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Everything posted by dragonsyr

  1. dragonsyr

    ACRE2 Stable Release

    Congratulations ACRE2 team....
  2. you can add their classnames in section // Supported vehicles in IgiLoad.sqf
  3. confused....... is Ace3 from the playwithsix always updated to the latest version? because i only use (as many others) pw6 to track my mods changes..... also can you add on first page the link for the ace github for anyone who want to build it manualy, as pufu say? thanks
  4. dragonsyr

    HAFM - Eurocopter EC-635

    you can see it in RL here http://vpk.name/file/img/Eurocopter_EC635.jpg (183 kB)
  5. dragonsyr

    United States Air Force( 2015)

    update on playwithsix ? nice job !!!
  6. dragonsyr

    ARMA 3 Addon Request Thread

    you can use AGM until ace3 released
  7. @tpw, I have no problem with that, i simply told that what tortuosit says is true..
  8. this is true... when i update the mod from pw6 , then i have in userconfig folder two folders for tpw. one with a number in front of tpwname and a new one for the latest update. So i need to run the jar again to disable the systems that i dont want.
  9. dragonsyr

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    i think that Aplion has moved the sling load point to the center of the model , so wait for the new update (when is ready)
  10. no sounds please....Ace is not sound mod, and you can use any sounds you like
  11. dragonsyr

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    and for me , no such problem... (lot of testings with AGM mod only)
  12. dragonsyr

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    The AFM problem is at least on 2 variants.(i test only 2 , hardcore and fixed ramp)
  13. dragonsyr

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    Perfect job Konyo Only the AFM is not working properly. Check the VSI gauge , the bar is not working and the engine starts when you move the throttle. With AFM , the engine starts only with mouse action. ;)
  14. dragonsyr

    ATLAS Mod: LHD Plus

    information bug : entry bin config bin aa missiles.. very nice mod !
  15. dragonsyr

    Authentic Gameplay Modification

    Left Ctrl + Left Windows , with tools in your inventory
  16. ok , job done with variables now, what this commands does? cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInHeli_Transport_01Cargo"}; cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"}; can i add some code in , or is this only for anims? example cargoGetInAction[] = {"GetInHeli_Transport_01Cargo","hint ""test"" "}; cargoGetOutAction[] = {"GetOutLow"}; i did some tests and i have no errors , but i cant get the hint . Even if i comment those lines , vehicle working with no problem at all. how can i change the get in back action ? i need an event occurs , before getin back action starts. (open side doors and then GetInHeli_Transport_01Cargo) i did a test with cargoGetInAction[] = {"if (this animationPhase ""sideDoors1"" == 0) then{ this animate [""sideDoors1"", 1];};","GetInHeli_Transport_01Cargo"}; no errors ,but nothing happen i did a test with junk code in it. again no errors at all. it seems that this line is ignored for some reason .. ??? also i cant find any documentation for those commands
  17. i want to tweak the useractions on this block in config.cpp of a model class UserActions { class OpenCargoDoor { displayName = "Open Ramp"; position = "crewactions"; radius = 15; showwindow = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""cargoDoor"" == 0 and (alive this) and player == player;"; statement = "this animate [""cargoDoor"", 1] AND this animate [""AFTDoorPart"", 1];"; onlyforplayer = 1; }; class CloseCargoDoor { displayName = "Close Ramp"; position = "crewactions"; radius = 15; showwindow = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""cargoDoor"" > 0 and (alive this) and player == player;"; statement = "this animate [""cargoDoor"", 0] AND this animate [""AFTDoorPart"", 0];"; onlyforplayer = 1; }; class sideDoors1Open { displayName = "SideDoors Open"; position = "side"; radius = 15; showwindow = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""sideDoors1"" == 0 and (alive this) and player == player;"; statement = "this animate [""sideDoors1"", 1];"; onlyforplayer = 1; }; class sideDoors1Close { displayName = "SideDoors Close"; position = "side"; radius = 15; showwindow = 0; condition = "this animationPhase ""sideDoors1"" > 0 and (alive this) and player == player;"; statement = "this animate [""sideDoors1"", 0];"; onlyforplayer = 1; }; }; i need pilot , copilot , commander to have option for open/close cargodoor, but i want the opportunity to give this option to outside players on demand (something like "unlock door for outside use" option) and another config that all players can open/close the cargodoor , but when the pilot/copilot/commander want, can lock the door from outside use.(something like "lock door" option) also is it possible to make the "get in back" (and "get out" option ,only when the player is back) automaticaly open the sidedoors when those doors is closed , and when the player is inside and back, then have the opportunity to lock the side doors i did some testings with no luck....:confused: is that possible? Thanks
  18. dragonsyr

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    i did the update from playwithsix and i dont have any problem....
  19. dragonsyr

    HAFM NH90 Helicopter

    rename it @hafm_nh90, if you update from playwithsix stays on his own folder... ---------- Post added at 07:10 ---------- Previous post was at 06:44 ---------- sling loading is fine for me .no bugs tested with B_G_Offroad_01_armed_F , B_Quadbike_01_F , B_Lifeboat , B_SDV_01_F.....
  20. dragonsyr

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    the problem is that the BIS change some inheritances in 1.40 . its not the mods . dont try to downgrade the mods you use... just update to latest version.
  21. dragonsyr

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    thanks , i will try all the variants and i will post the results. I use the hardcore viariant for extraction under fire (scripted extraction)
  22. dragonsyr

    Helmet Mounted Displays MOD

    i had this problem after the 1.40 update , with the agm mod enabled. You must update all of your mods and you will be fine.... try playwithsix updater to have all your mods updated with a single click.....
  23. dragonsyr

    Boeing/SOAR MH-47E ArmA III

    @konyo can you make the getout option to get the player out of the heli (maybe out of the cargo door ??)and not in the fuselage, because create problems to Ai's (stuck in trying to get out) . Also create problem when you order transport unload . The heli leaves with the troops stuck inside the fuselage. thanks