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Everything posted by killshot

  1. Hey guys. When there are ten, twenty or even more people who take their time to participate in your mission, the last thing you want is to waste it and be the jackass. My greatest concern is to have server's or players fps drop to an unplayable level or at least low enough to kill the fun. Maybe you have gained experience and want to share the way you set up your COOP missions in terms of performance. Is it the best thing to have most or all objects and units spawned in via scripts (for example using xCam to prefab fortifications, townscapes, etc.) during the mission or is it better to find a balance between spawning and preplacing objects/units in the editor? Or maybe it is even better to have everything preplaced and/or use enableSimulationGlobal false; on every relevant group/unit/object until your mates get near the hot spot/s? Also would it make sense to preProcess prefab or unit spawn scripts? What about using the startLoadingScreen command? How many AIs vs. how many clients without also having the performance getting killed in action? 200 to 15? 100 to 30? And is it really recommendable to use HeadlessClient already/anyway? I would like to, but I read this post by jaynus in the UnitedOperations-forum and furthermore I seem to remember to have read about HC having problems with vehicles, HC getting kicked or crash so units will be moved back to the server, losing all their waypoints,etc. Every advice and shared experience is highly appreciated. (Using CleanUp-Scripts, letting your mates stand still for a minute at mission start, etc.) And here is an interesting experience report written by Jester814. Unfortunately he didn't come up with an update yet. Regards. :)
  2. Great contributions so far, thank you! Hopefully there are more people willing to share their thoughts, opinions and experiences regarding their own Coop missions (10,20,40,50 clients). I have to admit that I have never built a Coop for more than 12 clients due to my worries. And actually for A3 I've only made a tank TvT for 24 clients. So my next step is to create a Coop mission for 18 clients. For the 12 clients Coop back in A2 (F.A.T.A. map) I had about 100 editor placed units in 3 areas, each with one trigger to freeze and unfreeze AI, using the enableSimulation and disable commands and to execute UPSMON and Housepatrol. Each area had about 20 HousePatrol units and 4x 3-men UPSMON groups, maybe 1 or 2 units just positioned and maybe a hand full of enemy vehicles at all. There were heavy fire fights but also very good performance from start to end, everybody had fun and to me it was a great game night. So at least for 12 to 15 clients I can recommend this as one way to achieve a nice ratio between performance and action (if it's still working in A3 tho).
  3. Awesome! Thank you very much :)
  4. Thanks a lot for your quick and detailed responses, guys! Both ways did work for me. :) And of course I used your new double-lmb function for frame selection. :D
  5. I know how to do this, when I create a simple spawn script by myself: But how exactly am I able to do so in the case of xCam exported sqf? :)
  6. I have a question about the mission maker part of xCam. I would like to know if there is a way to have objects deleted, due to performance reasons of course? Spawn objects via xCamExport.sqf -> let players do the task and leave the area -> delete xCamExport.sqf-objects. xCamXport.sqf Regards. :)
  7. Thank you so much for this outstanding piece of art and your remarkable "customer service"! Such an important work you have done that should have already been done by Bohemia a decade ago. And I'm also totally looking forward to the units/vehicles/weapons-part in the future of your project! Incredibly awesome :bounce3:
  8. killshot

    Move player into vehicle on respawn

    Thanks for the response Ranwer. Tested below code on local dedicated server and it seems to work as wanted. /* add to player's init, EventHandler stays attached to player's unit after death/respawn: this addEventHandler ["RESPAWN",{_this execvm "scripts\rspwn.sqf"}]; */ sleep 0.5; private ["_unit"]; _unit = _this select 0; switch (true) do { case (alive veh1 && veh1 emptyPositions "cargo" > 0) : {_unit moveInCargo veh1;}; case (alive veh2 && veh2 emptyPositions "cargo" > 0) : {_unit moveInCargo veh2;}; case (!(veh1 emptyPositions "cargo" > 0) && !(veh2 emptyPositions "cargo" > 0)) : {_unit setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_east");}; case (!alive veh1 && !alive veh2) : {_unit setPos (getMarkerPos "respawn_east");}; };
  9. killshot

    Move player into vehicle on respawn

    Hi, I have a related issue. I want my players to be respawned in veh1 or veh2 or if both vehicles are destroyed at respawn_east marker. In player's init I have written: In rspwn.sqf I have written: First thing that confuses me, is that the Eventhandler RESPAWN executes the script straight after mission start. ( I get the first hint, the second one does not show up ) I thought it would fire only after respawn? Second thing is, that the script probably is pathetically wrong? Respawn itself is working, I get respawned at respawn_east. Thanks for a helping hand!
  10. killshot

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    In the end, it's your very own decision and we have to respect it. And a mission-designer still can call the Iraqi Terrorists whatever he/she wants to in the briefing, so it doesn't really matter. Maybe someone is able and willing to make a custom logo and flag, so you don't have to use original ISIS ones.
  11. Congratulations on reaching the final, you deserve it! Some strong competitors, but even a third place would be totally awesome!
  12. killshot

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Ahh, ok. Thanks a lot for explanation, now it does work, indeed! Great feature.
  13. killshot

