ranks, enemies, vehicles etc. as they were) with the help of mysql. I'm fixing the adaptation to Chernarus based units too, that now proceeds without problems :) Are you interested in this variation (PDB-based)? Maybe you can implement if for further versions too :)
  7. OckHAM

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    I'm testing this hosting as local: all the features work fine for the clients connecting to me, while for me (player-hoster) dont :)
  8. OckHAM

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    Hi Mikie, I'm completing the editing of your mission for Podagorsk Island, replacing Takistan units and vehicles with Chernarus ones: everything is working fine enough, but I have some questions for you when you have time: - If I change the players from US_Soldier_EP1 etc. (OA ones) to USMC_Soldier (A2), the Backpack list doesnt work properly and weapons are not removed/assigned based on a rank: should I check some more script to change West side units beside mission.sqf? - I dont understand some parts of the Reinforce.sqf script: line 40: if (_num <8) then { _Terrorsupport = ["GUE_Soldier_CO","GUE_Soldier_2","GUE_Soldier_3","GUE_Soldier_AT","GUE_Soldier_AA","GUE_Soldier_AR","GUE_Soldier_Sab","GUE_Soldier_MG","GUE_Soldier_Sniper","GUE_Commander"] call BIS_fnc_selectRandom; sleep 2; Now what I understood is: if (_num <8) then the more I increase this number, more terrorists will spawn at "red" villages; _Terrorsupport = ["GUE_Soldier_CO",...: list of opfor units coming to give support to "red" villages? line 50: _terrorsupportteamdefend = [_loc, EAST, ["GUE_Soldier_CO","GUE_Soldier_2","GUE_Soldier_3"],[],[],[],[],[],180] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup; what the terrorsupportteamdefend means? More opfor units giving support when opfor are defending a village? and so the following _terrorsupportteamattack is the same when attacking a village? What the 180 number means? How do I set how big is this "support team"? Just the number of units listed (in this case 3 men, GUE_Soldier_CO, _2 and _3)? The mission has many problems while is no-dedicated (no working respawn after the first loading for example), and porting it to listen-server compatibility is far away from my possibilites, do you plan to implement this one day? Thanks in advance, when conversion is completed and bugs-free I'll post it to your attention to check if it's good enough and if you want include my modifications in your package.
  9. OckHAM

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    Hi Mikie, i'm working on converting the mission for some more islands, and adapting civilians and terrorists to island-related populations (russian insurgents in chernarus-style islands, molatians in african islands etc.): I noticed that the tasks given by the village elder are already scripted in the mission engine, but not enabled in game? Is there any reason for this? Could be possible to enable the tasks to testing it? Thanks
  10. OckHAM

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    Thanks Mikie I'll check new version today :) I suppose that in the same Reinforce file I do set type of units to spawn? I'm trying to play the mission in multiple sessions, hosting on local and saving at the end of session: actually it seems to work; the only problem I encountered what the disappearing on spawning of the "Team Status and Rank" button: as I dont know a lot about scripting and I'd really like to play in multiple sessions this mission, I added a flag at the main base that activates a Rank re-init.sqf: execVM "Rank\rankcaller.sqf"; so when I load the mission and I activate this flag, the Team Status and Ranking appears again (properly showing team points), but it appears twice :D So on the third session of the game I have three Team Status buttons, and so on :) Does this have sense? Thanks for the attention, cant wait for further development of this mission.
  11. OckHAM

    Mp -[Fockers] Most Wanted co-op

    This coop mode is really brilliant: simple, but deep, without unuseful stuff inside :D I have a question: I've noticed that terrorists inside "red" villages, are a bit few (5/6 maximum in my personal experience), so this makes the task of freeing the village a bit easy: could be possible to increase the number? which file should I check to change the parameter? Thanks :)
  12. I'm really enjoying this mission since months, I wonder if would be hard to implement a very basic food&water system, just to increase cooperation ad competition in online gaming: I tried porting some system found elsewhere but (of course) without success :D
  13. Thanks a lot Jedra, the problem was that my pbo files of AnS were corrupted, so I did not have access to the descritionExt folder: I used your missions as template and, removing ACR that I do not own, I've been able to properly add new units and factions. Thanks :)
  14. I've tried to edit a bit the AnS random mode pbos, working on MODset files trying to include some more custom factions (Molatian army, IRA resistants and so on..): while I compiled without problems the units and vehicles lists, I have a major problem: MODsets should be called from init file (13 cases actually for EAST factions for examples) and description.ext: but descrition.ext is not readable, as well as stringtable, inside the pbo file and I cant extract it to edit: can someone help me extracting these two files so I can figure how to add more factions to the gamemode? Thanks :)
  15. Hi everyone, I just discovered this wonderful game and the immense potential of its Editor and scripting system: I started studying some tutorials and I'd like to learn how to design very simple missions for multiplayer. Rather then downloading and adapting pre-built modules I'm trying to learn how to script simple scripts step by stemp: actually I've been able to set up a simple 6 vs 6 TDM with a timer activated with this sqs script: ~5 #loop if (alive hari) then {goto "loop"}; timer = paramsArray select 0; publicvariable "timer"; @!isnil "timer" #loop1 hintSilent parsetext format ["<t size='1.5' align='center'>%1</t>",(timer / 3600) call compile loadfile "time.sqf"]; if (timer <= 20) then {playsound "ticking"}; if (timer <= 30) then {titleText ["Time is running out!","PLAIN DOWN"]; titleFadeOut 3;}; timer = timer - 1; publicvariable "timer"; ~1 if (timer >= 0) then {goto "loop1"}; timer = 0; newvariable = true; publicvariable "newvariable"; exit called when a civilian npc moves on his first waypoint. The map works fine with the respawn areas properly setted, the type of respawn setted with the Description.ext files and the timer setted with: class timeLimit { //paramsArray[0] title= "Time limit"; texts[]= {"5 mins","10 mins","15 mins"}; values[]= {300,600,900}; default= 600; }; So my first question is: how do I setup a way to show bluefor and opfore total frags on the right side of the screen (where actually is shown timer too)? And the second question is, how can I modify the hour and weather of the map from class selection in Description.ext? Thanks in advance for the help!
  16. Ohh thanks, very useful :) I already downloaded that guide and I was hoping about a simplier help. Anyway I will read the 350 pages and then check if my question has an answer :) Thanks!