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About dpatt711

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  1. dpatt711

    Rope Create not working?

    Got the ropes to appear, but when I try to shorten the length, the pod spazzes out and flies into the crane at mach 1.
  2. Rope01 = ropeCreate [Crane01, [-14.43, 0, 0.675], Pod1, [0.935, 2.98, 0.79]]; Crane01 is a the "Mobile Crane (Hook)" and Pod1 is a Taru Passenger Pod. However no rope is created.
  3. So I'm trying to set up a D-Day-esque mission where AI heavy gunners are on top of the hill with LMGs. However the heavy gunners will only fire in slow controlled 2-4 round taps. I want the AI to fire several second long bursts and want bullets to be flying all around with a lower chance of getting hit. I've tried everything from a looping forceWeaponFire command, to setting unit recoil to 0, using new suppress commands, etc but I cannot get AI to do uncontrolled sprays. Any advice?
  4. Flying a drone while it's trying to follow the terrain height is borderline ridiculous. Seems like should be basic functionality. I'd also like to see a 3D compass somewhere on the HUD like any other targeting pod or multi-band camera since the early 80's has. But this is of course a minuscule problem compared to the AGL issue.
  5. So my mission has three different types of units. Uniformed Militia (No restriction), Militia (Civ clothes, handguns only), and Civs (No weapons). How do I ensure that civs wont be able to pick up weapons, and that the non-uniformed militia wont be able to pick up rifles.
  6. dpatt711

    Air Burst/Delayed Fuse Munitions

    Is it supposed to be fuse or fuze?
  7. Flight Characteristics - Same as A-10C Cockpit - Same as A-10C Differences from A-10C - Has Anti-Radiation Pod, HMCS Armament - Pylon 1 - Aim-9X *2 - Allows to be fired accurately off-boresight (For use with HMCS) Would prove useful for taking out helicopters and could also be used against slower planes IWCS (In worst case scenario) Pylon 2 - GBU-12 - Precision laser guided bomb, for taking out moving armor or artillery that is not a threat to air units (since it requires you flying directly over it) Pylon 3 - AGM-65H*3 - Short range missiles, for taking out armor or artillery that can be a threat to air units, these can be used against stationary targets at longer ranges than AGM-65D. Pylon 4 - CBU-105 - Wind corrected cluster bomb Pylon 5 & 7 - Mk-82 *3 - Dumb Bombs Pylon 6 - SEAD Pod Pylon 8 - CBU-105 Pylon 9 - AGM-65D *3 Pylon 10 - Targeting Pod Pylon 11 - GBU-12 Gun - 1350 rounds of 30mm Combat Mix A pair of AGM-88 HARMS can be placed either on station 5 & 7 or 4 & 8 This will allow the A-10 to support ground troups as it does in real life but also be able to assist other air units by having SEAD capabilities, since the foe is technologically advanced they will have medium-long range radar SAMs (Im assuming the mechanic for players to control will be either like the artillery computer or optically-hit-a-key-and-get-lock) and ground troops will not have to go miles out of their way to kill of SAMs. Will work great on Limnos
  8. How do I make it so that the action of a trigger can change based on who enters it, like say the trigger starts as nothing, but then Joe joins, is there a way to make the trigger change to Joe setDammage 0, but then if Mike joins aswell it changes to Joe setDammage 0; Mike setDammage 0; is that even possible? I'm basically trying to make a vehicle/weapon shop.
  9. Say I only want Joe Schmoe to be able spawn a vehicle, and not John Doe, how do I make it so only Joe Schmoe can spawn in an item? Also how do I get vehicles to spawn without them having to be on the map first?
  10. More simplified addAction, able to sync it with an object and have simple parameters, text, what script to run and allow for arguments so you don't need to change your script to change arguments
  11. dpatt711

    addAction Help!

    Well here is the script _pos = _this select 0; _radius = _this select 1; _number = _this select 2; _interval = _this select 3; _types = _this select 4; waitUntil{ _random = random (count _types); _random = _random - (_random mod 1); _round = createVehicle [(_types select _random),[(_pos select 0),(_pos select 1),(100+random 50)],[],_radius,"NONE"]; _round setvelocity [-15+random 30,-15+random 30,-30-random 20]; _number = _number - 1; sleep _interval; _number <= 0 }; So I would make another scipt that requires no arguments, that essentially calls this script and includes the arguments? Also the tower is Transmitter Tower (big) 1 when I mouse over in editor
  12. I tried reading but everything went over my head, I want to make a script so when you walk up to a radio tower you get a scroll wheel option and have it run a script with these arguments (this is what I put in a trigger to make it work) nul=[(getPos artytarget),75,6,1,["Sh_82mm_AMOS"]] execVM "arty.sqf"
  13. Edited, still does not work.