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Am I right, that I just have to copy this into player's init or am I doing it a wrong way? I deleted AGM and downloaded v0.95.2 again, but that didn't changed it for me. Arma is just started with CBA3 and AGM. And when I try your AGM_Interaction_fnc_addInteraction in a unit's init, it does work. Regards.
  14. killshot

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Hi guys. Is there a problem with your function AGM_Interaction_fnc_addInteractionSelf? I wanted to play a little bit around with it, but can't get it to work. Regards
  15. Thanks for your answer. I already tried it with doTarget before and now with the other commands you wrote, but it is not preventing the unit from turning. I'm not even sure if the unit is turning straight north to 0° everytime, it looks like it's something between 340° and 40° depending on which direction is closer to the former one. I will check it with a hint-message later, when I find the right command line :rolleyes: Now I have the idea to save the direction of the unit, before letting it join a new group and then directly setFormDir to it, after joinSilent. _dir = getDir badguy; _grp = createGroup WEST; [badguy] joinSilent _grp; badguy setFormDir _dir; At least it seems to work and makes the unit dangerous, hopefully in multiplayer-game, too. There's maybe a millisecond where you can see, that the unit gets redirected, but maybe that's the only (and best?) way to stop it from turning? Regards. :) Edit: I've checked unit's directions after joinSilent with unitDir = getDir badguy; hint format ["Unit Direction: %1,unitDir]; and unit is always turning to 330° or 30° unless it's between these two values, e.g. 335 or 25, then it will keep this direction.
  16. killshot

    Gorgona, Italy (terrain)

    Looks really promising and lovely made! Looking forward to explore the areas. Thanks for sharing your work. Btw. Major_Desync - probably the best (most accuarate) name in Arma community :D
  17. I just downloaded @ALiVE_0.9.4.1412061.7z from your homepage http://alivemod.com/#Download - it seems to be v0.7.xxx. Download from Armaholic seems to be correct version.
  18. killshot

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    I have experienced the same issue for a while/weeks/months, too, but haven't linked it to AGM, yet, since I've also a dozen other mods activated. I thought it was a problem, that came along with an Arma update or something. But the problem seems not to happen to me anymore, when I only start A3-Vanilla. So maybe it's indeed related to AGM(?). My AddOns-folder inside @AGM: Size: 29,4 MB (30.877.352 Bytes) Size On Disk: 29,6 MB (31.133.696 Bytes) Contains: 94 Files, 0 Folders Updated via Arma3-Sync-Repository, been using the mod for months. The problem happens sometimes at the first time I want to start editor preview, sometimes only the second or third time, sometimes only after a few more ones. Then I have to switch to task manager, because A3 is not responding anymore.
  19. killshot

    UPSMON Updated to ArmaIII

    I'm interested in the "UPSMON_REMOVE"-feature, you have implemented in v6.0.8. to quit an instance, but I can't get it to work. I placed a unit, named it a1, wrote in it's init: nul = [this,"area0","SAFE","LIMITED"] execVM "scripts\UPSMON.sqf"; a1grp = group this; and it's patroulling the area. Then I tried the command written in the changelog.txt via trigger and debug-console with both, the unit's name and the unit's group name, unfortunately without success. a1 setvariable ["UPSMON_Remove",true]; a1grp setvariable ["UPSMON_Remove",true]; Am I doing it wrong? Regards. p.s. Also, if you still need testers, I would be glad to help.
  20. killshot

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    I can confirm that.
  21. Another solution to have the intro.sqf not played for JIP-players: init.sqf if (isServer) then { 0 spawn { sleep 30; SkipIntro = true; publicVariable "SkipIntro"; }; }; intro.sqf if (!isNil "SkipIntro") exitWith {}; This worked for me, but I don't know, if it's the best way to do so.
  22. killshot

    RHS Escalation (AFRF and USAF)

    Thanks for your awesome project! Do you guys plan to give the Russians desert camo uniforms and vehicles, too later?
  23. killshot

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    Do you mean by grouping every single unit/group placed in the editor to an invisible opponent unit? I agree, that it's confusing to have "hundreds" of factions per side, but isn't it some kind of a pain in the *** having to place an extra unit everytime? Or how is it done "easily"? Edit: Or maybe it would be good to move at least ISIS and Chechens to Independent-Side, since they are a threat to Russia (,too).
  24. Thank you so much, for all the incredible work you have done for the community! I wish you all the very best for your future chapters and health of course! That's one bitter pill to swallow for the rest of us I guess, but probably the best thing you can do for yourself! Maybe we will see you back on the dance floor, when Arma-4 shows up :rolleyes: Good luck on your ways, wherever they will lead you :)
  25. killshot

    Leights OPFOR Pack

    Really nice and relevant addon, thanks for sharing your work! These factions bring back the "fun" to the Arma series for me (if I'm allowed to say it this way), since I don't like the vanilla content/setting/story. I vote +1 for the idea of having the units not only in the OPFOR section, so e.g. Russians can fight the IS militants, too. (Maybe they will do it anyway in real life?!) And maybe, if possible, you are able to give all their vehicles desert camo? http://static.businessinsider.com/image/546a2829ecad045b7ee99723/image.jpg http://static5.businessinsider.com/image/53b3e214ecad04bf31d8477b-480/isis.jpg